Are You Happy Now?

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Delilah's POV

Ricky and I walked back to the bus so that he could change into something that he didn't just perform in.

"Babe! You ready yet!" I asked after several minutes of waiting. "Almost, can you come help me!"

I walked over to the bathroom door and slowly opened it. When I did, however, Ricky was shirtless and his hair dripping wet from his shower. "What do you need help with?" I tripped over my words as I asked mesmerized by his shirtless figure. "I was hoping you would help me with this..." Ricky replied as he closed the door, locked it, and pushed me against it. He then leaned down so my lips met his, and I felt the sparks send shivers through my body.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist and we pulled each other closer. Soon his hands were making their way up my shirt. "Ricky, we can't do this right now." I whispered. "Sure we can, everyone went to the party except for me and you." He whispered back. I just shrugged and pressed my lips back on to his.

Ricky's hands found their way back up my shirt again and it soon came off, as did my pants. "Why are we doing this in the bathroom?" I asked curiously. "Shower" Ricky answered. "You just took a shower." I laughed. "But not with you."

"That's a reasonable answer."

When we finished, I got dressed in my pajamas and then made my way to the living area to watch tv. "What are you doing?" I heard Ricky ask from behind me. "Just watching some tv." I replied simply. Ricky sat next to me on the couch and I put my head on his shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

As I woke up, I noticed that I was in our bunk and Ricky had his arm tightly wrapped around my waist. "Ricky" I whispered. "Rick, wake up" I whispered again. "Richard, wake the fuck up" I said while slapping his ass. "Stop trying to turn me on" he mumbled into his pillow. "I wouldn't have to if you'd just let go of me do I could take a god damn piss already."   

"Sorry baby" Ricky said releasing his grip on me. "Thanks!" I said rushing to the bathroom.

After I finished my business, I went back to Ricky and I's bunk to get some more sleep.

"Lyla!" I heard as someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes and it was Allie and Abby. "What do you guys want." I asked sleepily. "We're going out before we have to go to the next venue" Allie replied. "Well have fun!" I exclaimed. "Your going with us."

"Why?" I asked. "Because you need some air, and we need some new clothes" Abby said. "Fine, I'll go just let me get up first."

When I got out of bed, I grabbed a black tank top, black ripped skinny jeans, vans, and Ricky's black beanie. I also did some dark purple eyeshadow for my makeup so I could add a little color besides black.

When I walked out to the living area to tell Ricky that I was leaving, I saw that Ricky was on his phone. "I'm going out with the girls, I'll be back soon" I said walking over to Ricky and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Bye, have fun." I was pulled into his lap as I was about to walk away. "I have to go Ricky." I said. "Just one picture!" He asked. "Alright, but just one."

Ricky held his phone up and we took a picture of us together. "Happy now" I asked. "Very." He replied.

As I was walking out of the front door to meet the girls outside, I got a notification from my Instagram. Of course, it was Ricky who just happened to tag me in the picture he just took of us.

"Ready to go?" Abby asked as I walked off the bus. "Yup!" 

We ended up going shopping for some cute dresses, so we could go on a three way date when we stop somewhere good, and the guys have a day off.

A/N: sorry for all of the fillers!

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