There Are So Many Surprises

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Delilah's POV

As we approached the house, I felt a little uneasy. It was like someone else was here. Like we weren't alone.

When Ricky opened the doorway we were flooded with a whole bunch of people yelling "surprise!" I jumped back in fear, and I think Kelly caught that I was scared.

"Hey, it's alright Lyla, it's just us." She reassured as she approached me.

"Not to be rude or anything, but what are all of you doing in my house?" Ricky asked. "We have a surprise for you." Abby squealed. "I thought you left!" I exclaimed as I jumped once more not noticing that she was right behind me.

We all kind of just stayed quiet again for a few minutes before Ricky broke the ice. "So what's the surprise?"

"Right this way" Kelly said as she turned around and motioned for us to follow her. I grabbed Ricky's hand and followed Kelly and the rest of the guys.

We ended up walking upstairs and right in front of the guest room. I stood there for a few moments before I put my hand on the door knob. "Open it already!" Ryan shouted.

I twisted the knob and pushed the door open slowly causing it to creak.

I flipped the switch on and gasped at the sight. "You didn't have to do all of this." Ricky said. "Yes we did, you guys deserve this." Ryan Ashley exclaimed.

I walked into the room to examine it a little more. It was a girls room that was painted dark purple with a black accent wall. The furniture of course, was black and it had a mural of the Motionless In White logo on the black accent wall. "I love this so much you guys." I said as I gathered everyone for a group hug.

Later on that night~

Everyone left. Finally. So Ricky and I decided to just sit and talk.

"I want her to have your eyes." I blurted out. It's true, I really did. His eyes were a grey-blue color that was absolutely stunning. My eyes were almost that shade, but they were more of a blue-green. Ricky smiled.

"What should we name her?" He asked. "Honestly, I really don't know." I replied. "Well, how about....Scarlett?" I shook my head no. "Rose?" I gave him another nod no. "Anastasia?"

"I like it, but no." We went through a whole list of names before almost giving up.

Just then I had the perfect name. "I've got one!" I yelled. "What is it?" Ricky asked curiously. "Salem." I replied with a huge grin on my face. "I love it Lyla." he replied. I threw my arms around him and he pulled me in for a hug. "You know we have to think about middle names too." I groaned. "Do we have to." Ricky whined. "Yes, unless you want your daughter to not have a middle name." I laughed. "But this is so hard." He whined once more.

"Shut up, we'll think of something." I said as I broke the hug. "What about Brielle?" Ricky asked. "I love that name! That's a good one Rick!" I yelled in pure excitement that it took us only one try at the middle name.

"Salem Brielle Horror" Ricky repeated out loud. "I'm not putting Horror as her last name Ricky." I replied. "Why not?" he asked. "Because that's not your last name is it?"

"No, but.."

"No." I said and got up off of the couch. "Where are you going?" Ricky asked. "To bed, because I'm tired as fuck."

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