Move In With Me?

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I was so fucking pissed at that slut. I should have known that she was going to sneak around. I mean, I did meet her in a strip club when I was drunk.

Delilah's POV

"Hey Lyla?" Ricky asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "I know we've only been dating for a couple months, but you've been my best friend forever and I was wondering if you'd like to move in with me?" He asked. "I unders....." I cut him off. "Yes" I said. "That's okay.....wait, did you say yes?" he asked. I giggled, "I did."

"Well you can move in whenever your ready." He suggested kindly. "How about we start today?" I asked "Sure, why not."

It was towards the end of the night and I had half of my stuff moved over to his house now. I have a lot of shit. Maybe I'll get rid of some stuff tomorrow after we bring the rest of it over.

I was exhausted so I walked over to the couch and plopped myself on it. I was too lazy to walk upstairs.

"Lyla" the voice said quietly. "Lyla, wake up" the voice said louder. "Go away" I replied groggily. The voice stopped after that. Thank you. But then I they started shaking me, and violently. I opened my eyes and saw that it was only Ricky.

"Come on, get ready we are going for the rest of your stuff in an hour" he stated. I groaned loudly from being stiff thanks to the couch and walked up the stairs to get ready. At least Abby was okay with this, because I would feel bad if I just left her.

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