Mr. And Mrs. Motionless

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Abby's POV

As I got out of the car, my legs suddenly felt like jello and I thought I was going to pass out. I was so nervous. I held on to the car for a couple of seconds before I felt okay enough to walk to the reception to get changed.

When I finished putting on my dress, which was blood red, strapless and was kind of lengthy. Lyla did my hair, and Kelly did my makeup. I heard the door open and then close. "Hey!" I heard Balz's girlfriend Ryan Ashley say. "Hey, it's about time you showed up." I replied. "Sorry I was busy with work last night, I would have come over if I wasn't." "That's completely fine, and your dress is over there." I said pointing to her dress that was hanging up on the other side of the room. "Are you ready to be Mrs. Motionless?" Ryan Ashley asked. "Most definitely!" I exclaimed. "He's my one and only, couldn't imagine being with anyone else." "Awe!" I heard Lyla, Allie, and Kelly coo. "Oh hush, I bet you feel the same way about your boyfriends." I replied, and they all quieted down because I was right.

"It's time!" Balz yelled through the other side of the door. I walked out of the room and linked arms with Balz because I asked him to walk me down the aisle. If your wondering why I chose him, well it's because Ricky was the best man and was going to walk with my maid of honor, who just happened to be Lyla. And I thought that Ryan and Allie would look cute together considering they were going out, as well as Angelo and Kelly. Also, because Ryan Ashley offered to hold my dress for me so I wouldn't trip considering it was a little long at the bottom, and if she held my dress Balz would have no one to walk with. So problem solved. Maybe. I'm still worried about Lyla and Ricky fighting.

As we walked down a long corridor, I felt very sweaty and light headed. "Are you alright?" Allie asked from the side of me. "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous." I replied. "A little? Honey, you look like you've seen a ghost." "I'll be okay" hopefully. As we approached the doors, I realized that it was the moment of truth. At first, we had Motionless In White's song Creatures play while Lyla and Ricky took the lead and walked down the aisle hand in hand. Then followed Angelo and Kelly. Then Ryan and Allie. The song that was gong to play while I walked down the aisle which was the song without the lyrics, to Bring Me The Horizon's song Hospital For Souls.

I walked down the aisle holding onto Balz for dear life. He chuckled as he started to feel my death grip tighten. "It's okay, you got this far didn't you?" I loosened my grip on him a little bit.

As I finally made it to the end of the aisle, I grabbed Chris's hands and looked into his eyes. He smiled, and I was instantly mesmerized by it. Or was I?

Suddenly I felt really dizzy and my vision becoming black. My knees went weak and I almost passed out, but not quite. Thank god!

Delilah's POV

When Creatures started playing, I grabbed Ricky's hand forgetting about our fight a couple days ago. As we were walking I looked up at him and smiled. "You look hot today Lyla." He complemented. "Thanks babe." "Lyla, I'm sorry." He whispered suddenly. I almost forgot what he was talking about, but then I remembered. "It's alright and I'm sorry as well, I blew a little out of proportion." "Apology accepted cutie, I can't stay mad at you forever." "Touché." I chuckled.

When we made it to the end of the aisle, I gave Ricky a quick kiss on the cheek and stood at the end of the aisle next to Chris while waiting for everyone to walk down. "She's a little nervous." I whispered to Chris. Actually a little was quite the understatement. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled.

Suddenly I heard the music playing throughout the place and Abby came walking out. I looked to my left and saw Chris's eyes light up. I don't want to know what he was thinking.

After she finally made it, she stared into Chris's eyes for a minute or two and then dropped. Luckily Chris caught her before she hit the floor. I didn't know what was going on considering that I was standing behind her.

Chris's POV

When Abby walked down the aisle, she looked absolutely stunning in her red dress. I know wedding dressed aren't red. Well you know what, fuck it. Our colors were red and black, so we went with it.

Anyways, as she walked down that aisle I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I could tell that she was nervous though, because she was holding Balz like she never wanted to let him go. I saw him whisper something into her ear and her grip loosened a little. As she approached me, I reached out and took her hands in mine. I gave her a reassuring smile, but apparently it wasn't reassuring. I saw her pupils dilate, and her grip tightened on my hands. Out of nowhere, she started to fall, but luckily I caught her before she hit the floor. "Someone get me some water." I called out. I saw Ricky run out of the room and returned with a cold bottle of water. I just sat on the floor with Abby on my lap, and I gave her the water. "Do you feel a little better?" I asked. She nodded.

I got up from the floor and helped her up before returning to our places. "Sorry everyone, I got a little nervous." Abby announced. Everyone laughed. "Baby, that was more than just some small nerves." I whispered in her ear. "I'm not exactly a people person." She whispered back. I just nodded my head and the preacher began his speech.

Eventually we got to the good part.

"Chris, do you take Abigail as your wife?"

"I do"

"And do you Abigail take Chris as your husband?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride"

I leaned in and kissed her long and hard. I heard everyone in the background cheer and Abigail and I just smiled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the guy announced.

"Let's go Mrs. Motionless." I winked and grabbed her hand. "I love that." She replied. "Good, don't want you to hate it." She smiled once more and we made our way to the reception hall to eat and dance and all that stuff.

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