Our Love Is Forever

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Delilah's POV

As we walked to the reception area to eat and stuff, I grabbed Ricky's hand and held it all of the way there. "Yeah, back off single ladies, he's all mine." I thought to myself.

When we all filed into the reception area, I took a seat at the table labeled for the married couple, and the bridesmaids and shit. I took a seat next to Ricky and held his hand under the table. "So I see you and Rick made up." Abby stated. I just nodded my head and smiled.

After we ate what was some super good food, it was time for the couples first dance. I watched as they swayed to Angel Eyes by New Years Day, and it features Chris. He purposely chose this song just so he could sing it to her, he's such a sweetheart. This was certainly a memory they'd cherish. "I can't wait until this is us." Ricky whispered into my ear. "I can't wait either." I replied. "I love you Lyla."

"I love you too Ricky."

By time we knew it their dance was over and another slow dance was coming on. Ricky grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

"Please don't leave me again." I asked him. "Why would I leave you?" Ricky replied. "Well, last time you dragged me onto a dance floor, you told me you loved me and then left me the next morning." He looked down. "I'm sorry Lyla, but trust me, I'm never leaving you." He replied. "I trust you."

I leaned in and kissed him softly. "I love you Lyla, I really do."

"Well, I really do love you too." I replied. I kissed him once more.

Abby's POV

Soon enough, we were having our first dance. I stared into his eyes once more. "I love you so much Chris."

"I love you so much more babe." He smiled. I kissed him, and it somehow turned into small a make out session.

When I pulled away, I noticed that Lyla and Ricky were sitting at the table talking. "So, I see that Lyla and Ricky made up." I told Chris. "Yeah, and I tried to get him to propose today, but he refused, he told me that he was going to wait until Christmas."

"Why so long?" I asked curiously. "I don't really know." He answered. "Oh well, they'll be here someday, and I can tell that it absolutely will happen." Chris nodded his head and we just swayed back and forth some more.

Soon enough our dance was over and everyone was filling the dance floor for a slow dance.

When the night finally came to an end, I said a big thank you to everyone who came and we went home to get some rest and prepare for tour that was in a week. I know bummer right? Well, we had to go on another quick one month tour to make up for all of the shows that were cancelled while Lyla and Devin were kidnapped.

"Our love is forever." Chris whispered suddenly. "I know, nothing will tear us apart." I replied.

(A/N: another cute and fluffy chapter for you! I just want to let you know for all of those readers who are sick of my fluffy chapters that some things will be going down soon enough! So stay tuned!)

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