Her Suicidal Sister

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I was with the rest of the Escape The Fate guys at band practice when I got a text from Jasmine.


I'm leaving for good, and I hope your happy. You didn't want me anyways, but I guess that's my fault. I'm such the fuck up, but just know one thing. I love you, and I always will. Don't forget me.

TJ: Jasmine? What are you talking about?

I got no reply. "Guys, I'm going to Jasmine's." I said. I got a chorus of 'byes' as I was on my way out the door. If she really is leaving, I want to see her one last time.

As I pulled into the driveway of Jasmine's house, I noticed that there were no lights on. Maybe she was already gone.

You never do know though, so I went up to the door and twisted the knob. It was open.

I walked into her living room and I found nothing, so I moved my search upstairs. When I searched the bathroom I found nothing. Bedroom. Nothing. As I walked into the guest room though, I definitely saw something.

I saw Jasmine in the corner of the room with a gun pointed at her head.

Jasmine's POV

Today was the day. I can't take this anymore. I've lost everything. I have nothing to live for, so I was going to take my life.

I've been planning this for about a month now, ever since I left home and moved in with Jasmine after my boyfriend left me for someone else.

I thought he loved me, but he's just like all the rest of them.

Jazz has been helping me through everything. She's the best sister I could ask for, and I'm sure she'll be the only one devastated about this.

Your probably wondering why I'm taking my life over a douche bag, well, I'm not. I'm taking my life because I've lost everything in my life, I'm a fuck up who can't even get a job. I work at a bar and get drunk every night just to leave with some random guy. I was bullied in school and just recently dropped out of college for the same reasons.

It was like high school 2.0.

I was always called worthless and pathetic and a whore. I was always told to kill myself because no one liked me.

Well, guess what's happening again. Only now I have no reason to live.

I just kept holding on to the fact back then that I was young and can have a good life. Clearly that didn't work out, and now I'm a grown 25 year old woman and I'm still getting bullied and told to die. So why not fulfill their demands. I'm just sick of the hatred. Why can't they go kill themselves and stop asking me to.

My train of thought was cut short when someone walked into the room. "Jasmine?" I heard the person ask. Of course, it was Jasmine's boyfriend TJ. I didn't give a shit about him though, I just raised the gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

Everything went black.



I saw Jasmine slump over in the corner and blood splattered all over the wall behind her. I immediately ran over to her side. I called the ambulance and then Ricky, so I could get a ride out of here after the paramedics take her away. I then proceeded to just holding her in my arms until then.

As the paramedics took Jasmine out of the house, I could swear that a girl that looked exactly like her was walking up to the house.

"What the hell are you doing here TJ?" They asked. "Who are you?" I replied. "Don't play dumb, it's obviously me, Jasmine." What the actual fuck is happening.

"You just died."

Jasmine didn't say anything, she just ran over to the body next to the ambulance and dropped to the ground crying. I walked over to the girl who claimed to be Jasmine and comforted her. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked.

"No TJ! I'm not alright, that was my sister!" She replied. She had a sister?

After a while of talking to Jasmine, I ended up finding out that her sisters name was Grace, and apparently she meant to send that text to her ex boyfriend and I got it instead.

I had also managed to find time to call Ricky back and call off that ride. I think Jasmine needed some company right now. And I kind of asked her back out, so now I'm obliged to keep her company.

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