Your Special To Me

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Delilah's POV

We were finishing up the games and everyone was shoving their presents in my face and saying I should open it first.

I suddenly heard a noise coming from my phone distracting me from everyone around me. I unlocked my phone and opened the message.

Unknown number: Happy birthday slut, have fun, because it might be your last.

I felt my face flush. "What's wrong Lyla?" Devin asked. "Yeah, it looks like you've seen a ghost" Josh added. I looked up at him and laughed. "I did see a ghost. He's right next to you." I chuckled more from fright than anything. "Get it, I called Ghost a ghost."

"That was clever, but really, what's wrong?" Devin asked. "Nothing" I simply lied. He gave me a glare saying that he saw right through my lie, but he had no time to say anything.

Chris walked up to me grabbed my arm pulling me into the kitchen where I saw Ricky and Ryan lighting candles on a cake. "Wow, this cake is beautiful!" I blurted out. It was a vanilla cake with black frosting and purple roses on it. The cake also said 'Happy 24th Birthday Delilah' on it. "Rick picked it out, he said that purple and black were your favorite colors." I walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss. "I tried, love." Ricky admitted sheepishly. "Well you did fantastic, the cake is beautiful Ricky." I gushed.

"You remembered that my purple and black were my favorite colors?" I asked him. "How could I forget? You were my best fried since the the fourth grade, and those are also my favorite colors too." I just chuckled. We always we're alike in some ways. "Well I'm glad you remembered."

"I want cake!" Chris whined. "Shut up" Abigail replied. I smiled happily at my friends. "Alright! Lets eat this lovely looking cake."

"Here you go" Ricky said holding out a piece of cake for me. "Why thank you" I said taking a fork and beginning to eat. I suddenly had the best idea ever.

I walked over to Ricky with my cake and held it behind my back. "Your done already!?" he asked shocked. "No" I replied before shoving the plate of cake in his face. "Your a bitch!" he yelled out loud. "Thanks, I'm proud to be one." I noticed that Ricky was grabbing at a section of the cake. "Shit!" I mumbled as I ran for cover.

"Get back here!" Ricky yelled chasing after me. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I slid down the door and sat against it to hold it closed. "Delilah, I know your in there" I head Ricky call from outside the door.

I tried to stay as quiet as possible, but that ended after he tried to open the door and I squealed. He was so much stronger than me, which is funny because he's pretty weak, and opened the door on the second try.

When Ricky opened the door, he quickly got inside the bathroom and locked the door after closing it. He then pinned me against the door and shoved the cake in my face. "Payback!" he shouted.

I was about to walk out of the bathroom, but I felt a tug at my wrist. I was suddenly pulled up against Ricky. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me even closer to him.

"Why don't we get cleaned up?" he whispered in my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine. We were inching closer together, and right then, my lips found their way to his and they moved perfectly in sync.

Ricky's cold hands made their way up my shirt and before I knew it, my shirt came off. I then proceeded to take his shirt off as well. As he grabbed my pants and started to unbuckle them, we were interrupted.

"Hey Rick, you alright in....Oh, were you two about to get some?" Chris asked as he heard a giggle which escaped my lips. " You just had to interrupt didn't you?" Ricky replied.

"I'll leave" Chris said as he left us, or so I think considering I can't actually see if he left.

I put my shirt back on and cleaned myself off. I helped Ricky clean up too before we went back downstairs to join the rest of the guys and Abby.

As we walked down the stairs we held hands and I prepared myself to get blasted with presents as I was before since I still never opened any of them.

As soon as I walked into the living room all of the guys started to talk at once. And it wasn't a pleasant conversation either. It was quite awkward. "So I hear that Rick was about to get some?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, I heard it getting pretty heated." Chris added. I gave him a glare. The rest of the guys and Abby all made a comment toward Ricky about to 'get some'. Of course they did, they're so immature. But we were also just as immature, so I couldn't hold that against them.

Once they were done, I looked over at Ricky and his face was a dark crimson color. I felt bad that they were making fun of him, so I went over to him and put my arm around his waist, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Can I open my presents now?" I asked. They all gave me a quick nod and ran to get the presents.

Chris and Abby came up to me first. "Here's your present" Chris stated pushing Abby in front of him. "Thanks so much Chris, I love this present a lot" I said hugging Abby. "You know I'll miss you once you leave, I'm not gonna see you until your wedding."

"I know doll, but it's okay, I promise to visit you every weekend when you get back from tour." Abby reassures me. "Alright."

"Who's next in line to give the birthday girl a present?" Abby asked. Josh gave me his present next. It was a tattoo appointment, and his girlfriend Ryan was going to do the tattooing. "Thanks Josh, I've always wanted to get a tattoo!" I exclaimed. Next was Angelo. It was a drawing of Ricky and I holding hands and being all cute. "Oh my god! Ange, this is amazing! This is by far the best drawing I have ever seen!" I said in awe. "Thanks Lyla" he replied.

Next was Ryan and Devin who got me a conjoined present. They ended up getting a black bracelet that said all of the guys names on it. It was really pretty. "Thank you guys, I love it."

"Welcome Lyla" they said in unison, which was funny, but weird.

Lastly, was Ricky. He walked up to me and gave me black roses and a box that looked like it held a necklace. "You didn't have to get me anything, your my present" I said in his ear. "Of course I had to get you something, your my one and only."

"Thanks baby" I said opening the present. When I finally opened the box I noticed that it was Ricky's key necklace. "You didn't have to give me this, this is yours. I know this is special to you."

"Well your special to me, and I wanted to give you this so you'll always have a piece of me with you." He said lovingly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Lyla." I gave him another kiss on the lips, but this one was different than the others. It wasn't forceful or even passionate, it was soft and sweet and full of pure love.

When we pulled away, I thanked all of the guys again, and we ended up watching Edward Scissorhands after all, until I fell asleep with my head on Ricky's shoulder.

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