Just Go

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Two Months Later~

Delilah's POV

I don't know how long we've been in here, but everyday seems like a year. I'm getting weaker and weaker by the day.

They drug us and beat us everyday, but they do give us food. At least they were kind enough for that. We never sleep nor do we talk. It's too much work, and I don't need to be beat up for talking back.

Anyways today is like every other day. Sam, one of the kidnappers watches us while Jenna whores around, and the other guy goes with her. I think they pretty much spend everyday drunk.

"I'm going out, behave you little bitch." Jenna spat. I just nodded my head. She never really paid any attention to Devin, which I was glad for. I did drag him into this. "Have fun." Sam said to Jenna. She just smiled and waved at him. As soon as she left, Sam approached me.

"What are you going to do tonight, kick me or punch me?" I spat. "Neither cutie."

"Then what are your plans, are you going to kill me?" I asked again. "No, I'm just going to have a little fun with you." He replied. "You can go fuck yourself if you think your going to rape me." I snapped.

I looked over at Devin and he looked horrified. I mouthed an 'I'm sorry' before looking back at Sam. He began to pull at my shirt and eventually ripped it off. Fucking fantastic. It's like the attack six years ago. Only this time I don't think that Ricky is going to save me.

Sam started to unbuckle my belt when suddenly I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the ground in front of me, and I kicked him as hard as I could in the head. He passed out, and I heard a car pull up. "Go Devin!" I yelled. He just looked at me and shook his head. "Go!" I yelled again. "Lyla, I'm not leaving you here."

"Go Devin! Only one of us has time to get out, and you have more to live for. You have your family and your band mates and all of your fans! You mean so much more to the world than I do. Just go!" He nodded reluctantly and started to head for the door. "Wait!" I yelled as he was about to walk out the door.

"What?" He shouted still whispering. "Make sure you tell Ricky that I love him." Devin nodded his head once more and left. Jenna is a fucking idiot for not tying our feet up.

Jenna walked downstairs and saw Sam passed out and laughed. "Did you do this?" She spat. I nodded and she approached me with a gun. I guess this is it. The end of my existence.

Goodbye life.

Just as I thought she was about to shoot me she put her gun down. "I'm not done with you yet. You let your boyfriend escape." She said and walked out.

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