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Ricky's POV

Today was Salem's first birthday and she was growing up way too fast. I can't believe my baby girl is already one.

I walked into her room and saw that she was still sleeping, so I walked downstairs.

Lyla was snuggled on the couch watching some tv.

"Hey babe." I said to Lyla.

"Hey." she replied.

"What time are the guys coming for the party?" I asked.

"I think around noon time."

I started the coffee machine and just walked over to the couch and plopped myself beside Lyla.

When the coffee was done I poured myself and my lovely lady a cup and walked back to the couch.

We are so lazy.

Suddenly, I heard Salem crying and we both jumped up at the same time.

Lyla looked at me and I just shrugged as we both made our way up the stairs.

When we were standing in front of her door, I grabbed the knob and opened the door quickly to tend to my crying daughter.

It was really weird, because as soon as Salem saw me she stopped crying.

Awe, my baby missed me.

"Hey sweetie." I cooed.

"Da da!' she yelled. She just said her first word.

I smiled as wide as my lips allowed.

"Say it again Salem." I encouraged her.

"Da da!"

"Awe! My baby's growing up!" Lyla said tearing up a little.

"Don't cry babe. I know your sad that she said daddy first, but you don't need to cry." I said jokingly.

"Shut it Rick."

I picked up Salem and gave her a kiss on her cheek before leaving Lyla to get her ready for her party.

Two hours later~

I was sitting on the couch with Salem in my lap when heard a knock on the door.

There was another knock on the door.

"I'm coming!" I yelled causing Salem to squirm.

"Hold still sweetie." I cooed.

When I opened the door it was just Chris and Josh along with Ryan Ashley.

"Oh it's just you two losers. Hey Ryan, come in!" I told her sweetly.

"Rick, have I ever told you how much of a bi..." Chris started.

"Don't use that language on front of my child!" I heard Lyla yell.

I laughed as did Chris, Josh, and Ryan Ashley.

"I was kidding Chris, she's one, she doesn't know anything, and even if she did I wouldn't care." Delilah joked.

"Your such a great mother!" Chris said sarcastically.

"I know, I'm the best!" she replied.

"Rick is the worst dad I have ever met." Chris said.

"Yeah, that's why her first word was daddy." I said.

"Awe!" I heard Ryan Ashley say.

I chuckled a bit before I handed Salem to Lyla so I could get the door once again.

This time it was Ryan, Allie, Devin, and his girlfriend Kylie, Angelo and Kelly which pretty much concluded that everyone was now here.

Soon enough it was time for presents and cake, but Salem already fell asleep so I put her to bed and then went downstairs where everyone was sitting around eating chips and ice cream while watching some movies. Which lasted longer than I thought.

Lyla and I decided to kick everyone out at about one in the morning when they were still at our house watching movies.

"It's about time they all left! I'm fucking exhausted!" she whined.

"Go to bed babe, I'll clean it up." I replied.

She nodded her head and walked up the stairs to our room.

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