He's Mine Not Yours

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Delilah's POV

I turned over in the bed and Ricky wasn't here so I decided to walk downstairs to discover that he was in the middle of making pancakes. How sweet. I don't think that he noticed I was there, so I walked over to him and yelled "boo!" in his ear. The bowl of pancake mix went all over the floor.

"What the fuck Lyla!" Ricky shouted horrified. I couldn't contain my laughter, it went all over him too. "Sorry, that was too funny, didn't think you'd get scared that easily."

"Well I did, now clean it up, cause you made this mess." He demanded. "Fine." By this point I was still laughing and started to clean the mess up as Ricky ran upstairs to change.

Just as I was about done cleaning up, the doorbell rang and I went to go answer it. When I opened the door there stood Crayola Face. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked getting pissed off "To talk to Ricky...." She snapped. "About what exactly?" Now I was annoyed. "Stuff" Jasmine retorted. "Well he's not here at th..."

"Babe, who's at...."

"Hey, Ricky I want to talk to you" he looked just as annoyed as I was. "Now why the fuck would I want to talk to you?" He was clearly pissed. "Please, and alone." Ricky gave me a look signaling me to leave, so I walked into the living room and turned the tv on.


"Let me go slut!" I heard Ricky yell.

That was my cue to go find out what was happening.

Ricky's POV

When Lyla left the torture began. "I came back for you sexy" she said seductively. "I don't want you, I have a girlfriend who's beautiful and sane" I replied. "Did you just call me ugly and crazy?" She asked exasperated. "Maybe I did."

"Look, I didn't come here to get insulted, I came to apologize to you."

"For what?"

"For being so harsh to you, I want no trouble. I also came to get you."

"And where are we going?" I asked sarcastically, knowing what she meant by 'coming to get me'. "Nowhere silly." Ugh, she is so stupid, I don't want a whore, I want Lyla and Lyla only.

She walked up to me seductively, and grabbed my pants by the loops and pulled me closer to her. "I want you" she whispered into my ear. "Let me go slut!" I yelled. She didn't let go, she then pressed her lips to mine. I felt disgusted and violated. I didn't kiss back. I tried to push her away, but it was as if her lips were super glued to mine.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I heard Lyla yell. I was in deep shit now. "Baby I..."

"Shut up Rick, I saw everything." A sigh of relief left my lips.

Lyla dragged Jasmine by the hair all the way to the car and she was beyond pissed. I have only seen her beat up someone once in high school, the day I found out that she loved me.

Anyways, as I followed them to the car, there was a man in the drivers side who was probably her fuck of the day. Delilah dragged her to the driveway and pushed Jasmine to ground and started to punch her repeatedly.

I didn't want to break up the fight, mostly because Lyla looked hot when she was beating her up, and because a chick fight can be dangerous.

Apparently the man in the car had guts and intentions of breaking up the fight because he stepped out of the car and around the car. I got a good glimpse of his face. "What the fuck?" I must have said that out loud because everyone looked at me. What the fuck was he doing here?

Delilah's POV

I walked in on Ricky and Crayola face when she put her lips on Ricky's. I saw him try to push her away, which was evidence that she was all over him, and not the other way around.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled loudly. I looked Ricky in the eyes and he looked morbidly terrified. "Baby I..."

I cut him off, it wasn't his fault. "Shut up Rick, I saw everything."

I went over to Jasmine and grabbed her by her weave and she let out a satisfying yelp. I then proceeded to drag her all the way to the driveway.

There was a man sitting in the drivers seat. I didn't care about him though, I pushed her to the ground and started to beat the shit out of her. I was getting pretty satisfied with my results, her nose was bloody telling me she probably needed another nose job because of me.

All of a sudden I heard the man get out of the car, but I didn't care about him at the moment.

"What the fuck?" Ricky said loud enough for us all to look at him. I got off of Crayola face and looked at Ricky with confusion, he was looking at something behind me, and it must have been the man waiting for Jasmine in the car. Did Ricky know him?

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