Girl or Boy? Make Your Bet

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Ricky's POV

It was finally my day to leave, but we had to stay a little longer because Lyla wanted to know if the baby was a girl or a boy.

"Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" I asked Delilah as I was putting on my shoe. "I think that it's a girl." She replied. "It's like a gut instinct."

"Well, I think that it's a boy." Abby said from behind us. "Me too." Chris added. "Well since we think that it's a girl and you think that it's a boy why don't we make a friendly bet? I'll ask everyone to make a bet and all who gets it right gets ten dollars from each loser." I replied

"Deal." Chris said as he and I shook hands. "Really? Your making a bet on our child?" Lyla asked me. I nodded my head and shrugged. "Well you can give me the ten dollars later." Lyla smiled as she walked passed Abby and out of the room.

All of the others were at home today, so we decided to call them as we approached the waiting room. I ended up having to call everyone because Lyla's lazy and took the poll.

Abby and Chris: boy

Lyla and I: girl

Allie and Ryan: girl

Kelly and Angelo: girl

Devin and Kylie: girl

Abby and Chris were completely outvoted. It sucks to suck Chris. I thought to myself. He's going down.

"Mrs. Olson" The female doctor called. I looked at Lyla. "Why do they keep thinking that were married?" I asked her. She looked down and blushed. "Not that I have a problem with that, it sounds good." I finished. She looked up at me and smiled still blushing.

We got up out of the seats and I grabbed her hand as we walked hand in hand into the room.

After several minutes of anticipation the doctor was able to tell us the gender. The doctors already knew since she was eight months along. "Would you like to know the gender of your child?" the doctor asked the both of us. We nodded in unison and then she began speaking.

"Its a..... girl!" she finally exclaimed after a long moment of impatience.

I looked at Lyla and saw that she was smiling the biggest smile. "I'm so happy." I whispered into her ear. "Me too." she replied. "I just won myself some money." I laughed and then took her hand leading her out of the room.

"So?" Chris asked as soon as he saw us walking towards Abby and himself. "It's a girl...shes smiling." Abby put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a ten and handed it to Lyla, as Chris handed me a ten as well. "You know you owe everyone else ten dollars too?" I chuckled. "What?!" Chris yelled out making people stare at us. "Yeah everyone said it was a girl except for you guys." I said pointing at Abby and Chris.

Chris ended up whining for a few moments before we left the hospital to go home.

When we got in the car, Chris and Abby were in the front and Lyla and I were in the back. She cuddled into my side and just layed there while Abby found some decent music.

As if on cue, when she turned on the music Abigail started playing. I think she likes this song way too much because I'm always turning on the music to hear this song blare through the car.

"Is it me or every time I'm with Abby or just in her car this song plays?" I whispered to Lyla. "Every time." she laughed. I heard this song when you didn't remember me, I was with you in fact." Lyla reminisced. "What did I say?" I asked curiously.

"You said that this was a really good song and then you asked me who sang it. I just told you that it was a Motionless song and then you didn't say anything after that except for how cool it was." She replied. "Oh." I mumbled. I really didn't remember her or the band? It's still hard to believe.

I listened to Chris scream the first part and then start to sing. I was having the time of my life by playing the air guitar. I kept hearing Lyla giggle next to me.

Suddenly the line came up. "Take it away Rick." Chris said.

I turned towards Lyla and grabbed her hands. "Salem, please save me." I whispered. She looked as though she was getting a little teary eyed. "Don't cry babe, it's all okay now, I'm okay, I'm here." I whispered once more. She gave me a tight hug as if telling me to never let go.

Chris and I did a duet on almost all of the songs on our Creatures album. I was more into our newest one Infamous, and the one we were working on which was called Reincarnate. We would've sang those songs, but we're not allowed to let anyone have a sneak peek. Not even our wives or girlfriends. I mean, look at Abby. She was a hardcore fangirl.

The car parked in the driveway and I helped Lyla get out of the car after getting out myself. I told Chris and Abby to just go home so Lyla and I could talk about some things before the baby's born.

That clearly didn't happen.

I unlocked the door, and all of the lights were off. I had this really uneasy feeling in my gut. I felt like we weren't alone.

Was someone in my house?

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