The Truth

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Delilah's POV

It's been a few days and nothing else has happened, so I thought that maybe it was just a cruel joke, but no. As my life goes on I just put more people in danger.

Cayden's POV

"Hey dad?" I called. "Yeah Cayd?" he replied. "I was wondering if you'd teach me how to play guitar." My dad smiled wide. "Of course I will! I've been waiting twelve years for you to ask me that question!"

He ran towards the room where he keeps all of the equipment he uses for Motionless In White, and came back with an acoustic guitar. "Can I learn how to play the guitar you play too?" I asked. "Well you have to learn how to play this first silly." I nodded.

After about two hours of playing, I was getting frustrated. It's harder than it looks, but I guess it's just because it's my first time playing.

"Want to go out for ice cream?" Dad asked spontaneously. Of course I did, I'm a hyperactive twelve year old. "Salem Brielle!" I heard my dad call. "What do you want?!" My sister Salem yelled back. "We're going out and your coming with us!" I heard Salem run down the stairs. "Where are we going?" she asked. "Your mother and I are taking you kids out for ice cream." "What are we doing?" Mom asked. "Taking the kids to get ice cream." My dad replied. "Sounds good, let's go." Mom said.

We all got into the car and headed for some ice cream. I noticed that my mom seemed a little tense. "You alright mom?" I asked. She turned so she was facing me and just nodded and smiled. I'm not dumb I can tell that was completely fake.

"What flavor do you want Cayden?" Mom asked me when we got there. "Um, I'll just get chocolate." I replied. She nodded her head. "How about you Salem?" She asked. "I'll have cookies and cream." That was her favorite.

As we were standing in line, I saw people looking at us. Like staring at us. Why did people have to do that all the time? I know, we are 'different' then other people. That's why my mom said that people stare, but I feel like it's more than that. Was it because of my dad? I have no clue.

Wait, I know those people...

Delilah's POV

We were standing in line waiting for our ice cream when I saw Cayden stop and stare at people. Was it because they were staring at us? I mean I'm pretty used to it so I didn't notice. "Sweetie stop staring." I said to Cayden as I tapped him on the back. He looked at me with confusion in his features but then shook it off. Okay...

We quickly got our ice cream and then got back in the car.

"What were you staring at Cayd?" I asked him. "I saw Grandma and Grandpa." He exclaimed. Ricky looked confused. "I didn't see your parents there?" I whispered to Ricky. Apparently Cayden heard me. "No mom, it wasn't them it was Grandma and Grandpa, the ones you told us to stay away from." He exclaimed.

I looked straight at Ricky. His eyes were laced with worry. We both turned and faced the road so we could just focus on getting home right now. "Why do you guys seem panicked about all of this? I don't understand what they did that's so bad?" Salem said. "I'll explain later Salem alright." I replied. She nodded her head understanding that I didn't want to talk about this around her brother.

When we got home, I got out of the car and let out a a breath I didn't know I was holding. I immediately ran for Ricky and I's bedroom.

"I didn't expect them to find out about this Rick!" I cried as I sat on the edge of the bed. Ricky came over and sat beside me and comforted me. "I just wanted to protect them!" I cried more.

"We'll get through this I promise. Look what we've already been through in our lives! A lot right? This is just something else we'll get through. And I'm going to protect you with everything I have. I love you babe." Ricky said as he kissed me. "I love you too Ricky." I said snuggling into his chest. "What are we going to tell the kids?" I asked. "Why don't we just tell Salem for now. I think she's old enough to know." I nodded in agreement with Ricky.

I opened the bedroom door and walked out a little bit. "Salem!" I yelled. "Yeah mom?" She replied. "Can your father and I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

She looked a little frightened. "Why do you look scared?" I asked when we got back into the room. "Oh nothing." she shrugged. "We wanted to talk to you about your grandparents." I said flatly. She let out a breath. "Seriously what did you do?" I asked sternly. "Nothing!" Salem said with her hands up in defense. "I thought you were going to give me the sex talk." She confessed. Ricky bursted out in laughter. I slapped him on his arm and he stopped laughing. "Sorry, I thought that was funny." he said. "Why?"

"Because I wouldn't be here if that was the case. You expect me say those things? I'm immature but that crosses the border. It's weird." he replied. "You've done it with mom so why is it weird?" Salem asked. This time it was my turn to laugh. "Anyways, back on topic, your grandparents are abusive assholes." Salem looked confused.

The only reason my kids know what my parents look like, is because I've showed them pictures. They were prison pictures, but it got the message around to my children that their grandparents were bad people.

"They use to abuse me. They would beat me when they were drunk and call me names. They've kicked me out of the house many times. I used to stay with your father when we were best friends." She looked shocked that someone would actually do that. "Yeah, and then we" I said pointing to Ricky and myself. "We would get bullied at school too." I said. "You guys had it rough." She said with surprise. I nodded my head. "I'm not going to lie, my life isn't the easiest."

After a while of silence Salem started talking again. "How do you know that my grandparents aren't good people now?" She replied. I let out a laugh.

"They left me a note saying they were coming for my family, and that they were coming to kill us." I replied.

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