Do You Still Love Me?

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Delilah's POV

"Delilah, do you still love me?" Ricky asked after a long silence. "Honestly, I don't even know anymore Ricky." I answered back. I do love him, I was just afraid to admit it to him that I still do. I came up with a follow up answer.

"I love you as my best friend if you still want to be my best friend."

"I'd love to still be your best friend Lyla" Ricky answered with a hint of sadness and hurt in his eyes. I was happy that Ricky was back in my life again.

Ricky's POV

I was sad and a little hurt by the fact that I was just friend zoned by the woman I love. I know that she stopped talking to me because I knew that she loved me, but she never asked me how I felt. I wanted in the worst way to tell her but I couldn't bring myself to do it, and now it's too late.

Delilah's POV

After I told Ricky that I just wanted to be friends again, and that I didn't know if I still loved him, I regretted it. I wish that I could have him, these damn feelings are coming back.

Anyways, we just sat there with Ricky still holding me. I didn't want him to stop, but the longer I stayed in his arms the more I wanted to kiss him, and for now, that would be dumb. "I have to go back to Abigail now" I said sadly.

"Don't. Stay with me and we can catch up on the six years we missed."

"I wish it was that easy, I really do, but I have to go" I wish I didn't have to go.

It was like Ricky was reading my mind, as soon as I went to walk away with regret flooding my mind I felt a tug on my wrist. "Wha....." I never finished my sentence because Ricky turned me so I was facing him and slammed is lips to mine.

Of course I kissed back, I was stuck in the moment. When we pulled away I looked into his eyes that I missed and loved so much and he said something that surprised the hell out of me.

"Even if you don't still love me Lyla, I have always, and will always continue to love you." Then he walked away from me.

Damn. I've waited years for him so in the end I hope that it's worth it.

Ricky's POV

"Even if you don't still love me Lyla, I have always and will always continue to love you". I was happy with what I left her with. I walked away to let her take it all in. I know I just admitted what she wanted to hear for the longest time.

When I walked into the bus I was getting a mixed variety of looks from the rest of the band, some being relief, some worry, and some blank expressions from those who just didn't care where I was.

I ignored all of those looks though and walked to my bunk. I had such a hard time sleeping. All I could think of was Delilah.

When I woke up I decided that it would be a good idea to text Lyla and ask her if she wants to hang out later, I wanted to see her again. I wanted to use my plan that I thought of, it was a jerk like move, but it was sufficient in getting Lyla back.

Ricky: hey, wanna hang out today

Delilah: sure, when?

Ricky: at three?

Delilah: that's fine, ask Chris for the address, he knows where Abby and I live

Ricky: okay, see ya then

Delilah: see you soon

I hope this plan works

I know that Angelo is no longer in the band, but in my story he is, so go along with it! Thanks for reading!

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