Getting Ready

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Delilah's POV

When I woke up, I took a nice hot shower and got dressed in my casual band tee and skinny jeans. I then walked into Salem's room and got her into her dress already.

We were all meeting up at Allie's before the wedding.

I grabbed my dress, and grabbed my child and headed out the door.

When I got to Allie's, all of the girls which were Kelly, Allie, Ryan Ashley, Kylie, and Abby were rushing me. I hard a hard time going with the flow, it was hectic.

Ryan Ashley grabbed Salem and Allie was trying to shove me into her bathroom to do my makeup.

"Why are you going crazy?" I asked Ryan Ashley. "Because you need to look good for your wedding, duh!" she exclaimed.

"Why? It's only Ricky."

"Really Lyla? Don't you want to impress Ricky and make him drool and proud that you're all his?" Allie asked.

"I guess?" I replied as more of a question than an answer. They both shook their heads and then proceeded with what they started.

After they were done I must say that I was impressed. "Wow, this looks really good!" I complimented.

My eyes were done with black eyeshadow and some simple eyeliner and mascara while my lips were a crimson color that perfectly complimented my black wedding gown.

After a while of looking at myself in the mirror, I walked down the stairs trying not to trip over my own feet and then we made our way to the car.

"Remember when this was you Abby?" I said with a chuckle after squeezing into the car. Abby just laughed too. "How can I forget?" I just shrugged and looked out the window thinking about where my life is and what I've went through just to be here. We've had a lot of rough patches, I can tell you that.

Soon enough we were at the venue and I was scared as fuck.

I hopped out of the car and made my way towards my future husband.

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