Chapter 1

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Valt's POV

When we arrive on the island, I take in the beauty of it. The clear blue sky and the sparkling waters are so much more than I'm used to. All of our luggage is loaded into a car which will take us to our new home. The car has enough seats for all six of us. The six consists of me, Shu, Ken, Daigo, Rantaro, and Wakiya. Once we all get into the car, we ride to our new home in Alola. The house is huge because there are six bedrooms, plus a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and two bathrooms. But in the backyard, we have a Beyblade stadium that we brought with us. Apparently, here they don't have Beyblades. Instead, they have these small creatures called Pokemon. Maybe we'll figure out more about those later.

Once we unload the boxes from the car, our driver leaves and we begin to unpack. After about an hour or so, we all have our clothes and other things unpacked and placed in our rooms. I run to Shu's room to challenge him to a battle, but before I can ask, the doorbell rings. I sigh and walk to the front door. When I open it, I see a man wearing shorts and a lab coat.

"Alola!" He exclaims.

"What?" I ask.

"That's how we say hello around here. You must be the new kids that just moved in," He replies.

"Yep, that's us. And you are. .?" He shakes his head.

"Of course! My name is Professor Kukui, cousin. I'm a Pokemon researcher and I hand out starter Pokemon," He explains. "By the way, do you guys know what Pokemon are?" I shake my head back in forth. "I'll be happy to explain it to you guys. Why don't you all come to my Pokemon laboratory?"

"Um, okay," I reply. I then walk around the house and get all of the guys to come outside with me. They all look at the Professor.

"Hey Valt, who is this?" Rantaro asks.

"Alola! My name is Professor Kukui and I'm a Pokemon researcher here in the Alola region. I want you guys to come to my lab so I can explain what Pokemon are to you and get you one of your own if you'd like," He says. We all follow the Professor to his lab and walk inside. A raven-haired boy about our age is standing inside with a small yellow creature and a brown dog creature. "Everyone, this is Ash. He's staying at my place while he's here," Kukui says.

"Alola!" Ash exclaims. "Like he said, I'm Ash and this is my partner Pikachu," He gestures at the small yellow creature.

"Pikachu!" It says.

"Is that a Pokemon?" Daigo asks the Professor. Kukui nods and says,

"This is a Pikachu, the electric mouse Pokemon. And my buddy here is a Rockruff, a rock-type puppy Pokemon."

"Rock-type?" Shu asks, "What are the other types of Pokemon?"

"Right!" Kukui exclaims, "Well, let's see. There are also Normal, Fire, Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel, and Fairy-type Pokemon."

"That's a lot of types," I say, only remembering a few types, "What is a Pokemon anyway?"

"Pokemon are creatures with different abilities and types. There are many wild Pokemon, but most people in Alola have Pokemon as pets. Pokemon Trainers train their Pokemon for battles. We have the island trial in Alola, where you battle the captains in order to get Z-ring crystals," He gestures to Ash, "Ash here is a trainer himself." Ash messes with his hat.

"What are Z-ring crystals?" Wakiya asks.

"First of all, this is a Z-ring," Ash says, holding out his arm. A silver bracelet with a diamond-shaped crystal sits inside. "Z-ring crystals are crystals that fit into the Z-ring. They allow you to use special moves that do lots of damage. The crystals are specific to the Pokemon types that we talked about earlier. For example, the crystal in my ring now is an Electrium Z, which allows me to do a special move with Pikachu, who is an Electric type Pokemon."

"That's totally awesome!" I exclaim.

"Well, you guys seem to have a basic understanding of Pokemon," Kukui says, "I have three starter Pokemon that I can give away. Who wants-"

"Me!" Rantaro and I scream at the same time. Daigo walks forward.

"I'll take one," He says.

"Great!" Kukui exclaims. "That's three." He walks over to a desk and comes back with three spheres. "These are Pokeballs," He explains, "They allow you to catch and hold Pokemon. You can have six in a party at a time and the rest are stored safely in Pokemon Centers. In each of these Pokeballs is a different starter Pokemon. First is Rowlet, the Grass-type starter Pokemon." The professor presses a button on the Pokeball and a red light appears. Then, a small owl-like creature appears. "The second Pokemon is Popplio, the Water-type starter Pokemon." A small sea lion-like creature appears. "Lastly is Litten, the Fire-type starter Pokemon." A small kitten-looking creature appears. "You can choose which one that you want," He tells us, "You can go first," He says, pointing to Daigo. "What's your name?"

"I'm Daigo," Daigo says to Kukui.

"Which Pokemon would you like?" Kukui asks enthusiastically.

"I'll take Litten, the fire-type," Daigo says. He walks up to the small Pokemon and it jumps into his arms. He smiles. Kukui shows Daigo how to put it back into its Pokeball, so Daigo does as he says. Then Kukui turns to Rantaro.

"What about you?" He asks. Rantaro points to the small owl creature. "Ah, Rowlet for you then, oh yeah!" Rowlet flies over to Rantaro and lands on his head. We all laugh, including Rantaro.

"That tickles!" Rantaro says. Then, he puts Rowlet back into his Pokeball. Kukui turns to me.

"That means that you can have Popplio," He says. I walk up to the small sea lion Pokemon and pat its head.

"Popp!" It says. I pick up the Pokeball and put Popplio into it.

"I'm going to give all of you 5 Pokeballs each so that you can catch wild Pokemon as well. It may be harder to catch them for those of you that don't yet have Pokemon, but I'm sure that you'll be just fine. Remember, you have a better chance of catching wild Pokemon if you first decrease their health by using your Pokemon's moves on them. Also, here's a Rotom Dex for each of you," He hands us a small mechanical device that has eyes. "There is a Pokemon inside of those Pokedexes that can help you identify Pokemon and take pictures of them to remember what they look like. With that, I'll let you all get back home." He waves at us as we leave the lab and go back to our house.

Once I arrive in my room, I hold my Pokeball with Popplio. "Okay, Popplio. Come on out," I say, pressing the button. The red light appears and Popplio comes out. I fold a blanket in half and lay it on a chair. "You can sleep here tonight, okay Popplio?" I ask.

"Popplio!" It agrees. I pick it up and place it on the blanket. Then, I change into my pajamas and lie down in my bed. I close my eyes and doze off in no time.


A/N- Whew! There we go. I'm sorry if it was bad, because like I said, it's my first Fanfiction. I'll try to update at least once a week. Be sure to vote if you like it or comment if you have ideas for future chapters.


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