Chapter 27

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I just took a quiz to see which Beyblade Burst character I am and I got Ken. I then took a Pokemon Sun and Moon quiz and I got Professor Kukui(lol). Just thought I'd let you all know.

Wakiya's POV

I wake up to Rockruff barking. Rubbing my eyes, I yawn and slowly sit up. Then, I stand up and grab my clothes for today. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. After I've changed into my clothes, I fix my hair in its normal style and head back to my room to put on my shoes. I then make my way to the kitchen, where Shu has a plate waiting for me. I thank him as I take the plate from him. The breakfast consisted of blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs. Since it's so delicious, I finish the meal quickly and then place the plate in the dishwasher. I grab Rockruff's bowl and pour some Pokemon food into it. While he eats, I brush my teeth and finish getting ready for school. All of us leave at the same time, later than we'd like because of Valt being late. Rockruff jumps into my arms, so I carry him all the way to school. 

Once we reach the classroom, I decide to let Rockruff play with the other Pokemon. I then head to my seat, not wanting to socialize with the others. Lillie and Hau walk into the room and Lillie's Vulpix runs over to me eagerly. I smile as she lies down on my lap. 

"It's amazing that Vulpix does that! She's not even like that around me yet," Hau exclaims. I ignore him as Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, and Acerola enter our class. Acerola avoids eye contact with me, as expected. Ken looks at me and shrugs. I do the same, not caring too much about Acerola's actions. I'm kind of used to them by now. Ken and I made a deal that we wouldn't be upset at each other, no matter which one of us she chooses. I'm actually really happy that Ken and I are friends now. I never really gave him a chance before, but he's a pretty cool guy. The only three that I have yet to make friends with are Valt, Rantaro, and Lana. I've never really talked to Lana, so that's why she isn't really my friend yet. As for Valt and Rantaro, well, I find it hard not to argue with those two. It's not that I don't like them, but Valt can be a bit too hyper sometimes. Rantaro, on the other hand, I have nothing wrong with. For some reason, I just can't seem to get along with him and I don't know why. 

Professor Kukui walks into the classroom. He explains that we'll be doing another project. Our project is on the Totem Pokemon in the different trials. The project will be due in a week and then we'll present it in front of the class. We'll be working in pairs. The groups are Daigo and Lillie, Valt and Mallow, Acerola and Rantaro, Shu and Lana, me and Ken, and Hau and Kiawe. Ken and I smile at each other. I'm glad that Ken's my partner because it gives us a chance to hang out more. I don't hang out with him much since I'm usually with Daigo and Kiawe. Professor Kukui assigns us Totem Pokemon. Ken and I are doing a project on Lurantis, the Totem Pokemon for Mallow's trial. After he tells everyone their assignment, he begins to teach for today. I try to focus on what Professor Kukui is teaching us in our lesson.

*     *     *     *     *

The bell rings and I stand up to stretch. I pick up Vulpix and stroke her head as I hold her. Lillie takes a picture of me with Vulpix and then takes her from me. Hau runs over to her and holds her hand as they leave for the Malasada shop. Kiawe and Daigo come over to me and begin talking about playing video games at our house tonight. I nod and think of Ken. I'll invite him to play also. Kiawe and Daigo walk out the door with Mallow, Lana, and Rantaro. I begin to make my way over to Ken when Acerola trips and drops her backpack. A few of her books fall out, which I pick up for her. I hand them to her. 

"Thank you," she says.

"No problem. Be more careful next time, okay?" I reply. She nods before she exits the room. Ken and I are the only ones left.

"Hey, Wakiya," Ken says to me. 

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to play some video games with me, Kiawe, and Daigo tonight," I say to him. He smiles. 

"Yeah sure, thanks," He replies. I smile and then we leave the classroom, heading to our house. Rockruff and Mimikyu trail along behind us. I sneak a glance at Mimikyu before turning my attention back to the road in front of me. Ghost Pokemon still freak me out a little. 

Ken and I continue walking until we reach our house. We enter through the front door and find Kiawe and Daigo waiting for us in the living room. The game is set up and ready to play.

"I brought us an extra player," I say to them. They both smile and wave Ken over, where they hand him a controller and explain the game to him. We start to play the game soon after. Once again, I beat the others during the battle. Daigo sighs. 

"Why do we invite you anyway?" He asks me. I chuckle and smirk.

"You need someone who's actually good at the game," I joke. Kiawe and Ken start laughing as Daigo's face goes pale. After we play a few more rounds, we decide to stop. Kiawe has to get home before dark, so he says goodbye and then exits our house. 

"How about some Beyblading?" Ken asks us. We both get up eagerly. We race to the backyard and do rock, paper, scissors to figure out who gets to battle first. Ken and Daigo battle. Ken wins, so I battle him next. Then, I also battle Daigo. The three of us continue to battle one another until it gets too dark outside for us to see. Then, we go inside and find some dinner that Shu prepared for us. Since we worked up an appetite while battling, we eat all of the food in the pan. But it's okay because the others already ate. 

"Goodnight, guys," I say to them, walking to my room. 

"Night, man," Daigo replies.   

"Goodnight, Wakiya," Ken tells me. I close my door behind me and begin to change into my pajamas. Once that's done, I quickly go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I take my hair out of its ponytail and lie down in my bed. Then, I close my eyes and go to sleep with Rockruff right beside me. 

A/N- Yay! Another chapter. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did, feel free to like or comment. I'd love to hear from you guys. And if anyone else has opinions on who Acerola should choose, comment on this chapter. Thanks so much for reading!


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