Chapter 26

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I am currently listening to Pokemon Sun and Moon music while I am writing this chapter. So with that, let's begin!

Kiawe's POV

I dismount my Charizard and then place it back into its Pokeball. Mallow waves at me and I smile before I walk over to her and the others. Lana, Mallow, Acerola, and I are hanging out at the park today. It was originally going to be just me, Mallow, and Lana, but Acerola asked if she could join us since she's been distancing herself from Ken and Wakiya, and of course, we told her that she could tag along.

"Alola!" Acerola exclaims. 

"Alola," I reply to her. I sit down on the picnic blanket next to Mallow. 

"Yay, Akala Island trial captains monthly meeting, plus Acerola, the Ula'ula Island trial captain," Mallow exclaims. Mallow, Lana, and I always meet once a month in this very spot for our 'monthly Akala Island captains meeting'. It's pretty much a tradition for us now. 

Lana opens the picnic basket and sets out lots of food for all of us. We all grab what we want and begin eating. I finish off my meal with a Sweet Malasada and then patiently wait for the others to finish their food as well. Once they do, Mallow speaks up, 

"Time for everyone's favorite part of this monthly meeting, which is learning what's new in the other captains' lives," she says eagerly. I smile at Mallow. 

"So, Mallow, how are things with your boyfriend?" I ask her. She blushes slightly at the question. 

"Well, things are going well. He's really sweet and I feel really comfortable around him. I really, really like him," She replies. I smile at her answer and Mallow suddenly turns to Lana. 

"Lana! How's Daigo?" She questions. Lana's cheeks redden. 

"U-Um, good. He acts really emotionless on the outside, but I can really tell that he cares about me, so that's nice. Obviously, you know about something like that, since you're boyfriend acts super tough on the outside," She tells Mallow.

"Yeah, you're right. Honcho acts all big and mighty, but he's really just a sweetheart under that disguise," Mallow replies while laughing. All three of us turn to Acerola. 

"Enough about us, what about Acerola?" I ask. 

"Yeah, she's caught in the middle of two guys who are both competing for her love," Mallow adds. 

"So, have you decided yet? Team Ken or Team Wakiya?" Lana asks Acerola. 

"Well, no. I'm still trying to choose one of them. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to choose one of them and hurt the other, but me not deciding hurts both of them," she replies shyly, "I know what team you two are on though," she finishes, looking towards Lana and Mallow. 

"Yeah, Team Ken, of course," Lana replies, "He's just so sweet." 

"But have you seen how hot Wakiya is? I mean, come on," Mallow says. We all laugh at her response. 

"You're right about that. He is really hot," Acerola replies while giggling. 

"And not only is he super hot, but he cares a lot about you as well," Lana says, "But don't get me wrong, I'm still on Team Ken," she finishes quickly. 

"I think you two should stop drooling over Ken and Wakiya. After all, you both have boyfriends," I joke. Mallow and Lana both glare at me menacingly and I hold my hands out in front of me innocently. 'They're scary when they get mad' I think to myself. The girls laugh at me and I sigh with relief. 

"We need to hurry up and set Kiawe up with someone," Lana says to Mallow. I gulp and turn to Acerola. 

"So you're really not going to talk to them until you choose between them?" I ask her. She shakes her head. 

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