Chapter 39

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Okay, so I'm pretty sure that I'm going to end this story at chapter 40, so the next one will probably be the last. 


"Hey, stop right there," I hear a voice say. I turn around and am shocked by who I see. 

"Professor Kukui?" I ask in disbelief, "What on Earth are you doing here?"


Shu's POV (a few spoilers if you haven't finished Sun and Moon)

(p.s. I'm terrible at battle scenes, sorry in advance)

Professor Kukui smiles and waves at me. 

"Alola, cousin. You didn't think that it would be that easy, did you?" He pulls out a Pokeball and challenges me to a battle. I grab Machoke's Pokeball and release him. Professor Kukui releases a beautiful Ninetails and I tell Machoke what to do. Machoke nods and gets close to Ninetails before using Close Combat. The move is super effective and Ninetails faints. 

Then, Kukui sends out his next Pokemon: Magnezone. Since fighting types have an advantage over steel types, I decide to continue battling with Machoke. Magnezone uses Thunder Wave (idk if Magnezone can), paralyzing Machoke. I urge Machoke to keep going and he pulls off Arm Thrust. It's super effective. The Magnezone uses another move, causing damage to Machoke. But then, Machoke uses Arm Thrust once more and is able to take out Magnezone. I smile and await Kukui's next Pokemon. After he releases a Braviary, I quickly return Machoke and send out Absol.

"You're putting up a pretty good fight, Shu," Kukui congratulates me. I smirk at him and have Absol use Ice-type moves until it defeats Braviary. The next Pokemon is a Lycanroc, which I proudly match with my Machoke due to the type advantage. Kukui chuckles and we begin the next battle. Even though Machoke takes damage, he ends up on top. 

The next two battles are hard but thankfully, not impossible. After almost being defeated, my Pokemon and I emerge as winners. I fist pump and hug Sylveon, my last Pokemon that I was using. Kukui smiles a little. 

"Wow! Congratulations, Shu! You've come so far since I first met you on that first day that you guys moved here. I can't believe that you're the first ever champion. So congratulations, you're the first ever Champion of the Alola Region!" The professor tells me. I run my hands through my hair and reveal my scar. Kukui notices it but doesn't say anything. Then, Professor Kukui leaves me alone. I make my way over to the throne past the battlefield. I sit down on the throne and then hear a strange noise. I look upwards and see a flash of yellow and orange. Suddenly, Tapu Koko is floating right in front of me. 

(a/n- this isn't going to be just like the game)

Something is dropped at my feet. I pick up a purple Pokeball that has an M at the top of it. I think this type of Pokeball is called a Masterball. After putting it away, I turn back to Tapu Koko. It seems like Tapu Koko wants to battle, so I pull out Absol's Pokeball and release Absol. Then the battle begins. After a lot of going back and forth, Tapu Koko is weak and I throw the Masterball at Tapu Koko and it is captured. I stare at the Masterball that is now in my hand in awe. I place the Masterball with my other Pokeballs and leave the top of the mountain. My first thought is to go home. So, that's just what I do. After riding my rented Charizard back to Melemele Island, I walk to the doorway of my house. Unfortunately, that's as far as I got before being bombarded by photographers and interviewers for details. The word of me becoming champion had traveled fast. 

"Is it true that you're the Champion of Alola, Mr. Kurenai?" 

"How did you manage to defeat the Elite Four and Professor Kukui with only three Pokemon?" 

"Are you really so strong that you could defeat all of these strong trainers?" 

I push through all of the reporters and then open my front door. I manage to squeeze through the door and close it behind me. After locking it, I walk to the back door and lock it too, just in case. 

"What is this? You're champion now, huh?" I turn around to see Wakiya. He has his arms crossed. I am close to replying when the doorbell rings. Sighing, I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. I sigh once more, but with relief. Then, I open the door and let Acerola inside. She runs over to Wakiya and jumps. He catches her and pulls her into a kiss. 

"Acerola, be more careful. You could've hurt yourself if I hadn't caught you," Wakiya says worriedly. Acerola giggles and replies,

"But you did catch me, so there's nothing to worry about." I look between the two of them and laugh. Wakiya puts Acerola down and she turns to me. 

"Oh, I almost forgot to congratulate you. You were amazing in that battle and I'm so glad that you're the first-ever champion of Alola," she tells me. 

"Thank you, Acerola. That means a lot to me," I reply. She gives me a bright smile and then turns back to her boyfriend. He kisses her on the head and the two of them begin walking towards the back door. 

"Wait, Acerola. How did you get rid of the reporters?" I ask her. She turns around and talks to me,

"I've had to deal with paparazzi before, Shu. All of the trial captains have. If you ever need help dealing with them, just let me know, okay?" 

"Yeah, you've got it," I reply. She smiles and then walks out the back door with Wakiya. I then hear a voice coming from another room. 

"Are they gone?" I nod and turn towards his room. 

"They left. You can come out now, Ken," I tell him. The door opens and Ken walks out into the living room where I am. 

"Congrats on becoming Champion," Ken tells me. I smile at him and reply,

"Thank you." I turn towards my room, "I'm going to go and get some rest now." 

As soon as I reach my room, I pull out my Masterball, along with my other Pokeballs, and set them on my dresser. Then, I lie down on my bed and close my eyes, happy to be done with the day.

A/N- There we go. That's all for this chapter. Vote and/or comment if you liked it and be sure to read the next chapter too. Thanks for reading!


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