Chapter 22

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Lillie's POV

My phone goes off while Hau and I are at the Malasada shop on Melemele Island. I open it and see a text from Ash.

Ash: Hey, Serena and I are on our way to the Alola Region. About an hour away

I squeal and show Hau, who gets out of his seat and jumps up and down.

"Yahoo! Ash and Serena are coming back to visit!" He exclaims. I smile and text Ash back.

Me: Yay! I will meet you there and we'll set up a small party at Mallow's restaurant

I pull Hau along with me as I walk to Mallow's restaurant to set up the party. Mallow happily agrees to the party and she runs to the kitchen to begin to cook.

"Do me a favor and call Shu. I need him to help me cook since we only have about an hour. Also, call the others and get them over here to help set up," Mallow tells me on her way to the kitchen. I nod and dial Shu's number. He picks up almost immediately.

"Hello? Lillie?" He asks.

"Shu, come over to Mallow's restaurant and help her cook. And bring the other guys as well. We need everyone to help set up for a party," I reply.

"Lana is over here too. We'll bring her with us. Wait, a party for who?" He asks.

"I'll explain later. Just get here," I say.

"Okay, be there in a bit," He tells me before he hangs up. I call Kiawe soon after.

"Kiawe, can you fly to Ula'ula Island on your Charizard and pick up Acerola?" I ask him.

"Um, sure, but why?" He asks, confused.

"We're having a party at Mallow's restaurant and I need you to bring her," I say.

"Okay, we'll be there in ten minutes or so," He replies. Then, he hangs up and I turn to Hau.

"Let's start wiping down these tables," I tell him. He runs to the kitchen and comes back with two wet rags. He hands one to me and we begin to clean the tables. As soon as we finish, Shu and the others arrive and Shu makes his way to the kitchen where Mallow is. About five minutes later, Kiawe and Acerola show up. I tell everyone what needs to be done.

"Daigo, Rantaro, Ken, Wakiya, and Valt. I need you five to go buy decorations and hang them up. Quickly," I say. They run off and I turn to Lana and Acerola.

"You two. I need you make the cake. I'm counting on you," I tell them. They both nod and run to the kitchen as well.

"What about the Malasadas?" Hau asks.

"I'm going to the docks to wait for Ash and Serena to arrive, so you can stop by the shop and buy about twenty Malasadas. After you have them, hurry back to Mallow's restaurant," I say. He nods and we begin our walk to town. Once we arrive, Hau runs to the Malasada shop and I go to the docks. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, a boat comes. Ash and Serena walk off, each carrying a suitcase.

"Lillie!" Serena exclaims. I run towards her and hug her. I then turn to Ash and hug him as well.

"Let's get you guys settled in. You staying at the hotel?" I ask. They nod, so we make our way there. Ash rents out a room with two beds in it. After he pays, we go to the room and they put their luggage away.

"So, we're heading to Mallow's restaurant?" Ash asks. I nod happily and lead them there. The others are all waiting for us to arrive. The place is decorated really well. Serena beams.

"You guys! I missed you so much!" She exclaims, "Thank you for this!" She goes around and hugs everyone.

"She's so amazing," Ash says lovingly. I smirk at him.

"You two are so adorable, too. You make a great couple," I tell him. He blushes and stutters a thank you.

"What's up with Acerola?" He asks. I look at her and find Ken on her left and Wakiya on her right.

"Well, after she broke up with Wakiya, she started dating Ken. After that, she kissed Wakiya and then broke up with Ken. She has feelings for both of them and they both like her too," I explain.

"Wow, sound's complicated," He replies.

"Tell me about it," I say. Then, Ash, Serena, and I sit at a table with Hau, Valt, and Kiawe. Mallow and Shu come out of the kitchen with a large pot of soup and they ladle it out into bowls for everyone. Mallow also gives us all a plate with berries on it. I grab my spoon and eat some of the soup. It tastes really good. I then eat some of the berries which are equally as amazing. Mallow places a large platter of Pokemon food on the ground and everyone lets out their Pokemon. Vulpix runs over and begins to eat the food. Lana comes out of the kitchen with a cake with 'Welcome Back Ash and Serena' written on it with icing. We all have some of the cake, which tastes amazing. And Hau sets the Malasadas out. After everyone else has eaten one, he takes the rest of them and eats them all. I giggle at him and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes lightly and plants a kiss on my lips. I look across from us to see Ash and Serena kissing. I hear arguing and find the source.

"Here, Acerola, have some," Ken says, feeding her one of his berries.

"Here, take this instead," Wakiya says, doing the same with one of the berries on his plate. I laugh at the two guys. 'Poor Acerola' I think to myself. I turn back to Serena and Ash.

"We're so thankful to have you two here with us," I tell them. Serena beams.

"Are you kidding? It's our honor to be here with you guys!" She exclaims. I smile at her and look at Ash. He smiles at me and then stands up.

"Thank you all for this party. We really appreciate it. But I think we're gonna head back to the hotel since we had a long journey here. But we'll see you tomorrow," He tells everyone. We all say goodbye to the couple and they walk away. Wakiya kisses Acerola on the cheek and she blushes deeply. I roll my eyes at him and make my way to Hau, who pulls me in for a kiss. Shu and the others say that they will stay to pick up and I thank them. Hau and I then begin the walk to my house. Once we're on the front porch, he turns to me.

"It's so sweet that you threw those two a party. You're such a nice person. I'm lucky to have you as a girlfriend," He tells me. We both lean in.

"Hey," A voice says. We jump away from each other. Gladion is standing in the doorway.

"Gladion," I complain. Hau then quickly kisses me on the cheek.

"You be good to Lillie, you hear me? If you break her heart, you'll have to deal with me," Gladion says to Hau. Hau has fear in his eyes as he frantically nods.

"You're scaring him now, Gladion," I say to him. He chuckles and Hau says goodbye before he leaves.

"Welcome home, Lillie," Gladion says.

"It's so nice having you around again," I tell Gladion, hugging him.

"Yep. It's good to be back," He replies, "Now go and get some rest. You look exhausted." I yawn and smile at him.

"Goodnight. I love you," I say to him.

"I love you too Lillie," He tells me. I smile again before I make my way to my room and change into a white nightgown. I then brush my teeth and go to bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A/N- I love writing chapters about Lillie and Gladion. Also, the drama between Ken and Wakiya. I start fangirling over my own writing. Please let me know if you liked this chapter by commenting and/or voting. It makes me so happy to get comments from you guys. Thanks so much for reading this chapter.


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