Chapter 21

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This story now has over 1k reads. Thank you so much to everyone that reads this story. I really never thought that this many people would read my story. Here's a new chapter. I always love writing from Hau's POV. It's so much fun! But I'm also going to switch POV about half way through this chapter.

Hau's POV

I throw my hair into its normal ponytail and then run out of the door. While making my way to the Malasada shop, I spot Acerola walking nearby.

"Acerola!" I yell. She turns suddenly and smiles once she sees me. She then runs over to me.

"Hau! Pleasure meeting you here!" She exclaims.

"Do you want to get a Malasada with me? I'm buying," I offer. She beams.

"Sure, but I'm paying for mine. You're gonna spend way too much yourself," she replies. I laugh, knowing how true that statement was. We walk to the shop and go inside. I order five big Malasadas and Acerola orders a sweet Malasada. While we're waiting for our food, I start up a conversation.

"So, how are things with Ken?" I ask. She smiles.

"Good. He's so sweet and caring. Oh, and considerate too. He actually cares about me, unlike my last boyfriend," She says the last part angrily.

"Wakiya? I know that he can act rude, but deep down he's a really nice guy. And I'm sure that he cared about you. He still does too," I reply to her. She crosses her arms.

"He had a bad way of showing it then. Besides, he was so mean to Ken," She tells me. I nod.

"Yeah, but that was just because he was jealous. He didn't like the way that Ken was acting around you. I understand that. Guys flirt with Lillie all the time. But I trust her, so I don't worry about it. Wakiya doesn't trust people easily. He's supposedly been alone most of his life. Only some servants to fill in the place of his parents. Maybe you should try talking to him sometime," I say. She looks down.

"Okay, I'll talk to him. And Hau?" She asks.

"Yeah?" I question.

"Thanks for the advice. You're really good at listening and helping people. You'd be a great Kahuna, you know that?" Acerola tells me.

"Anytime, Acerola. And thank you so much. I've always dreamed of following in my grandpa's footsteps and becoming Kahuna," I reply. She smiles. The waitress walks over to us and hands us our Malasadas.

"Thank you," Acerola says. The waitress nods and then walks away. I grab two of my Malasadas, one in each hand, and take one bite out of each of them. Acerola giggles at me. After I finish those two, I grab two more and eat them quickly. I try and savor the last one by eating it a bit slower. Acerola finishes her sweet Malasada and we leave the shop.

"I'm heading over to Ken's place. Wanna come?" Acerola asks me.

"No thanks. I'm heading over to visit with Lillie. Thanks for the offer though," I reply.

Acerola's POV

Hau runs off quickly and I begin my walk to Ken's house. On the way there, I think about what Hau had said about Wakiya earlier. I sigh and pull out my phone. After going through my photos, I click on a picture I took of Wakiya and myself. In the picture, he was sleeping and I was grinning widely. I smile sadly at the picture before turning off my phone. 'Was I wrong about Wakiya?' I think to myself. I look to the side of the road and see a beautiful, purple flower. I run over to it and pick the flower. Then, I place it behind my ear and continue my walk to Ken's house. Once I arrive, I knock on the door lightly. Wakiya opens the door and looks at me.

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