Chapter 13

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Acerola's POV

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Wakiya opens it and smiles at me. 

"Hey, Acerola," He says to me. I kiss him on the cheek, making him blush madly. 

"What's wrong?" I giggle.

"The others are around, you know? I don't want them to see us," He replies, clearly embarrassed. 

"If I embarrass you so much, you could just say so," I say, turning around and walking down the four steps that lead up to his door. Suddenly, I feel hands on my shoulders and I get turned around so that I'm facing Wakiya. He smirks at me before kissing me on the lips. I kiss back, despite being super flustered. 

"Come on inside," Wakiya tells me, "We're watching a movie right now." We walk into the living room while holding hands. The boys all look up and laugh at Waikya, who is blushing. 

"Hi Acerola," Daigo says. I smile at him warmly and his Misdreavus floats over to me. I giggle and tickle it. 

"It's so cute!" I exclaim. Wakiya lets go of my hand and takes a step away. 

"That thing freaks me out. Daigo, get rid of it," He says. I frown. 

"But it's so adorable. How could you hate this little guy?" I ask him, "You know, all of my Pokemon are ghost types."

"I think I'll just stick with Rockruff," He tells me. I laugh and grab one of my Pokeballs. I open it, releasing Mimikyu. It turns to me and moves closer. 

"What is that thing?" Valt asks, "A Pikachu?" I shake my head. 

"No, this is Mimikyu. It's a Pokemon that has a Pikachu disguise. Though I'm sure it's just as cute as Pikachu without the disguise on it," I reply to him. The neck of the disguise falls sideways and Wakiya yelps. 

"What just happened to it?" He asks, scared. I smile. 

"Mimikyu's body only takes up the bottom of the disguise so it drops the top of it after it's true identity is discovered," I tell him. He relaxes a little. I giggle and place Mimikyu back into its Pokeball. 

Wakiya invites me to sit with him on one of the two couches that are in front of the TV. Ken is sitting on the same couch as Wakiya and me, and the other four are on the other couch. I snuggle up against Wakiya and close my eyes. Then, I fall asleep.

*     *     *     *     *

I open my eyes slowly and yawn. I look to my side, where Wakiya is snoring softly. I giggle and take a picture of him before getting up off of the couch. He wakes up when I move. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I tell him. He smiles warmly. 

"It's no problem," He replies. I take his hand and pull him up off of the couch. He smiles again as he pulls me towards the back door and into their Beyblade stadium area. I watch quietly as he practices with his bey, Wild Wyvron. Wakiya takes his training very seriously and I love watching him practice. He's always so focused on getting stronger so that he can beat Shu. I've heard that Shu is a genius when it comes to Beyblading, just like Ash when it comes to Pokemon battling. Wakiya picks up his Beyblade and tucks it away in his pocket. Then, he walks over to me and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the back fence. He opens the gate and we walk out, starting our walk to the Malasada shop. Once we enter, we see Lillie and Hau. No surprise there, since Hau is so crazy about Malasadas. We walk up to the front desk and order two Malasadas, a spicy one for Waikya and a sweet one for me. Then, we take a seat next to Lillie and Hau. 

"Hey guys," Lillie says to us.

"Hi Lillie," I reply enthusiastically, "Are you two coming to the party tonight?"

"Of course! We don't want to miss out on Serena's going away party!" Hau yells. Since today is Serena's last day in the Alola region, we decided to throw her a going away party. I smile at Hau and our Malasadas are delivered to Wakiya and me. Hau and Lillie say goodbye before getting up and then leaving the shop. Wakiya and I finish our Malasadas in silence and then we leave the shop also. We make our way to Mallow's restaurant, which is where the party is. Before we get there, Wakiya pulls me towards him and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back and it lasts for about a minute before we pull away. 

"What was that for?" I ask, smiling. 

"Just for being the best girlfriend ever," He replies kindly. I giggle and grab his hand before we continue walking to the restaurant. When we arrive, we sit down next to Daigo and Lana. Serena and Ash show up soon after we did. Serena starts crying because of how much she is going to miss us, even though she just met us less than a week ago. Ash tells us all that he has an announcement. 

"I've talked to Professor Kukui and my mom and I've decided to move back to the Kanto region. Maybe not forever, but for a while." 

"What?!?" Mallow yells, "You're leaving too?!?" Ash holds his hands out in front of him innocently. 

"I want to help Serena with her dream of becoming Kalos Queen. And to do that, I'll need to travel with her around the Kalos region. I'm really sorry, but I promise to at least come back to visit," He replies. 

"We're really going to miss you, Ash," Lillie tells him. Hau stands up.

"Yeah! But if you are going to the Kanto region, load up on Malasadas! I can't believe that they don't have them there! I wouldn't be able to survive without them!" He says loudly. Ash smiles.

"I'll take some Malasadas with me, I promise," Ash replies happily. 

"So when are you leaving?" Valt asks. 

"I'll be leaving tomorrow with Serena. I'm really gonna miss you guys," He tells Valt. 

"Group hug!" Serena yells. We all huddle around Ash, except for Wakiya. 

"I wouldn't want all of this food to go to waste," Kiawe says, gesturing to the meal that Mallow made us, "Let's eat!" We all agree and dig in. 

Once we finish eating, we play some games like Pokemon charades and Pin the tail on the Mudbray. Then, we just spend time with Serena and Ash and talk about what the Kalos region is like. When it gets dark outside, we decide to call it a day. All of us say goodbye to Ash and Serena because we won't see them before they leave tomorrow. Then, we leave Mallow's restaurant. Wakiya walks me to my house and gives me a kiss goodbye before he leaves. I change into my Ghastly nightgown and lie down in my bed. Then, I close my eyes and go to sleep. 

A/N- There's another chapter. I'm sorry that it took me a while, but I'll try to update again within a week. Vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter or if you have any opinions on it. Thanks for reading. 


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