Chapter 17

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Gladion's POV

Type: Null nudges me and I wake up suddenly. I sit up on the motel bed and rub my eyes. Then, I get up and get dressed. After grabbing my other Pokeballs, I place Type: Null back into his and head out the door. I make my way to Po Town, which Guzma would hate, but he doesn't need to know that I'm here. Two Team Skull grunts stand at the gate. 

"What are you doing, yo?" One of them asks me.

"Yeah, no way are you getting in without a battle," The other tells me.

"Fine by me. I'll take you both on at once," I say. They call out their Pokemon and I call out Type: Null. Within minutes, their Pokemon are defeated. I sigh and wait for them to open the gate. They do, and I walk inside slowly. Three more grunts come up to me. 

"As long as you're here, help us out with a job," The grunt in front tells me. 

"We're going to steal all of the Pokemon at the nearest Pokemon Center," One of the others tells me. My eyes widen. 

"Yeah, and no one will expect it," The third one says. I nod. 

"Let me do something first. I'll be right back," I tell them. The one in front nods, so I run off to the nearest Police Station. Once I go in the door, I go up to the front desk. 

"What can I help you with?" A police officer asks me. 

"I have some information about Team Skull's next move. They plan to rob the nearby Pokemon Center of all its Pokemon," I say to him quietly. His eyes widen.

"How do you know this?" He asks me suspiciously. 

"That doesn't matter right now. All that matters is not letting Team Skull steal all of those poor Pokemon," I reply. He nods.

"Just, don't get caught up with Team Skull. You'll end up in tons of trouble, kid. Don't ruin your life by hanging around with those thugs," He tells me. I nod before leaving the station and running back to Po Town. 

"Are you ready to go now, Gladion?" The grunt asks me.

"Actually, something came up. I can't do it today. You'll have to go without me," I lie. The grunt sighs, but motions for the others to follow him as he walks out of Po Town. I wait until they are out of sight and then begin to leave myself. I make my way to the docks and then rent a Lapras to take me over to Melemele Island. 

When I arrive at the island, I thank Lapras for the ride and begin the long walk to my childhood home. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Within seconds, the door is opened and our butler comes out. 

"Master Gladion?" He asks in shock. 

"I need to see her," I tell him. He simply nods and moves out of the way. I walk into the house and up to Lillie's room. I open the door and smile when I see her playing with her Vulpix. She looks up and tears pool up in her eyes. 

"Gladion?" She asks in disbelief. I nod and she gets up and runs over to me. She embraces me in a hug. 

"Lillie," I start. She begins to cry.

"No, don't talk. I need to apologize to you. I'm so sorry. I should never have raised my voice at you and I should never have blamed you for mother's doings. I knew that you did nothing wrong, but I was so hurt when you left me that day. And it's not your fault that mother was like that. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I love you so much," she tells me. I rub her back. 

"Shh, Lillie, don't cry. Of course, I forgive you. I love you too," I reply. She looks up at me and I wipe the tears off of her face. She smiles, making me smile as well. 

"Are you gonna stay here?" She asks me quietly. 

"I wish I could, but I still have work to do," I explain to her. 

"Team Skull?" She asks. I look away.

"Yes, but it's complicated. Let me assure you, I'm not on their side anymore," I reply. She nods. 

"But you'll come and live here after your work is done?" She asks. I nod and reply,

"Of course I will. Don't worry, it shouldn't take too long. For now, let's do whatever you want. I can stay here for the day, so we can hang out." 

"Will you come to my friend's house with me? We're all meeting there today," She says to me. I smile. 

"Okay, let's go," I tell her happily. She puts her shoes on quickly and follows me out of the house. I then allow her to the lead the way to her friend's house. 

"This is where Shu, Daigo, Rantaro, Wakiya, Ken, and Valt live," She explains, "I'll introduce them all to you later." I nod and we knock on the door. A short blue-haired kid opens the door. 

"Alola!" He exclaims. 

"Alola," I say back. He shakes my hand. 

"You must be Lillie's brother, Gladion. My name's Valt!" He says excitedly. I smirk at his enthusiasm. Speaking of enthusiasm, 

"Lillie! Gladion! Alola!" A certain Malasada loving boy yells from behind us. We turn around to see Hau with a Malasada in his hand. He places the whole thing in his mouth and eats it quickly. We laugh at him. Lillie pulls me along into the house, where I'm introduced to everyone inside. Ken and Acerola are sitting on the couch and Wakiya is staring at them sadly. Shu, Valt, and Rantaro are talking to Mallow and Kiawe, while Daigo and Lana are playing with a Litten. Hau and Lillie are sitting next to me. I notice Wakiya go into his room and quickly find out why. Ken and Acerola are kissing. When they stop, Acerola laces her hand in his and he blushes. 'I wonder if Wakiya and Acerola were a thing' I think to myself. 

"He's been like that ever since Acerola broke up with him and she started dating Ken," Lillie explains to me. 'Well that answers my question' I think. I stand up and walk over to Wakiya's room. After knocking the door, I just walk inside. 

"Hey man, you okay?" I ask, closing the door behind me. He looks up at me. 

"Sure, I'm fine, whatever," He replies to me. I raise my eyebrows at him and he sighs. 

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He sighs once more.

"No. I just get so upset seeing them together," he explains.

"That's how jealousy works," I say. He looks down and a frown forms on his face. "I'm sorry, man, but you just have to get over her." He nods. 

"Yeah, thanks, Gladion. That's what Daigo said too," He says to me. I smile and hold out my hand. He takes it and I pull him up off of his bed. I let go and gesture for him to follow me into the living room. He trails behind me as I make my way back to Lillie and Hau. He sits down on the other side of me. 

After about three hours, Lillie and I decide to head back to the house, so we leave. Once we get there, I say goodbye to Lillie and promise to check in with her soon. She hugs me.

"I love you. Be safe," she tells me. 

"I love you too. And I'll be fine," I reply. Then, I exit the house and make my way back to the docks where I ride a Lapras back over to Ula'ula Island. I walk to my motel room and unlock the door with my key. Then, I lock it behind me, let Type: Null out of his Pokeball, and get ready for bed. I pet Type: Null's head before lying down and closing my eyes.

A/N- Thank you all so much for reading my story! I have over 700 reads on this story and over 100 votes. That's amazing! Anyway, let me know if you liked this chapter by commenting and/or voting and as always, leave a comment if you have any thoughts on this chapter or ideas on future chapters. Thanks for reading!


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