Chapter 2

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Ash's POV

Pikachu and I descend from the loft in Professor Kukui's lab.

"Hey Professor!" I yell, "I'm leaving!" He runs into the room.

"Will you stop by the house of those people who were here yesterday?" He asks, "They are going to be joining us at the Pokemon School today and I need you to show them the way." I nod.

"Yeah, I don't mind," I say before leaving the lab. Pikachu sits on my shoulder and Rowlet is sleeping inside of my backpack. Once I arrive at their house and I knock on the door. The kid with blue, spikey hair opens it. "Alola!" I exclaim. He smiles.

"Alola!" He replies, "The guys and I are ready for our first day at the Pokemon School. I've just got to go and get them."

"Okay, well I'll just wait out here then," I tell him. A few minutes later, all of the boys come out.

"Hey," the white haired boy starts, "Ash right?"

"Yep, and you are?" I ask.

"Oh, right. I guess you don't know any of our names, huh? Well, my name is Shu. That's Valt, Rantaro, Wakiya, Ken, and Daigo." He answers. Valt is the short blue spikey haired guy, Rantaro is a really big guy with blond hair, Wakiya is the other blond who has longer hair, Ken is the one with two dog puppets on his hands, and Daigo is a short guy with very spikey black hair and a red bandana tied around his head. I nod after he finishes talking.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Anyway, I'm here to show you the way to the Pokemon school," I say. I turn around and start walking.

"Hey!" Rantaro yells, "You have the same Pokemon as me!" I think of Rowlet who's in my backpack.

"Yeah, that's right." I reply, "I caught it in the wild not too long ago. Someone at the school also has a Popplio, just like Valt does." Valt looks excited.

"How many other people go to this school?" He asks.

"Um there's me, Mallow, Kiawe, Lana, Hau, Acerola, and Lillie. They'll be so happy to meet you," I say. "Anyway, we're gonna be late if we don't get going." I lead them all the way to the Pokemon school and we walk into the classroom, which has six new desks in it. "Alola!" I exclaim to the other students as I walk inside.

"Alola, Ash!" Mallow yells. "Who are these people? Our new students?" She looks at the new guys in awe. "Do you guys have any Pokemon yet?" I nod and Valt, Daigo, and Rantaro bring out their Pokemon. Mallow runs over to Rantaro's Rowlet.     

"Awww, it's a Rowlet. It's so cute!" she exclaims while rubbing it under its chin. Valt's Popplio runs over to Lana's and they squirt water at each other. Litten just stays next to Daigo the whole time. Hau jumps up and down.

"What are all of your names?" Hau asks.

"My name's Valt," Valt tells him.

"I'm Rantaro, but you can call me Honcho," Rantaro says.

"Name's Daigo," Daigo states.

"His name is Ken, and I'm Keru," the blue dog puppet says.

"Yeah and I'm Besu. Ken doesn't like to talk, so he uses us instead," the orange puppet says.

"I'm Shu," Shu tells him.

"And I'm Wakiya," Wakiya says, annoyed.

Valt's POV

"So cool! My name's Hau and that's Lillie, Mallow, Acerola, Lana, and Kiawe," Hau says. Hau is a boy with brown hair wearing a black shirt and orange, tropical shorts. Lillie is a small blonde-haired girl wearing a white dress and a hat, Mallow is a girl with green pig-tails who is wearing a denim romper, Acerola is a girl with purple hair who's wearing a blue dress, Lana is a shorter blue-haired girl who's wearing a white shirt and blue pants, and Kiawe is a darker-skinned boy with hair that resembles a flame who is wearing red shorts.

Ash's POV (again)

After Hau introduces everyone, Mallow comes up and talks to me. After she leaves to talk to Ken, or Ken's puppets, Rantaro comes up to me.

"Dude, is she your girlfriend?" He asks. I blush.

"No, of course not. She's just a friend. I'm dating a girl named Serena who lives in the Kalos region," I reply.

"Okay, good," Rantaro says before walking away. I shake my head. That was kind of weird.

"Alola!" Professor Kukui says, walking into the classroom. The new kids all put their Pokemon away in their Pokeballs and sit down in the seats that have their names on them. "Today we have six new students and I'm sure that you've already met them. So let's get started, shall we?"

*     *     *     *     *

The bell rings and we all stand up. I walk over to Mallow.

"Should I invite them over to the restaurant for dinner?" She asks me.

"Sure! That's a great idea!" I reply.

"You're just saying that because you're hungry and you want some food," She complains, "but I'm going to invite them anyway." She asks all of the students if they want to come and they all say yes. We walk to her family's restaurant and then sit down at one of the tables outside.

"Do you have any Malasadas?" Hau asks eagerly.

"Of course we do!" Mallow exclaims. She then brings out a Sweet Malasada for each of us. We all eat the Malasadas as we wait for the main course to be finished. After about half an hour of waiting, she comes out with a large pot of stew and places it in the middle of the table. Then, she brings out bowls and spoons for each of us. Lastly, she sets down a large plate of Pokemon food on the ground. "Your Pokemon are bound to like this stuff! Bounsweet loves it!" Everyone lets out their Pokemon, who eagerly jump to the ground and over to the food. Then, we all get some stew for ourselves and begin to eat.

"This is the best food that I've ever had in my life!" Rantaro yells.

"Awww, thanks Honcho," Mallow says. He blushes and eats more. Hau stares at Lillie lovingly as he scarfs down more Malasadas. Those two would be the cutest couple.

Once we all are finished eating, we thank Mallow again for the food and begin walking towards the new students' house. Kiawe leaves the group first, claiming that riding his Charizard wold be much faster. Then, Lillie and Lana head off in one direction, while Hau goes the other way. Acerola jumps up behind Wakiya and scares him. He screams loudly and then yells at her.

"Acerola! What on Earth do you think that you're doing?!?" She frowns.

"Jeez, calm down. I was just having fun," She complains. Wakiya scoffs and crosses his arms. A Growlithe jumps out of the grass while we're walking by. I tap Ken on the shoulder because I notice his interest in it.

"That's a wild Growlithe," I tell him, "I'll lower its health a bit so that you can catch it." Pikachu runs down my arm and jumps onto the road. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" I yell. Pikachu gathers up electricity and throws it at Growlithe. It falls down, but then slowly stands up. "Now throw a Pokeball at it and hit it," I tell Ken. He nods and throws a Pokeball, hitting Growlithe on the head. The Pokeball shakes twice and then stops. "You did it!" I yell. He smiles and picks up the Pokeball.

"Come on out Growlithe!" Besu says. Growlithe appears and barks happily while Ken rubs its head. Ken then places Growlithe back into the Pokeball and we continue to walk home. Acerola finally leaves not long before we reach the house. I say goodbye to all of the boys as they walk into the house and leave me outside alone. Then, I walk back to the Professor's lab and up to my loft, where I change into my pajamas before lying down. Pikachu curls up next to me and Rowlet perches on my headboard. After closing my eyes, I slowly fall asleep.   


A/N- There's chapter two. Vote if you like this chapter and comment if you have future chapter ideas. And yes, I will be shipping Rantaro and Mallow together, as well as Wakiya and Acerola, and of course Lillie and Hau. Thanks for reading and I'll try to update within the next week.


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