Chapter 34

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First of all, I wanted to apologize for updating today instead of yesterday. I usually update on Saturdays, but we had our family Christmas yesterday and I was gone all day. Anyway, in this chapter, it's going to be New Year's Eve, like it is today. Here we go.

Ash's POV

I wake up from my nap to Pikachu shocking me. I look around my hotel room and see Pikachu next to my bed. 

"Hey! What the heck?!?" I exclaim. Pikachu smiles at me innocently. 

"Pika!" He says to me. I smile at him and stand up before I fix my hair and then leave the hotel room. 'Tonight's my last night here in Alola,' I think to myself. Pikachu jumps on my shoulder and I begin the walk to Professor Kukui's research lab. While I'm walking, I see Lillie a little ahead of me. 

"Lillie!" I yell at her. She jumps and turns around. 

"Oh, hey Ash," she replies, giving me a warm smile. I return the smile and catch up with her before we continue walking down the path. 

"You still working as Professor Kukui's assistant?" I ask her. 

"I only help out on the weekends now, but yeah," she answers. 

"Cool," I reply, "I've really missed hanging out with you guys." Lillie looks at me. 

"Ash, we've missed you too," she tells me, "Did you hear about Gladion, by chance?" Lillie has tears in her eyes. 

"What happened?" I question.

"Well, you see, Valt was taken by Faba, the branch chief at Aether Foundation a while back," Lillie starts. My eyes widen.

"He took Valt?" I ask in shock. Lillie nods and keeps talking,

"I was given a note telling me to take his place. He wanted me so that he could get to Gladion." I stare at Lillie in confusion. 

"What did he want from Gladion?" I ask her. 

"Type: Null," she replies, pulling out a Pokeball from her pocket. 

"His Pokemon that he took from the foundation? It's super strong," I tell her. She nods and releases the Pokemon in the Pokeball, revealing Type: Null. 

"Hey, Type: Null," Lillie says kindly. Type: Null rubs up against Lillie's hand. 

"How do you have Type: Null? And what happened to Gladion?" I question. Lillie nods slowly and continues to explain the situation,

"We went to the foundation and defeated a bunch of the people there. Once Shu defeated Faba, the door to where Valt was held got opened. Then, we went inside to get him. Gladion handed me this Pokeball and told me to take care of Type: Null. He pushed me out of the door and it closed, locking Gladion inside. We tried to get to him, but too many Aether Foundation members showed up and we had to flee." Lillie begins to cry. I embrace her in a hug. 

"Can't we get him back if he's still at the foundation?" I ask her. She shakes her head. 

"Hau had Kahuna Hala check it out, but Gladion's not being held there anymore. We don't know where he is anymore," Lillie says sadly. 

"Don't worry. We'll find him," I assure Lillie. She nods and then wipes the tears off of her face. She places Type: Null back into its Pokeball.  I smile at her and we finish walking to the lab. Lillie walks inside and I follow along behind her. Once inside, I look around at the place. 

"Professor?" Lillie asks. Professor Kukui runs up the stairs and smiles at us. 

"Hey, Lillie. Alola, Ash!" He exclaims. He hugs me and I smile at him. Rockruff runs up to me and rubs against me with the rocks on its neck. 

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