Chapter 38

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First of all, wow, 3K reads! Thank you so much to everyone who reads this story and to those who comment and vote. Anyway, this chapter will be from Shu's POV. I know that I've been neglecting Rantaro's POV, but I find it harder to write from his. Anyway, let's begin.

Shu's POV

My dream is suddenly interrupted by the all-too-familiar sound of my alarm clock going off. While groggily opening my eyes, I take in the darkness of the room. After stretching and giving a big yawn, I sit up and reach for Absol. I pet him for a minute before deciding to stand up and get ready. My bare feet touch the cool, hardwood floor as I walk to the bathroom to shower. Since it's so early, I'm the only one awake so far. Taking the opportunity to get ready first, I step into the shower and begin my showering routine.

After stepping out of the warm shower, the cold air of the bathroom hits me all at once. I shiver before drying off and then putting on my clothes for today. I decide to not wear my normal Alola outfit consisting of a pink shirt and black capris. Instead, I would wear the outfit that I wore all the time during Beyblade Tournaments. I run a brush through my hair, but that's the extent of my styling abilities. After throwing my clothes in the hamper in the laundry room, I make my way to the kitchen. I pull out several ingredients needed for my breakfast recipe. 

I move gracefully around the kitchen as I prepare the batter for the muffins. After that's done, I pour the batter into the muffin pans with equal amounts in each hole. My hands move to the pan and I place the silver tray on the top rack of our oven. Then, I head to my room and put on my shoes while the muffins are baking. The heavenly scent of the chocolate chip muffins fills the house. I know that it won't be long before the others make their way to the kitchen to grab breakfast. What I don't expect is the doorbell ringing. 'Who could be knocking on our door at seven in the morning on a Saturday?' I ask myself. After tiptoeing past the rooms of the other bladers, I open the door to see Gladion. 

"Gladion?" I ask in disbelief. I would never imagine this incredulous situation. 

"Yeah. Can I come in?" He questions. I'm not really sure what happened next, but I'm pretty sure that I nodded.

"Are you alright? What are you doing here?" My heart rate rises, expecting Gladion to expand on his sudden, and unexpected, visit to our house. There had to be a reason, right? Was he in danger?

"Calm down, Kurenai. Everything is fine," he replies with a hint of annoyance. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and sighed with relief. 

"Then why are you here?" I ask him. Gladion scratches the back of his neck and replies,

"I heard that you were a good Pokemon trainer. I came to see what you were made of. I also wanted to know if you have passed all of your trials yet." I stood there for a moment, taking in the current situation. 

"You do realize that it's seven in the morning right? What makes you think that I'm ready to leave? I still have to eat and then wake up the others," I try to make up excuses as to why I can't go with Gladion. That guy is not my favorite person in the world if you know what I mean. 

"You don't want to battle? Okay, but just say so. Don't try to make up excuses and not give me a real explanation or reason," Gladion says to me coldly. I am about to reply when the timer on the oven goes off. After getting up, I take the muffins out of the oven and place them on a platter. Then, I grab one for myself and head back to where Gladion is still standing. 

"We both know that I don't like you all that much. I'm still not sure why you came to me first instead of just going and challenging the Elite Four yourself. I mean, do you have to be the best trainer that you know? Are you only proving to yourself that you're the best before you decide to go and become champion?" I lash out at Gladion. At that moment, all I can think about is how much I want Gladion out of our house. He seems to get the message and he heads for the door. 

"Guess you'll be seeing me on the news. I'm the one that they'll be calling the champion of Alola, alright kid?" And with that, Gladion left our house, slamming it behind him. I bang my fist on the counter in rage and then push away my muffin. I'm not feeling so hungry anymore after that fight. 

My best idea is for me to go into my room, grab my Pokeballs, and go train. So that's just what I do. I leave a note for the others beside Ken, who had woken up to yelling and Gladion slamming the door. The note tells where I am and says I'll be back in time for dinner. After putting on my shoes, I leave the house. Then, I begin jogging to Ten Carat Hill, where I first caught my Machop.

Once at Ten Carat Hill, I release my Pokemon. Absol and Machoke look up at me. I tell them the layout of our training and they seem to agree with it. The third Pokemon that I have is an Eevee. My Eevee had evolved into a Sylveon. Before its evolution, I had wanted my Eevee to be anything but Sylveon. But my Sylveon is one of my partners and I'd accept it as one no matter what. After training for a few hours, I make a drastic decision. 

(a/n- some spoilers ahead if you haven't played all of Sun and Moon)

Since I have passed all of the trials in the Island Challenge, I could officially challenge the Elite Four and possibly become champion. I rent a Charizard and fly it to Ula'ula Island. On my way to the mountain, I make a pit-stop to a Pokemon Center and loaded up on all types of potions, healing products, and other things that I may need during the battles. Then, I walk up to the large building at the top of the mountain. 

"I'm here to challenge the Elite Four," I tell the people at the door. They nod and step aside, letting me past. I smile with confidence and head for the first of the four members. I was surprised to see Kahuna Hala there, but luckily I had beaten him before already. 

*     *     *     *     *

After beating Kahuna Hala, I heal my Pokemon and head for the next room. I smirk. Beating Olivia should also be a piece of cake. I pull out a Pokeball from my belt,

"Sylveon, I choose you!" 

Olivia sighs and returns her last Pokemon. I smile at her and then exit the room, ready for my next battle. Instead of going to the room right next door, I skip it and go to the last one. An unknown trainer stands before me. A flying type trainer? This doesn't look like a job that Machoke should take on. Fighting and flying types mixed together is never going to end well for the fighting type. 

"Okay, then. Come on out, Absol!" I release Absol and we prepare for battle. 

*     *     *     *     *

That battle was harder than I had originally thought it would be. Thankfully, I still defeated the flying type trainer and moved on to the last one. 'Is this it?' I ask myself before taking a deep breath and entering the room. 

"No way," I say out loud, "Acerola?" Her signature grin flashes and I can't help but marvel at her being here. She must be good if she's a member of the Elite Four. 

"Let's get this battle started!" She exclaims, sending out her first Pokemon. I follow suit, grabbing Machoke's Pokeball. Then, we battle. I fist pump and Acerola sighs sadly. 

"Man, I lost," she says. I smile at her and reply,

"You put up a great fight though." Acerola smirks at me and lets me pass so that I can go to the top of the mountain. Once there, I see a throne and cautiously head over to it. 

"Hey, stop right there," I hear a voice say. I turn around and am shocked at who I see. 

"Professor Kukui?" I ask in disbelief, "What on Earth are you doing here?"

A/N- There we go. I hope that y'all enjoyed this chapter and please vote and/or comment if you did. I'll continue this next week and you guys can see what's gonna happen. Don't you just love cliffhangers? I know I do. Thanks for reading!


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