Chapter 60

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Alright, here goes the last chapter of this story. Before I start this, I want to say thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story since the beginning. Thank you all.

Wakiya's POV

As Acerola opens her eyes, I shift in the chair that I'm sitting in. She sits up and smiles at me before saying,

"Good morning, Wakiya," I kiss her on the forehead and reply,

"Good morning. How's your head?" She smiles at me.

"I just have a little headache, but it feels a lot better," she says to me. I smile at her as she gets out of my bed.

"Come on, let's go and get some breakfast," I tell her. She replies immediately,

"Good. I'm starving." I chuckle at her and the two of us walk out to the kitchen. Shu is cooking chocolate-chip pancakes and the others are already eating at the table or on the couch. 

"Hey, you two. Hope you're hungry," Shu says. Acerola smiles and hugs Shu before saying,

"I'm so glad that you're back. And thanks for cooking because I'm sooooo hungry." Shu chuckles at her as she lets go of him. He hands her a plate with two pancakes on it. She grabs it eagerly and walks over to the table. After Shu gives me a plate, I thank him and go over and sit next to Acerola. She grabs the syrup container and covers her pancakes with it. I chuckle at her while she devours her pancake. I place a small amount of syrup on my pancakes and then begin to eat mine as well. 

-Time Skip-

After breakfast, we all get ready and then walk out of the front door. 

"Hey, guys," Valt says. We all turn to Valt, who's holding hands with Shu. "Shu and I will be going back home in a few days, along with Lui. Any of you are welcome to come back with us or you can just stay here." I look over at Acerola and then turn back to Valt and say,

"I'm going to stay here for a while. I'll go back home someday." Acerola smiles at me brightly.

"Yeah, I'm staying here too," Daigo says. Valt nods at Daigo. 

"Count me in too. I'm not going anywhere," Honcho says. Then, we all turn to Ken. He looks up at us and says,

"I'm going home with the others. I'll come back and visit sometime, I promise." Acerola runs over and hugs Ken,

"I'll miss you. You're a really good friend." Ken nods and smiles at Acerola. I look over at Shu and Valt and feel a little sad to see them go. I can't believe it, but I'm actually going to miss those two. And I'm really gonna miss Ken too. He's become a really good friend of mine and it's sad to see him go. 

Our whole group decides to tour the island again. We walk over to Professor Kukui's lab. 

"This is where we got our starter Pokemon," Daigo says, holding Torracat's Pokeball. Honcho and Valt are holding their Pokeballs too. 

"Yep, and right on that trail is where Rockruff jumped out at me," I say, pointing to the trail nearby. 

"That seems like it was a really long time ago, doesn't it?" Honcho asks. We all agree with him, thinking back to the past. We stay there for a little bit before walking to our next destination: the school. When we arrive there, we walk inside and look around. 

"This is where we first met you guys," Mallow says. Kiawe laughs and says,

"Yeah, and you were all amazed that the four of us are trial captains." Acerola giggles before saying,

"Wakiya was dumbfounded when he found out that I'm a trial captain." I chuckle and place my arm around Acerola. All of us stand around and talk about our memories together. 

"Remember when Shu and Mallow were fake-dating?" Lana asks. Everyone laughs. 

"And I went through all of your trials to complete my Island Challenge," Shu says to the trial captains. They all smile at Shu and talk about him going through the trials. 

"Acerola had a huge dilemma choosing between Ken and Wakiya," Lillie says and everyone laughs, remembering the two guys fighting over her. 

"And I made the right choice," Acerola says, loud enough that only I could hear. I smile at her and kiss her on the head. 

We leave the school and then walk around to various other places around the island, remembering all of our days here together. We pass the beach and I mention our date to Acerola. She smiles and brings up the girls in the ocean who were talking about me. I chuckle and tease her about being jealous. She giggles. Our group makes our way around the island and then back to our house. We stop out front and say goodbye to everyone else before the seven bladers head inside (Lui included). 

-Time Skip to a Couple Days Later-

Valt, Ken, and Shu walk out the front door, dragging their suitcases along behind them. Lui walks out with them as well. As they make sure that they have everything, all of the rest of us(all of the Pokemon trainers are here too) watch them, sad to see them go. Once they have everything, we all walk to the harbor with them and over to the docks, where their boat is waiting for them. Acerola hugs all of them, even Lui which he is very surprised by. All of us say our goodbyes to the ones that are leaving.

"Tell Hoji that I said hi, alright?" I ask Valt. He nods and hugs me quickly. I smile at him and slightly hug him back. Valt suddenly remembers something and looks at the others,

"I'm not going to take my Pokemon back with me. So, Lana, I want you to take Brionne. And Hau, here's my Yungoos." He hands the Pokeballs to each of them. Ken smiles and hands a Pokeball to Acerola.

"It's your Mimikyu. I won't be taking my Pokemon back either." Acerola smiles and takes it. Ken turns to Kiawe and says, "Here's my Arcanine." Kiawe thanks him and says goodbye. Shu pulls out his Pokeballs as well. He gives Pyroar to Kiawe, Absol to Daigo, Sylveon to Honcho, and then walks over to Gladion. 

"You're the best trainer that I know. So I'm trusting Tapu Koko to you," he says, handing Gladion the Masterball. Gladion thanks him and then Shu walks back over to Valt. The boat blows its horn and we all look at the four who are leaving. 

"I guess this is goodbye. See you guys around," Valt says, taking Shu's hand in his. They board the boat and then Ken and Lui follow them. As the boat leaves the docks, we all watch the others leave until we can't see them anymore. I smile, placing an arm around Acerola and looking forward to what's in store for life here in the Alola region. I'm also excited when I think of visiting the others back home and going home myself someday.

A/N- That's it. Thank you guys so much for reading. Please vote and/or comment down below if you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks.


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