Chapter 37

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I decided to try and write a chapter, even if I don't really have any new ideas. So be warned because this chapter may not be the best. I think that I'm going to end this book on chapter 40, just to end on a good number. *deep breath* Here we go.

Lillie's POV

My phone goes off and I check it immediately. 

Ash: Hey, Lillie. How's it going?

Me: Ash! It's been like forever since I heard from you last

Ash: I know, sorry. Since that one showcase where Serena didn't quite beat Aria. But I have something to tell you

Me: Okay. What is it?

Ash: We have a new Kalos Queen!

Me: No way! Serena really did it?!?

Ash: Yep! She was amazing, I wish you could've seen it. I took a video though. I'll send it to you right away

Me: That's amazing! I'm so happy that she achieved her dream

Ash: Yeah, I'm proud of her. I'm sorry but I gotta go. Serena wants me to come to her celebration that she's having

Me: Okay, have fun! Can't wait to watch that video

Ash: See ya! Tell Gladion and the others that I said hi

Me: Gotcha! Talk to you later, Ash

I tap on the group chat with everyone from school in it and begin texting a message. I tell everyone about Serena's accomplishment and invite them over to watch the video and just catch up. Since Gladion's come home, I've barely seen the others. Except for Hau, of course. He still comes over periodically, much to Gladion's dismay. 

After the others have replied that they're coming over, I run up to Gladion's room and knock on the door quietly before opening it. Gladion is napping on his bed with Type: Null beside him. I tap on Gladion's shoulder and he stirs slightly before going back to sleep. I sigh and shake his arm. 

"Gladiooon, wake up," I tell him. He stirs once more, but this time groggily opens his eyes. I smile at him. 

"Lillie? What is it?" He asks sleepily. 

"You haven't taken a shower yet today. My friends are coming over in about half an hour, so hurry up and get ready. You're going to hang out with us too. There's no getting out of this for you," I reply. He stretches and then runs his hands through his hair while yawning. After that, he gets up out of his bed and grabs some clothes before heading to the bathroom. Moments later, I hear the shower running. Type: Null rubs up against my hand. 

"I've missed you too, buddy," I say to him. He gives out a cry. Ever since I had to take care of Type: Null while Gladion was. . . away, he's been pretty fond of me. Though I actually don't see Type: Null often. I look around Gladion's room and notice some framed pictures on his dresser. I walk over to them and observe the photos. One of them is Gladion and me on Christmas. I'm wearing a green, velvet dress with red shoes and Gladion is wearing a gray suit with a tie covered with Christmas trees. In the picture, Gladion and I are in front of our fireplace. We are looking at each other and laughing about something. In another one of the pictures, a young Gladion is asleep, cuddling a Growlithe stuffed animal. The last photo is a family photo. My father has his arm around my mother's waist and Gladion and I are in front of them, holding hands. My mother and I are wearing matching white dresses, while my brother and father both have on white suits. This photo makes us look like a nice family that never had any problems. And at that time, I'm sure that we were. But after my father left, my mother was never the same. She became abusive and controlling. And Gladion leaving didn't help either. I stare at the picture sadly.

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