Chapter 43

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Time for another chapter. In this chapter, it is around a week after Shu and Mallow have started fake dating. Sorry that I didn't update last week, but I wasn't feeling well. I feel bad about not updating though. Okay, let's begin.

Acerola's POV

Wakiya and I leave his house and begin our walk to school. On the way, we encounter Shu and Mallow, who had left the house a little before us. The "couple" has been walking to school together to keep up their act of dating. 

"Mallow! Shu!" I yell. They turn around and Mallow smiles back at us. I run over to them, Wakiya jogging along behind me. 

"Hey Acerola, Wakiya," Shu greets. I smile in response and nudge Wakiya, who says a quick hello. 

"So, how goes the fake dating?" Wakiya asks them. 

"People are definitely believing it," Shu says. 

"Yeah, that's true. Everyone at school is talking about it too," I add. The four of us continue on the walk to school and arrive in the classroom. We talk for a while and wait for the other students to arrive. Once they do, Professor Kukui walks in and starts class. 

*     *     *     *     *

The bell rings and I stand up to stretch my legs. Once I stand up, I am immediately lifted off the ground and being carried bridal style out of the classroom. I look in the blue eyes of the perpetrator. 

"W-Wakiya?" I stutter, not expecting this from him, "Where are we going?" Wakiya shows his signature smirk and looks me in the eyes.

"Shh, you'll know once we get there," he answers. I sigh and allow Wakiya to carry me down the road, getting weird looks from everyone. I ignore them, focusing on Wakiya instead. I look into his eyes, getting lost in them. My gaze then moves down to his lips. Suddenly, a smirk appears on them. Wakiya chuckles and says,

"Like what you see?" My face turns red and I avoid eye contact with him. 

"N-No, well yes? I-I was j-just u-um," I stutter quickly. Wakiya laughs at me and continues walking. I bury my face in my hands, embarrassed. 

After a while, Wakiya finally comes to a stop and puts me down next to him. I look around and my eyes light up.

"This isn't our final destination," Wakiya says, "We hopefully won't be here for too long." I look at Wakiya, clearly confused. I then look back at the clothing store and all of the clothes. I look at my boyfriend again and reply, 

"So, why are we here? Where else are we going?" Another smirk appears on Wakiya's face as he says,

"I'll let you guess where we're going. For now, pick out a swimsuit. Any suit that you want, I'll buy it for you." I gasp and look around excitedly. 

"As much as I love shopping, I can't let you buy me a swimsuit from this store. Everything here is so expensive!" 

"I can afford it. I brought with me a lot of money from home, so I'm okay on cash. Go ahead and pick out a swimsuit, Acerola," he tells me. I kiss him on the lips and then run off to try on swimsuits. After trying on a few, I notice Wakiya trying on swim trunks on the other side of the store. I turn back to the rack of swimsuits and grab a purple bikini covered in polka dots. I eagerly grab my size of the bikini and skip to the dressing rooms to try it on. As soon as I look in the mirror, I know that this is the one. After changing back into my normal clothes, I exit the changing room and find Wakiya. 

"I found one," I announce, "Have you found some trunks yet?" Wakiya smiles at me and holds up a pair of purple swim trunks that are the same color as mine. 

"Let's go and buy these then, shall we?" He says, leading me to the cash register. He pays for the swimsuits and then we leave the store. Wakiya explains that we're stopping by his house to get changed and grab a few things. I follow him, excited to get to the beach. 

As soon as we arrive at his house, I change as quickly as possible and then help Wakiya pack a bag for the beach. In this bag, we pack sunscreen, snacks, and towels. When we leave, I basically run to the beach, slowing down every now and then to wait for Wakiya to catch up. He finally arrives on the sand with me and he leads me to an area under a huge beach umbrella. I quickly shed my sunglasses and run to the water, not bothering to wait for my boyfriend. Next to me in the water are a few teenage girls, around my age. 

"Oh my gosh, do you see that hot kid over there?" One of them says. 

"Wow, he's so hot! Do you think that I should ask him for his number?" Another girl says. I turn to the girls and talk,

"He is pretty hot, isn't he? I wonder if he has a girlfriend." 

"I don't see anyone with him. Maybe I could be his girlfriend," The shortest girl says. 

"I would love to date a boy like him," The other says. I look at Wakiya and notice him waving at me. 

"Oh my gosh! He's waving at me!" 

"No, he's waving at me!" I listen to the girls as they argue and then decide what to do about the situation. After turning back to the girls, I speak up,

"His name is Wakiya and he actually does have a girlfriend." 

"Really? Who is it?" The tallest girl asks me. I don't answer her and then leave the water, walking towards Wakiya. When I am about three feet away from him, I say,

"Kiss me." Wakiya obeys, kissing me deeply. I turn in the direction of the girls and smile at them. Wakiya looks at me, confused. 

"Not that I didn't want to, but why did I just kiss you?" He asks. 

"Those girls were talking about you and I needed to show them that you were my boyfriend," I reply. Wakiya smirks and says,

"Aww, you're jealous. That's so adorable." I playfully punch Wakiya's arm and then he gestures to a spot on the chair next to him. I sit down and we spend a while on the beach together. 

Once the sun sets, Wakiya and I pack up our stuff and head back to his house, wrapped in our towels because of the cool wind. He opens his front door for me and I change back into the clothes that I had been wearing before. After changing, I head to Wakiya's room to talk to him. As he's not yet inside, I lie down on his bed, letting my sleepiness take over. I notice someone pull the covers up over my body and then lie down next to me. I smile and snuggle up against him, trying to get warm. Then, I close my eyes and fall asleep with the smell of Wakiya's cologne comforting me. 

A/N- There you have it. Vote and or comment if you liked this chapter, even though I didn't think it was very good while writing it. Let me know if you have ideas for future chapters. Thanks for reading! 

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