Chapter 44

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Oh my goodness, it's been almost a month since I last updated! I'm so sorry! Time keeps getting away from me I guess. Anyway, some new thoughts about this story have popped into my head for the future. Some new, but familiar Beyblade faces, perhaps? One blader being very unfortunate in some way in the near future. Some Pokemon evolving? You name it. Anyway, sorry again for not updating in a while. Here's a chapter for y'all.

Valt's POV

"Valt!" Lillie screams. The steel door closes behind her and Gladion looks at me with hate in his eyes.

"This is all your fault!" He yells. I take a few steps back and watch in horror as they restrain Gladion and take Type: Null away from him.

"Thank you, Valt," I hear a voice behind me say. After turning around, I find Faba standing there. "This is all thanks to you luring these two here. You brought them right to us," He laughs evilly.

"No, I-I didn't mean for this to happen. Please, no," I fall to my knees.

"He's no use to us anymore. Dispose of him," Faba orders coldly. I hear Pokemon being released by the other people there and orders on what moves to use. I open my eyes to see several different attacks coming towards me, but I make no attempt to move.

*     *     *     *     *

I wake up suddenly, sweating in my bed. After slowing my breathing, I take a deep breath and decide to get out of my bed. The clock reads 3:11 a.m. I walk through the house to the back door before I open the door and go outside. I find a place in the grass and lie down, staring into the sky at the stars.


I turn towards the door suddenly, my thoughts interrupted by the voice.

"Shu?" I ask. He walks over to me and lies down in the grass next to me.

"Bad dream? I heard you get up and come out here," Shu states. I continue to stare at the stars. After a few moments, Shu speaks again, "Wanna tell me what happened?" I open my mouth to reply, but then begin to cry instead. Shu turns towards me suddenly and wraps his arms around me. I roll over onto my side so that we're face to face.

"I'm so scared that I could mess everything up for my friends," I pause for a moment, trying to put together words in my head, "Do you remember when I was taken by Faba?" Shu nods at me. "I could've messed everything up by being so stupid and going with him to Aether Paradise."

"Valt, you're not stupid. And we brought you back without giving up Lillie or Type: Null. Gladion came back on his own, too," Shu says calmly. I sigh, taking in his words.

"What if they end up getting taken? What if you guys are taken too?" I question sadly, "I've never felt so powerless, Shu. I won't be able to help out one bit if something happens to you all."

"Don't worry, Valt. No one is going to get us. If they try, they're gonna have to go through me, The Champion of Alola," Shu replies. I laugh softly and curl up into a ball, bringing my knees to my chest.

"I'm so scared," I say quietly.

"I know you are, Valt. Don't worry; nothing will happen to us," He tells me. After sitting in silence for a while, Shu speaks, "You need to get some sleep. Come on back inside." I stand up and Shu leads me to my room. I climb into bed, feeling like a child being tucked in. Shu pulls the covers up over me. He then takes a step through the door and I quickly grab onto his hand. Even in the darkness, I can tell that he is blushing.

"Please don't leave me all alone," I whisper. Shu smiles and climbs into bed next to me. Our backs are turned to one another.

"Goodnight, Valt," I hear him say before falling asleep.

*     *     *     *     *

Shu reaches out to me and yells my name over and over again. Faba appears with a Pokemon, ordering it to use an attack on Shu.

"No!" I scream, but it's too late. Blood seeps out of a wound in Shu's arm.

"Valt? You said you would protect me," Shu says. Tears run down my cheeks. "You said that you would protect all of us." I look around, seeing all of my friends lying on the ground, motionless.

"No! This isn't my fault! I didn't do this to you!" I cry out through tears.

"On the contrary, Valt Aoi. You caused all of this by bringing me your friends, just like I asked you to," Faba says from behind me. I turn back to Shu and notice that he is no longer moving. I fall to my knees, shaking. Tears hit the ground as I mourn over my friends. Faba begins to speak, but I cover my ears. It does nothing to muffle the words that I hear ringing in my ears.

"It's all your fault. Your friends are dead because of you!" 

*     *     *     *     *

Once again, I jerk awake. My breathing is heavy as I look around. After looking to my right, Shu's eyes meet mine. I sigh with relief after seeing him next to me.

"Valt, it's okay. I'm here for you, alright?" Shu's arms envelop me and I cry into his shirt. After about half an hour, I finally calm down. After lying there in silence, I hear deep breathing coming from Shu. He's asleep. I smile and try to get out of the bed without him noticing me. He stirs next to me and I see his eyes come open.

"Valt? Where are you going?"

"Shh... Go back to sleep. I'm just going outside for a little while," I reply. Shu turns over and I wait for him to fall asleep again. Once I'm sure that he has, I grab a duffel bag from under my bed that contains extra clothes and I shove my headband inside. I look back at Shu again before leaving the room and going out the back door once again.

This time, I exit the back fence and walk down the path towards the harbor. Once I get there, I see a light is on inside of the ferry terminal. I walk inside and buy a ticket for Ula'Ula Island. The woman tells me that the boat should be arriving soon, so I sit down on a bench outside and wait. The sun rises over the horizon and the boat appears in the distance.

I hand over my ticket and take a seat on the boat. I then find a restroom nearby to change and fix my hair. After that is done, I return to my seat. Next stop, Ula'Ula Island.

"My friends will be better off without me," I say to myself as I watch Melemele Island get further and further away.

A/N- Wow, this chapter was so much more depressing than I meant for it to be. Yes, I threw in some Shalt, is that a problem? Okay, so that's it for this chapter anyway. Like and/or comment down below if you liked this chapter or if you have thoughts on this chapter. Also, be sure to let me know if you have ideas for future chapters in this story. I hope that you enjoyed this!


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