Chapter 46

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Okay, so I haven't updated this in a while. I wanted to tell you guys again that I have written a Beyblade Burst x Reader story on my other account, @daigokenwakiya . Please go and read it if you like Beyblade and you like this story. Requests are always needed. Anyway, time to write a new chapter of this story. What will the group do without Valt? Read to find out.

Rantaro's POV

I take a deep breath and then knock on the door. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and then it opens.

"Hey, Mallow," I say nervously.

"Hey, Rantaro," she replies with a small smile.

"So, I talked to Shu. I know about the act and everything," I continue, "So it's a clear indication that you still like me. And I still really like you." Mallow places her hands on her hips and smirks.

"Got something to ask me, Honcho?" I blush and scratch the back of my neck.

"Mallow, how would you like to be my girlfriend?" I ask. She smiles and grabs my hand.

"I would like that very much," she replies before kissing me on the cheek. "Also, I'm sorry about the whole 'fake dating' act, but it worked, huh?"

"Yeah, up until Valt disappeared. It broke Shu and it was clear that he had feelings for someone else," I reply.

"How is everybody holding up?" She pauses and places a hand on my cheek, "How are you holding up, Honcho?" I sigh and take a deep breath.

"He's my best friend. I miss him already, but I'm just happy that he's safe with Xander and the others at the dojo," I answer.

"I'm glad that you're okay. And the others?" Mallow asks.

"Wakiya's fine, Daigo and Ken are in the same boat as me, but Shu isn't doing so well. He's happy that Valt is safe but he's worried about how Valt was acting before he left. He said that Valt was terrified. He was scared that everyone was going to get hurt because of him and he was having nightmares. Shu talked to him and tried to help him, but when he woke up the next morning, Valt was gone," I explain.

"Shu really cares about Valt. That's so sweet! I totally ship it!" Mallow fangirls for a while about the two of them and I think about Valt. 'Is he really okay?' I ask myself. 'Maybe I should call him.' I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Valt. After ringing about three times, Valt picks up.


"Valt, it's great to hear from you, buddy. Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. I just need to get my head clear and get away from the Alola Region for a little bit. By the way, I left Brionne behind. Do you mind taking care of him and making sure that he's all right?" Valt replies.

"Shu's already on it, Valt. He's really worried about you. Have you talked to him?"

"Yeah, we've been video-chatting everyday, usually in the morning and at night," Valt pauses for a moment, "Is that Mallow with you? Are you two back together?"

"Yes and yes," Mallow responds to Valt, "So you and Shu, huh?" Valt is silent for a while and Mallow and I wait eagerly for an answer.

"Fine. I guess we're official," Valt replies. Mallow squeals and congratulates Valt.

"When did he ask you? Well, I'm assuming he asked you because, well, you kinda hide your feelings," Mallow says to him.

"Yeah, you're right. He asked me a few days ago. Say, have you guys noticed anything different about him lately?" Valt questions.

"He's been upset because of you leaving, but besides that, no," I reply to him. Valt nods and answers,

"I just thought that he's been acting weird the last few days, but that might just be me being paranoid again, huh? Okay, well I've gotta go. Hoji and I are meeting up in the park to hang out. Talk to you later!"

"Bye, Valt. Miss you buddy," I reply.

"See ya!" Mallow says. The call ends and I place my phone back into my pocket.

"Mind if I ask a question?" Mallow asks.

"Shoot," I reply.

"Who is Hoji?" She questions.

"Oh, right. Hoji is one of Wakiya's friends. Probably his best friend actually. He's a tough Blader who lives back home in Japan. His Beyblade is a crazy powerful stamina type: Hyper Horusood," I explain to her. Mallow jumps up and grabs my hand before pulling me inside of her house.

"Thanks for the explanation. Now come on. I just made dinner, so come and eat with us," she says. I laugh and follow her to the kitchen where her dad is standing.

"Hello again, Rantaro. Nice to see you after all of this time," he states.

"You too, Sir," I reply. He and Mallow begin grabbing plates and glasses and filling them before placing them on the dining table. Mallow and I sit down at the table and then wait for her dad to join us before eating. I take a bite of my delicious meal and then speak,

"This dinner is amazing!" Mallow laughs and thanks me for the compliment. After we are finished eating, Mallow says goodbye to me and I leave her house, beginning my journey home.

Once I'm back on Melemele Island, I walk to my house and open the door. Wakiya and Acerola are saying their goodbyes, so it's clear that she's about to leave. I walk past Valt's room and hear something coming from inside. I slowly open the door to reveal Shu lying on Valt's bed. Shu is facing the ceiling, lying down on his back.

"Shu? You okay, man?" I ask hesitantly. Shu's eyes meet mine.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just. . . thinking," he replies with no emotion.

"About Valt?"

"Partly. Something else happened and I'm worried that it might have just sent me of the edge," he tells me.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Nothing. Never mind. I'm going to try and get some sleep, so do you mind leaving me in here alone?" Shu replies. I exit the room and then close the door behind me. 'That was a little weird' I think to myself. I shrug my shoulders and then head to my own room to catch some z's. After getting dressed in my pajamas, I lie down and close my eyes. Then, sleep comes shortly after.

A/N- Okay, there's another chapter. Sorry that it's not very good. I simply wanted to get Mallow and Rantaro back together and the rest just came along with it. As for what's going to happen next, why is Shu acting so weird? What happened and what is to come for him? Will Valt ever return? And will another Blader find himself in a tricky situation? More's to come in future chapters.

Anyway, if you liked this chapter then please like and/or comment down below. As always, if you have ideas for future chapters then feel free to let me know in the comments. Thanks so much for reading.


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