Chapter 49

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I've meant to update more this week, but I've been binge watching shows like crazy. I'm up to date with all of the episodes of My Hero Academia at the moment now though. And finally made it to Naruto Shippuden so now I've got a lot of episodes of that to watch. I've decided to take a break from binge watching to write this chapter. I'm kinda in a writing mood at the moment. Anyway, time to get to this chapter. Valt's coming back to the Alola Region, but not for a good reason. 

Ken's POV

I get out of bed and then proceed to wake up the four Pokemon that are sleeping in my room as well. Arcanine yawns and rubs his head against my hand. I laugh and ruffle the fur on it's head. Mimikyu moves towards me and nudges me with its tail, craving attention too. I pat Mimikyu on the head before moving towards the two Pokemon that are still asleep. These two, Brionne and Yungoos, aren't actually mine. They belong to Valt, of course. Shu was kind enough to at least leave these two behind when he went missing. And he left Valtryek behind as well. 

After waking up the two Pokemon, I grab four bowls from the kitchen and take them to my room before filling them with some Pokemon food. I then head to the kitchen again to grab an apple to eat. From the kitchen, I can see Acerola and Wakiya on the couch. They are sitting so that they're facing each other and, at the moment, they are kissing. I watch as Wakiya proceeds to basically make out with her. I then look away immediately and walk back to my room, putting my apple aside. I sit down on the carpet, sighing in the process. Arcanine walks over to me and lays across my legs, whimpering. 

"I'm okay, buddy," I say quietly. Arcanine growls slightly and I laugh softly, "Guess I can't fool you, huh?" I take a deep breath, petting Arcanine on his head, "I thought that I was finally over her, but I guess I was wrong. Why can't my heart realize that she already made her freaking choice? She chose Wakiya over me and she won't ever love me again, so I need to just give it up." Arcanine tilts his head. 

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. Since my room is the closest to the front door, I get up and head to the front door. Once there, I open it. 'I wonder who could be here so early in the morning' I think to myself. 

"V-Valt?!?" I exclaim. Valt smiles and gives me a big hug. 

"Yep, I'm back," he says somewhat happily. I smile back and reply,

"I've got two Pokemon in my room that'll be really happy to see you." Valt's eyes light up and he runs into my room with me following him. Brionne and Yungoos run over to Valt immediately and tackle him to the ground. Valt chuckles and pets both of them,

"I've missed you too." He says to the Pokemon. Valt then gets up and grabs his Pokeballs from my dresser, putting the Pokemon back into them. "Can I see the note that he left?" Valt asks me sadly. I nod before leading him to Shu's room and showing him the note, right where Shu left it at. After a few moments, I hear Valt begin to cry. 

"We had just gotten together and everything," Valt says through sobs. After crying for a while, he stops and says to me, "This is all my fault. If I just would've been here for him, this never would have happened. If I hadn't been so selfish and left because I was scared. And now, he's gone." Valt begins to cry again. I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"You can't place the blame on yourself," I tell Valt calmly, "Now, pull yourself together and go find the others." Valt stands up and regains himself. He then walks out of the room with me behind him. Valt knocks on Honcho's door and a very sleepy Rantaro emerges soon after. 

"Valt?" Honcho asks, still half asleep. Then, his eyes widen. "Valt!" Honcho pulls Valt into a bear hug, almost crushing him. 

"Honcho, I can't breathe," Valt says with short breaths. Honcho laughs, lets go, and replies,

"I missed you, dude." Valt laughs and fist bumps Honcho before heading to Daigo's room. He knocks on the door and goes inside. Honcho and I continue standing in the hallway. 

"Doesn't he seem...different to you?" I ask Honcho. 

"What do you mean?" He questions. 

"It's like he's faking being happy. I'm sure that this whole situation is heart-breaking for him," I say, worried about Valt. The door to Daigo's room opens again and Valt and Daigo both walk out. Valt asks about Wakiya and Daigo points to the living room. Valt then runs to the living room, yelling 'surprise!'. Acerola jumps up and gives him a big hug while Wakiya scoffs and looks away. But a small smile is planted on his face. 

*     *     *     *     * (Time skip to that night)

All of the Bladers (myself included) head to bed, tired from today's events. After Valt came home, Lillie wanted to have everyone over to spend time with him. We were there all day, playing games and catching up. So now a good night's sleep is in order. 

No one's POV

A stranger walks up to the window of one of the bedrooms: Valt's bedroom. He goes to open the window, but hesitates. He instead watches the blue-haired boy as he is lying in the bed. The stranger then turns away from the window. and says to himself,

"I can't let him see me. Not yet. I need to become stronger first. Strong enough to accomplish my goal. And then I can come back and be with him again." The mysterious stranger is wearing black and red pants and a black and red sleeveless shirt underneath of a white sleeveless coat. One of his arms is covered by a black and red glove/sleeve (idk sorry). Oh yeah, and he's wearing a black and red mask covering his face. His white hair can be seen and he has glowing red eyes. He pulls a Beyblade out of his pocket. It's name: Legend Spryzen. The stranger then walks away from the house, heading somewhere to train. 

 A/N- Okay, that's all for this chapter. If you enjoyed this chapter (idk it wasn't very good), then vote and/or comment. Also, if you have ideas or anything you'd like to see in future chapters, comment those as well. Also, if you enjoy Beyblade Burst x Reader stories, I've made one on my other account  

@daigokenwakiya, so read it if you'd like. Thank you so much for reading!


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