Top/Bottom 5 Favorite Characters

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This isn't a chapter obviously, but I wanted to let you guys know who my favorite and least favorite characters are of both Beyblade Burst and the games Pokemon Sun and Moon. 

Please don't hate on me for how I rank the characters. I really love this show and this game and I'm not trying to offend you if you absolutely love a character that I hate or vice versa.

Beyblade Burst

Favorite Characters:

5. Rantaro Kiyama

Don't get me wrong, I love Honcho so much. He's hilarious and really adorable. He's just not my favorite character. Honcho acts all big and tough, but he's really a big softie.

4. Shu Kurenai

Don't hate me for putting Shu as number four. I'm having a tough time making this list because I love a lot of the characters. Shu is really cool and always keeps a cool head. Also, he's a heartthrob. 

3. Wakiya Murasaki

I love Wakiya so much. And that's why this list is so hard because I put him at number three due to the fact that I love two other characters just as much. I decided to put Wakiya at three because I didn't like him at the beginning of the show, but I love him so much now. And dang is he attractive.

2. Ken Midori

Ken is so precious and adorable. How can a character even be as cute as him? I get so upset whenever something happens to him in the show like losing a battle or something. And now in the show, Ken is not the same as he was at the beginning, but deep down he hasn't changed and he's still that lovable ventriloquist that he was when the show began.

1. Daigo Kurogami

I can't even begin to describe how much I love Daigo. I have loved him since the very first time that I saw him in the show. Also, he kinda acted like a jerk when he battled at first, but I loved him all the way through it. I love his relationship that he has with his brother. Those two are so cute together. And Dark Doomscizor is my favorite Beyblade as well. I love the design of it. Anyway, Daigo has to be at the top of my list.

The ones that I like that didn't make my favorites list are Ukyo, Xander, Quon, and Ben.

Least Favorite Characters

5. Naoki Minamo

At number five, this means that I can tolerate him the most out of these five. The only reason that I don't like Naoki is that he kinda sabotaged Shu's match and I'm pretty sure that he's the one who sent Daigo the cheats in Lonely Doomscizor. I don't think this is confirmed, but I have my suspicions.

4. Orochi Ginba

I really don't have anything against Orochi. I just don't like him all that much. So besides that, I don't have anything else to say.

3. Zac the Sunrise

I know, I know. I can hear the fangirls yelling at me now as I type this. I don't hate Zac, I've just never been the biggest fan of him. He's a show-off and just wants some fame. That being said, please don't hate me for this because I really don't think that he's all that bad.

2. Yugo Nansui

I don't like Yugo much at all. He's kind of a jerk in almost every episode that he appears in. Also, I took him yelling at Daigo personally, even if he thought that Daigo deserved it. Whatever that's all that I wanna say about him.

1. Lui Shirasagi 

If you like Lui a lot, I'm sorry but I don't like him one bit. He's a jerk to everyone and he really doesn't need to be. That being said, I think that his English voice actor is really funny for some reason. If anyone agrees with me, let me know in the comments.

Pokemon Sun and Moon

I'm just going to do favorite characters on this one. Also, this is based on the game, not the anime.

Favorite Characters:

5. Kiawe 

I don't have anything against Kiawe and I like him. He doesn't really do much in the game at all, but I love his character design and his trial is fun.

4. Lillie

A lot of people are probably wondering why Lillie is only number four. I do think that she's a really cute character and all, but I just like some other characters more than her.

3. Acerola

I love Acerola's character. She's really cute and she acts really hyper. I also love her Z move pose. It's the best one in my opinion and her trial is a lot of fun to do. 

2. Hau

Hau's character is adorable. I love his obsession with Malasadas and I love how he literally jumps up and down all the time when he gets excited. And his battle music is amazing. 

1. Gladion

I think I had to pick Gladion as my number one. He is the best character to me and I can't imagine anyone else at the top of my list than him. His relationships with Type: Null and Lillie are so cute. Also, I love the little poses that he makes during battles. Speaking of battling, I like his battle music a lot as well. That's all I have about Gladion.


That's all for this chapter. I just wanted to let you all know who my favorite characters in both of these shows/games are. Also, if you noticed, all of my favorite characters are the main ones in this book. Please let me know if you agree with me on any of these characters or if you want to add to what I said on any of them. Sorry if I insulted your favorite character or something. And if I left out one of your favorite characters, let me know who they are in the comments and I'll let you know where they stand in my opinion. I'll update this story for real on Saturday unless something comes up. 

Thanks for reading and if you want me to do any other chapters like this then let me know.


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