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I know that I didn't update yesterday and I'm not going to today either. I currently have the flu and I'm not feeling up to anything.

I apologize for the chapter last week because it wasn't the best, but I'm losing inspiration. Hopefully, I'll be able to resolve the whole Mallow and Shu and Rantaro thing nicely. Speaking of which, I'm giving you readers the opportunity to choose what happens next. So do y'all want Mallow and Rantaro back together or Mallow and Shu. It's your choice; I promise that I'll go by majority votes.

I'm going to try and update this week as I'm on Spring Break.

Also, what would you guys think about me writing a new Beyblade Burst story? Would any of you read it? I do love Pokémon, but I find it hard to write stories about it. Beyblade, on the other hand, I can do. Let me know if you think it is a good idea and/or if you would read it.
That's all,

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