Chapter 19

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Wakiya's POV

I pat Rockruff on the head and then grab my backpack. Rockruff follows me out of my room and out the front door. We begin the walk to school. Acerola comes into view, walking towards my house. Obviously, she's going to walk to school with Ken today, as always.

"Hey, Wakiya," Acerola says quietly. I glance at her and smile slightly.

"Hey," I reply. We pass each other quickly and then continue on our ways. I ignore the feelings of pain that appeared after I saw Acerola and keep walking. Rockruff barks and I turn around to face him. When I do, he jumps into my arms and starts to lick my face. I break out into laughter and hug Rockruff. He barks happily and I smile at him. Then, I place him on the ground.

"Rockruff!" He exclaims.

"You wanna race? You're on," I reply. I begin running and Rockruff keeps up with me. By the time we reach the school, I'm breathing heavily and Rockruff is panting. I pick him up and carry him into the classroom. When I walk into the classroom, Mallow and Lana run over to me. Mallow takes a picture of me holding Rockruff because she says it's adorable. I roll my eyes but then smile before placing Rockruff on the floor so that he can play with the other Pokemon. I stroll over to Kiawe and begin talking to him. He and I have become really close friends since I arrived here.

"Hey man," He says to me.

"Hey, Kiawe," I reply. He stares at me, noticing the sadness in my voice.

"Did something happen with Acerola?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Nope, but I get so upset whenever I see her," I tell him truthfully. He nods.

"I understand. That's normal since you guys broke up not too long ago. Don't let that get in the way of your friendship with her though," Kiawe answers.

"Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it," I say to him before going back to my desk. He smiles at me. I sit down in my chair and stare at the clock, waiting for the start of class to arrive. Lillie's Alolan Vulpix puts her paws on my leg and I look at her curiously. The Vulpix decides to jump up onto my lap and lie down. I look to Lillie for an explanation and find her jaw dropped.

"She's never been comfortable around anyone except me. Even Hau can't get near her," Lillie explains to me. I look down at her Vulpix and smile.

"She is awfully cute. If you don't mind, can I keep an eye on her during class today?" I ask Lillie hopefully.

"Of course I don't mind! Go right on ahead, Wakiya," She replies to me. I smile and thank her before I begin to stroke Vulpix on her head. The bell rings and everyone heads to their seats. I continue to pet Vulpix as Professor Kukui begins to teach.

* * * * *

I pick up Vulpix and then slowly stand. Cradling Vulpix in my arms, I try not to wake her as I walk over to Lillie's desk. She sees Vulpix in my arms and beams.

"Awww, that's adorable!" She whispers excitedly. I look down at Vulpix and smile. Rockruff walks over to me and I smile at him as well.

"Wow, you're really good with Pokemon," A voice says. I look up to see Ken standing in front of me.

"Well, I've always been more comfortable around animals than people," I reply to him. When Ken and Acerola first started dating, I decided that I should be mad at Ken, but I soon realized that Ken was still one of my friends and I shouldn't be mad at him because of my own stupid mistake. And, as much as it pains me to say it, those two are a really good couple.

"Vulpix really seems to like you," Besu tells me.

"Yeah," Keru agrees. I smile.

"Yep, but I've got plans with Daigo and Kiawe, so I'll give her back now," I say, handing Vulpix to Lillie. Everyone says goodbye to me and I find Daigo and Kiawe.

"You ready man?" Daigo asks me. I nod and the three of us leave the school. We walk to the harbor, where we ride a Lapras over to Akala Island. There, we begin our walk to Kiawe's house. Once we arrive, Kiawe opens the front door and leads us to his room. A Pokemon is sleeping on his bed.

"That's a Flareon right? One of the Eeveelutions?" I ask him. Kiawe nods.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He replies.

"I've been reading through a Pokemon encyclopedia so that I can tell which Pokemon are what," I explain to him.

"Anyway, let's play the game already," Daigo says. Kiawe turns on his TV and then his game console. He hands each of us a remote before inserting the game Pokemon Battle Royale, a game where you simply battle other players and sometimes each other. I choose my character and a Pokemon. My character is a blond kid that looks the most like me and my Pokemon is, of course, a Rockruff. Daigo chooses a boy with black hair as his character and chooses a Litten as his Pokemon. Lastly, Kiawe chooses a dark-skinned boy with black hair and a Turtonator as his Pokemon. We start the game. Daigo and I choose to team up on Kiawe and we soon take his Pokemon out, leaving the two of us. We start the battle between us and it's soon over. I stand up and cheer.

"I did it!" I exclaim, "I am the best at this game!" Daigo and Kiawe cross their arms.

"Whatever," Daigo says.

"Yeah, I'll win next time," Kiawe tells me. I smirk and then look at the clock.

"We should probably get going. Thanks for having us over," I tell Kiawe.

"It's no problem. Bye guys," He says to us.

"Bye," Daigo replies. Daigo and I leave the house and then ride back to Melemele Island. We walk to our house and I open the front door. Ken and Acerola are standing right inside.

"Bye Ken," she says to him before kissing him on the lips. Ken kisses back and then they break apart.

"Bye Acerola. Be careful getting home. Text me when you get there, okay?" Ken tells her. She laughs.

"Okay, I will," She replies. Acerola says goodbye to me and Daigo and then walks out the front door. I say goodnight to all of the guys and head to my room. I change into some pajamas and then take my hair out of its ponytail. Then, I let Rockruff out of his Pokeball and I lie down on my bed. I close my eyes and soon drift into a deep sleep.

A/N- There we go, another chapter. I'm running out of ideas to write about, so sorry about this chapter being very uneventful. Let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters. Also, vote and/or leave a comment if you liked this chapter. I love hearing from you all. Thanks so much for reading!


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