Chapter 48

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I know that Valt just had a chapter from his POV like four chapters ago, but I decided to write one from back where the Bladers come from. There will be other Beyblade characters in this chapter. I for one am already excited to start writing this. Let's begin.

Valt's POV

I groan after hearing Xander yelling for everyone in the dojo to wake up. Groggily, I look at the clock and see that it's 4:30 in the morning. Punctual wake-up, as always. I sigh and sit up before getting up from the bed. After taking off my pajamas, I change into a plain, blue athletic shirt with grey sweatpants and some running shoes. I then grab my headband and put it in, fixing it in the mirror before I leave the room that I've been staying in. 

"Wow, you're ready earlier than usual, huh?" Yugo asks me. I turn to face him and smile. 

"Yep. We've still got at least ten minutes until the morning workout," I reply happily. I pull out my phone and check for any new calls or messages. Nothing. 

"Shu hasn't contacted you in a few days, has he?" Yugo questions. 

"No and I'm really worried about him. On the last call, my friend Hau told me that Shu lost his title of champion to our other friend Gladion. Him and Shu never really got along, though," I answer sadly. 

"Who would've thought that Kurenai would have problems," Yugo thinks out loud.

"He's only human. Everyone makes mistakes and has issues, you know," I defend. 

"Calm down. I wasn't trying to insult your boyfriend," Yugo teases. My cheeks heat up. 

"You didn't deny it," a voice says from behind me, "You and the prodigy actually are dating, huh?" I jump at the sound of a voice and hid behind Yugo. After finding the perpetrator, I calm down. 

"What's the deal, Ukyo? So what if we are dating?" I retort. 

"Yes! My ship has come true!" Someone yells. 

"Xander?" I turn around and see him walking towards me. 

"Yeah. Oh and congratulations, Valt. I hate to interrupt your conversation, but it's time for the morning workout. Let's go!" Xander replies before running out the door of the dojo. We all leave behind him, setting our normal paces. 

"How much running today?" Ukyo asks Xander. 

"We'll start with two miles as our warm-up. Then, we'll do cardio, hiking, and climbling before finishing off with another two miles to cool down," Xander answers. I sigh and focus on my running. This is gonna be a long workout. 

*     *     *     *     * (Time Skip)

Two and a half hours later, we arrive back at the dojo. I collapse on the ground, breathing heavily. Xander looks back at me, not even panting. 

"You okay there, Valt?" He laughs. I answer in between breathing,

"Yeah. . . Just. . . need a. . . little. . . breather." Xander laughs again and replies, 

"I'll get you some water. Give me a sec." I stare into the sky. The faint outline of the moon that can be seen during day catches my eye. And takes me into memories of the night that I left. 



I turn towards the door suddenly, my thoughts interrupted by the voice.

"Shu?" I ask. He walks over to me and lies down in the grass next to me.

"Bad dream? I heard you get up and come out here," Shu states. I continue to stare at the stars. After a few moments, Shu speaks again, "Wanna tell me what happened?" I open my mouth to reply, but then begin to cry instead. Shu turns towards me suddenly and wraps his arms around me. I roll over onto my side so that we're face to face.

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