Chapter 8

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Kiawe's POV

I mount my Charizard and tell it to fly up. We start our long flight to Melemele Island and The Pokemon School. I rub its neck gently and he cries out happily. After flying for a while, Charizard lands near the school and I dismount. I walk into the school and then into the classroom.

"Alola," I say, walking to my desk. Hau jumps up and down.

"Alola!" He exclaims while his mouth is stuffed with Malasada. I roll my eyes, but then smile at him. I call out Turtonator so that he can play with the other Pokemon like he normally does. Lillie walks into the room carrying her Alolan Vulpix. Her Vulpix jumps out of her arms and runs over to Turtonator and Hau's Raichu who decided to play with them too. Mallow and Lana walk in the classroom, along with Ash who let their Pokemon run over to Turtonator and the others. Acerola enters with Wakiya, followed by the rest of the Beyblade crew. Valt and Rantaro let their Pokemon out, but the others don't. Professor Kukui walks in the classroom next, followed by his Rockruff, who also goes to play with the others. I turn my attention to Professor Kukui, who calls out our group numbers for presentations on the Alolan forms of Pokemon.

After we finish the presentations, the Professor gives us some free time because it's the last day of school before our summer break. We begin talking to the Beyblade Crew about the Island Challenge because Valt is very interested in it.

"The first trial that you have to pass is Captain Ilima's. It's not that hard to pass, but it will be your first experience of trials. Then, you'll have to face the Grand Trial, which is challenging the Kahuna of Melemele Island, Kahuna Hala," I explain. Mallow nods in agreement.

"Next you'll travel to Akala Island where there are three trials before the Grand Trial with Kahuna Olivia. Lana is a captain with her water-type trial, Kiawe has his fire-type trial, and I have my grass-type trial," She tells them. Valt jumps up.

"Wait, you three are captains?!?" He exclaims. I nod and Wakiya speaks up,

"Haven't you ever listened to our conversations with them in the past?" He asks, clearly annoyed, "They've already told us this." Valt laughs and rubs his head. We all laugh at him.

"Then, after that you'll head to Ula'ula Island which is where my ghost-type trial is!" Acerola yells happily, "There's also Sophocles's trial, which is an electric-type. Finally you'll face Kahuna Nanu's Grand Trial." Valt yells again,

"You're a captain too?!?" We all laugh at him once more. Lana speaks up,

"Lastly, there's Kahuna Hapu on Poni Island. But you can also go through another trial, though there's no captain to that one." Professor Kukui walks over to us.

"Then, you can challenge the Pokemon Elite Four to become the Pokemon League Champion after you have finished all of your trials," Professor Kukui tells us, "Though they'll be pretty hard to beat." I nod, thinking of my time that I challenged them and failed after the second member. The school bell rings and Professor Kukui says goodbye to us. He tells us that he'll see us around and can't wait until next school year. I return Turtonator to its Pokeball and follow Ash and the other trainers out of the classroom.

"Serena's going to come and visit the Alola region," Ash says, "She's coming tomorrow." Hau jumps up and down.

"That's so exciting!" He exclaims.

"That's great! I've always wanted to meet your girlfriend!" Mallow chimes in. Lana smiles.

"Let's throw her a party!" Lillie suggests. We all agree. Ash's face lights up.

"She'd love that!" He exclaims. Mallow beams.

"We can have the party at my restaurant! I'll cook a signature stew for everyone and the Beyblade crew can come too!" She yells. Valt jumps up.

"A party?!? For who?" He asks.

"Ash's girlfriend," I tell him.

"Oh! That's great! When's she coming?" Valt questions.

"She'll be here around five or so, so let's have the party at six, okay?" He says. We all agree on that time and decide that everyone but Ash will meet to set up at five. After that, we say our goodbyes until tomorrow. I call out Charizard and get on his back. We lift off and he begins to fly home to Akala Island. I see Lana and Mallow riding a Lapras to cross over to Akala Island. Charizard drops me off on the Lapras and then I put him in his Pokeball.

"Alola Kiawe!" Mallow and Lana exclaim in unison. I smile back at them.

"I thought I'd join you two since we're all going to the same island.

"Hey Lana, I heard that Daigo spent the night at your house the other day. What was that all about?" Mallow asks. Lana's face turns red.

"I-It was just because the Lapras we rode to get to Akala Island left before he could ride it back and the renting was closed for the day," She replies nervously.

"I know you have a crush on Daigo," Mallow tells her.

"Yeah it's pretty obvious," I chime in, "Just like Mallow and Rantaro's crushes for each other." Mallow blushes deeper than Lana was.

"I-I don't have a crush on him!" Mallow argues, crossing her arms.

"Then why are you blushing so much?" I tease her. She scoffs and covers her face.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this," She warns me, "Or else." I smirk and reply,

"Don't worry I won't." Lana glares at me evilly. I jump. 'She's scary when she's angry' I think to myself.

"If you tell anyone about my crush on Daigo, you'll be sorry," She tells me. I smile nervously at her and assure her that I won't tell anyone. She smiles.

"Good," She turns to Mallow, "Lillie and Hau are going on another date tonight," She tells her. Mallow beams.

"I know! They're so adorable together!" Mallow says.

"Hau took long enough to ask her out," I say.

"That's so true! They liked each other for like five months before he actually asked her!" Mallow complains. We talk about a lot of other things before we finally reach the island. We dismount Lapras and thank it for our ride.

"Pras!" It cries out happily. I walk with the two girls until we reach Lana's house and say goodbye to her. Next, Mallow and I reach her house and she says goodbye. I decide to jog to Wela Volcano Park, where my house is. Before I can reach my house, an Eevee jumps out of the grass and I decide to fight and capture it. Then, once I go into my house, I grab a Fire Stone from my collection of them and evolve the Eevee into a Flareon. I smile at the Flareon as he cries out happily and runs around my room.

The sun goes down and I get ready for bed, changing into some Charizard pajama pants. Then, I brush my teeth and lie down in my bed. Flareon jumps onto my bed with me and I begin petting it's soft fur. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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