Chapter 52

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School started on Thursday, so now I won't be free for a while. I will try to update on every Saturday, but I can't promise that will happen. I went to Interactive Introverts on Thursday night and it was amazing! If you don't know what that is, it's a live show that two Youtubers called Dan and Phil put on this year. I encourage you to go and check them out on Youtube. Anyway, let's start this chapter up. 

Gladion's POV

I sigh at the sound of my alarm clock going off. After sitting up in my bed, I press the button to turn it off and then stand up. I then take a shower before getting dressed in my usual clothes and grabbing my belt holding my Pokeballs. Then, I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast. Lillie is already sitting at the table eating pancakes. I grab a plate of breakfast for me and then sit down next to her. She smiles at me and says,

"Good morning, Gladion." I nod at her and take a bite of my food before replying,

"Hey." Lillie turns sideways in her chair so that she is facing me. 

"Have you heard of this new trainer who calls himself Red Eye?" She asks me.

"Yeah, he's been challenging trainers who he believes are strong all over the Alola Region, right?" Lillie nods and types something on her phone before telling me, 

"He challenged Wakiya and Ken to a battle and beat both of them at the same time with only one Pokemon. Apparently, it was a Pyroar that he battled with." My eyes widen.

"He beat both of them at the same time?" I ask, shocked. Lillie nods and looks me in the eyes. 

"Chances are, he'll be coming to battle you soon. He's going after strong trainers after all. Just be ready for him, okay? He's super strong, so be careful during your battle once it comes," she says, a hint of worry in her voice. I ruffle her hair and reply, 

"Don't worry, sis. I've got some skills, remember?" I then go back to eating my pancakes. Once I've finished them, I stand up to put my dishes in the sink. As I set the dishes down, I tell Lillie that I'm leaving. She waves at me slightly and smiles. I smile back before walking to the front door and then leaving the mansion. 

After walking for a while, I hear a voice behind me, 

"Hey, runaway. Or do you go by 'All Mighty Champion of Alola' now?" I sigh before turning around,

"What do you want, Plumeria?" She frowns at me, more than she already was. 

"C'mon, I'm just checking up on the little Team Skull dropout. Oh wait, I guess you would've had to be a part of Team Skull in the first place for me to call you that," she replies while crossing her arms and smirking slightly. 

"I know that you didn't come just to make fun of me. So what is it?" I ask coldly. 

"I found something out about you, Gladion. I found out that while you were hanging around my team, you told the police about our plans several times. You turned on Team Skull and sold us out. Those are my little brothers and sisters that you got in trouble. For that, there's no forgiving you," Plumeria answers with an angry tone in her voice. She grabs a Pokeball and holds it out to me. I roll my eyes and pull out one of my Pokeballs. 

"I don't need your forgiveness," I answer as I call out my Lycanroc. Plumeria calls out her Zubat. I smirk and put an arm out in front of me,

"Lycanroc, use Rock Slide!" The rock-type move hits Zubat and it's super effective. 

"Zubat, use Acrobatics!" (again, sorry if this Pokemon can't use the move, but I think it can)

"Dodge it!" I yell. Lycanroc manages to get out of the way just in time. I sigh with relief and command the next move. After one more rock-type move hits Zubat, it feints. Plumeria sighs, calling back her Zubat. 

"Not bad, blondie. Won't be beaten so easily next time. You can mess with me all you want, but once you brought my team into this, it got personal. Just remember that," she tells me before walking away. I glare at her while she leaves. 

"Gladion!" I hear an angry voice yell from behind me. 'What is it this time?' I ask myself, rolling my eyes again. I turn around and see Lillie's friend, Valt. She warned me that he was angry with me. Has been since I beat Shu Kurenai and he ran off. Crap, Lillie didn't want me around him. He runs up to me and tackles me to the ground.

"Whoa! Get off me!" I yell, pushing him to the side. He rolls back over towards me and tries to attack me again. I place my palm on his forehead, holding him back. Tears begin streaming down his face. 

"It's all your fault," he says in between sobs, "Shu's gone and it's all your fault." He stops trying to attack me and sits with his knees against his chest as tears continue to fall. I look around us before placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Look, I really am sorry. I didn't know that his Beyblade was what had fallen out of his pocket. I never would've used that move if I had known. And I didn't know that would cause him to up and leave. Valt, I'm really sorry," I say to him sincerely. He looks at me, tears still filling his eyes. 

"It never would've happened if I didn't beg everyone to come to Alola with me. Maybe this is all my fault. It's my fault for bringing Shu here and it's my fault for not being here when he truly needed me. It's all my fault, it's all my fault," Valt sobs even louder than before. 

"This isn't your fault either. Don't blame yourself. If he wanted to come back now, then he would. I'm sure that he has some sort of goal in mind. Like getting back at me or something. If that's the case, then he would be trying to get better at battling. . ." I stop talking and think for a second, "maybe by battling strong opponents and getting better. Battling strong opponents!" I finish. I jump up and go over to Valt, pulling him up off of the ground. 

"W-What's your point?" Valt asks, clearly confused with tears still running down his cheeks. 

"C'mon. We're going back to your house. I need to talk to Ken and Wakiya," I say, dragging him along behind me. 

"Right now?" He asks. I nod and we walk to his house quickly. Once we arrive, I open the front door and walk through the house, trying to find who I was looking for. After not finding them in the house, I open the door to the backyard and find them there. 

"Wakiya, Ken, I need to talk to you two," I tell them. They shoot each other a look of confusion and then turn back to me. 

"Alright, talk," Wakiya says, crossing his arms. Ken stares at me, waiting for me to begin. I take a deep breath before saying to them, 

"I think that Red Eye is actually Shu." 

A/N- Cliffhangers are so fun, aren't they? Well, that wasn't much of one now that I think about it. What'll happen next? Read the next chapter to find out. If you liked this chapter please vote and/or comment. I love hearing from you guys. Comment your reactions to different parts of the chapter or whatever.  Anyways, thank you all so much for reading! 


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