Chapter 20

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I've been neglecting some of the Pokemon lately, so here we go.

Shu's POV

I stand up after I tie my shoes and then make my way to the kitchen for breakfast. Since none of the others are there, I just grab an apple and begin eating it instead of cooking anything. Then, I write a note saying that I'm on my way to Ula'ula Island to take Acerola's trial. Before I leave, I notice Ken coming out of his room. 

"Hey, Shu," He says to me without his puppets. 

"Hey, Ken. I was just heading to Ula'ula Island to see Acerola," I explain. 

"Mind if I come with you? I was planning on going over there today anyway," He replies to me. I smile.

"Of course. Let's go," I say. We leave the house and head to the harbor. There, we rent a Lapras and ride across the ocean on its back. We thank the Lapras for the ride and then walk to the Aether House. Ken heads to Acerola's room while I stand in the center of the living room area. A few minutes later, they come out of her room and I turn to her. 

"I'm here to take on your trial. I beat Kahuna Olivia's Grand Trial last week," I tell her. She nods and smiles. 

"Come on. My trial is so much fun!" She exclaims before running outside. Ken and I exchange a look before running after her. She leads us to an abandoned store that looks very old. I turn to Acerola for an explanation. 

"You'll need your Rotom Dex for my trial. Take a picture of any ghost Pokemon that you can find. The Totem Pokemon should show up after you take some pictures of the others. Be sure to take a picture of the Totem Pokemon too! Have fun, Shu!" Acerola tells me. I nod and walk into the store. I take a look at my surroundings. The store itself is dark, but there is light seeping in from the broken windows. I step forward and slightly jump as a conveyor belt begins to move by itself. Knowing that it must be a ghost Pokemon, I tell Rotom Dex to look around and take a picture once the Pokemon is visible. Rotom Dex does what I say and snaps a picture of a Ghastly. Then, the Ghastly attacks. I call out Absol and battle against the Ghastly. Since Absol is a dark type Pokemon, he takes Ghastly out pretty easily. I move through the store cautiously and then stop when I see a shopping cart shaking. Rotom Dex snaps another picture and a Haunter comes out. Absol takes out Haunter almost as easily as it did Ghastly. I heal Absol with a potion and then continue through the store. A flash of movement catches my eye and I turn around to see two Pokemon plush dolls floating in the air. A Gengar shows up on Rotom Dex's screen and it attacks after I take a picture of it. Absol has a harder time beating Gengar, but he defeats it nonetheless. I thank Absol and heal it with a potion once more. I have a feeling that the Totem Pokemon is coming soon. A door is visible on the back wall of the store, so I head towards it. Then, I open the door slowly and walk inside of the small room. Looking around, there are pictures of Pikachu spread on the walls. I feel a pair of eyes behind me, so I power up Rotom Dex's camera and look around. I hear a noise behind me, so I turn but see nothing. Then, I look down and see a Mimikyu standing there. I take a picture of the Mimikyu and it screeches. I cover my ears before it jumps at me. I call out Machop and the Mimikyu attacks. Machop takes some damage. I tell Machop to use a move and he does. The disguise on Mimikyu falls to the side, but Mimikyu takes no damage. It just attacks once more. After a few more hits, I call Machop back and send out Absol. Absol stands strong and attacks the Mimikyu with its most powerful dark attack. Mimikyu takes lots of damage. After two more hits, Mimikyu faints and I cheer. 

"Great job, Absol. We did it," I say to Absol. 

"Ab!" It replies happily. 

"Now rest up," I tell him before returning him to his Pokeball. Then, I make my way out of the store. I see Mimikyu for a split second before it disappears. I shrug and head over to Acerola and Ken. I show Acerola the pictures of the Pokemon. 

"Yep, that's Mimikyu," she says to me, "Great job! You've passed my trial." I thank her and then we begin to talk about the trial. 

"What was with all of the Pikachu drawings and pictures in the back room?" I ask her. 

"Stop joking around Shu. There is no back room," She tells me. I raise my eyebrows, clearly confused. Ken congratulates me on passing the trial and I thank him. Ken and Acerola share a kiss and I look away. 

"I'm gonna head back to Melemele Island," I tell them after they're done, "You coming?" I ask Ken. He shakes his head. 

"Acerola and I are going on a date. I'll see you later, Shu," He tells me. I nod and head back to the harbor on Ula'ula Island. Thankfully, my Lapras is still there, so I ride it back to Melemele Island. Once there, I feed the Lapras a berry and thank it for the ride. 

"Lapras!" It exclaims happily. I smile and begin to walk away. I head back to the house and then open the front door. Valt runs up to me almost immediately. 

"Shu! How did the trial go? Did you rock it?" He asks eagerly. 

"I did pass the trial,"I tell him. 

"I knew that you could! Great job!" He yells.

"Thanks," I reply. 

"So how was it?" He questions. 

"You'd be scared if you did it. There are lots of ghost Pokemon there," I explain to him. He crosses his arms. 

"I would not be scared. I'm not scared of anything," Valt argues. Rantaro suddenly touches his shoulders and Valt screams. Rantaro and I laugh at Valt as he frowns. Then, I head out to the backyard to put in some practice with my Beyblade. I launch Spryzen and watch it circle around the stadium before taking the center. I launch about ten more times, trying to notice any difference in the launches. 

"Come on Spryzen," I say, "We need to get a whole lot better if we ever want to beat Lui." 

There we go, another chapter. Vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and let me know if you have any suggestions for future chapters. Thanks so much for reading! 


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