Chapter 18

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Sorry, I'm updating a lot later than I originally planned. But here's a new chapter.

Mallow's POV

I walk into the school with Kiawe and Lana. We let our Pokemon run around as we talk to each other. After a while, Rantaro and most of the others walk in the classroom and we begin to talk to them as well. Acerola walks in, hand in hand, with Ken. Wakiya watches them as they walk over to Ken's desk and quietly talk to each other. Lillie and Hau walk in last, both of them holding a Malasada. They quickly sit down and we all follow suit when the bell rings. Professor Kukui walks in holding a Ditto.

"Okay kids. Today, we'll be learning about Ditto and what it can do. Does anyone know what's so special about this Pokemon?" He says.

"It can turn into other Pokemon and use their moves as well," Lillie says confidently. The professor nods his head and places the Ditto onto his desk. He asks for someone to send their Pokemon up and Rantaro's Rowlet eagerly flies up next to the Ditto. We all laugh.

"Ditto, use transform," The professor says. The Ditto transforms into Rowlet and Valt gasps.

"That's amazing!" He exclaims.

"Isn't it though? Ditto is a very rare Pokemon, but it's a real miracle when you find one. I was very lucky to catch this one myself," Professor Kukui tells us. The Ditto goes back to its normal form and Rantaro's Rowlet flies over to me and lands on my desk in front of me. I rub its feathers under its chin and it happily cries out. It begins to snore after a while and Rantaro places it back in its Pokeball. I revert my attention to the professor, who is rambling on about Ditto. I roll my eyes and try to focus on what the professor is saying.

* * * * *

The bell rings and I basically jump out of my chair, happy to be done with that school day. I grab Steenee and walk out of the classroom to get some fresh air.

"Mallow!" I turn around to see Rantaro jogging towards me. I smile and wave. He catches up with me and then he smiles at me.

"Hey Rantaro, what's up?" I ask. He blushes and rubs the back of his neck.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over and watch a movie or something at my house. The rest of the guys are gonna be with Acerola and I didn't really feel like going," He answers. I laugh nervously.

"You mean, like a date? Honcho, are you asking me on a date?" I ask in shock. He nods slightly.

"Only if you want it to be one. I was thinking of it that way though," He replies. I smile and blush ever so slightly. Then, we begin the walk to his house. Once we arrive, he opens the door for me and we walk to the living room. I sit down on the couch while he puts the movie in and turns off the lights. I place the blanket over both of us and snuggle up against him to get warm. I can tell he's blushing even in the dark. I am too, so I don't blame him.

The movie that we watch is called Frozen, which I've never seen before, even though it's really popular. It was a pretty good movie about a queen with ice powers and her sister. There was also an ice harvester and a reindeer and an adorable snowman named Olaf. The movie ended with a huge plot twist, but love between the sisters pulled through.

The movie ends and I turn to Rantaro, who is looking into my eyes. He leans down and I feel his lips meet mine. I kiss back softly and then we both pull away.

"S-sorry," He stammers.

"Don't be. I'm glad that my first kiss was with you," I reply while blushing.

"So it was your first kiss too, huh?" He asks. I nod and then stand up to turn on the light. Then, I walk back to Rantaro and kiss him on the cheek quickly.

"I have a question for you," I say.

"Go ahead," He replies.

"Will you, Rantaro Kiyama, be my boyfriend?" I ask.

"Of course, Mallow," He answers before kissing me. I check my watch and my eyes widen.

"I'm glad that you said yes, but I've got to leave or I'll be late for helping my dad with the shop. I'm so sorry," I tell him. He laughs.

"It's fine," He replies.

"Thank you so much for having me over," I say before quickly kissing him once more and then running out of the door. I then make my way to the shop quickly and help my dad cook and clean. He turns to me.

"So Mallow, I heard that you had another boy beat your trial yesterday," My dad tells me. I smile.

"Yep. My friend Shu came by yesterday to challenge me. He only has a Machop and a Marowak, but he crushed the trial on his first try. He's super talented. Apparently, he also beat Lana and Kiawe yesterday right after he beat me," I explain.

"He's that good?" Dad asks me. I nod and then reply,

"He might be the best trainer I've seen since Ash. Maybe even better than him." He shakes his head and goes back to cooking.

After we've finished cleaning up, we close up the shop and make our way home. As soon as I enter my room, I change into my Lurantis pajamas and brush my teeth. Then, I lie down on my bed and pull out my phone to see if Rantaro's still awake. It's already eleven-thirty, so he may be asleep. (The following conversations are texts and that's why the grammar is so bad. It pains me to not have capital letters and correct punctuation)

Me: hey, you up?

Honcho<3: yeah, what's up?

Me: just seeing what you were up to

Honcho<3: Valt and I just played a video game and I destroyed him

Me: Nice

Honcho<3: btw, I heard that Shu beat your trial yesterday

Me: yeah he's a really good trainer, the best I've seen in years

Honcho<3: does he have to be amazing at both Pokemon and Beyblade battles?

Me: guess so

Honcho<3: you wanna come over after school tomorrow for another movie?

Me: only if I can pick out the movie this time

Honcho<3: deal, bring whatever movie you want

Me: okay get ready for an amazing movie then

Honcho<3: I'm gonna go and get some sleep now. I suggest you do the same

Me: okay, goodnight

Honcho<3: goodnight Mallow

I shut off my phone and place it on my nightstand. I smile, thinking about Rantaro and my battle with Shu. Then, I turn over onto my side and close my eyes.

Boom! Another chapter. I had fun writing this chapter and bringing together another couple. Vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter. Also, if you have any ideas for future chapters, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading, bye!


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