Chapter 10

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Gladion's POV

I'm doing some work for Team Skull today. But it's weird because, 1) they won't tell me what the job is, and 2) there are three strangers with us. One of them is a female with long, pink hair, one is a male with blue hair, and the last is a Meowth. They have on white clothes with a red R on the chest. Apparently they call themselves Team Rocket. Team Skull decided to team up with them because they promised us a few new Pokemon.

We finally arrive at our destination. Two Team Skull grunts knock on a hotel room door. The door is answered and the grunts go into the room and close the door behind them. A few moments later, they come outside holding an unconscious girl. She is a girl about my age and she has four Pokeballs hooked on her belt. One of the grunts grabs the Pokeballs and puts them in his pockets to offer up to the boss later. The Team Rocket girl with pink hair laughs.

"James, Pikachu will finally be ours," She says to the other member with blue hair.

"But Jessie, this isn't the brat that has Pikachu," James tells her. She groans.

"I know that! But this is his girlfriend and if we leave a note telling him to hand over Pikachu or we'll hurt this girl, then he'll do it willingly," Jessie says.

"Oh, I see," James states. They both laugh evilly and their Meowth joins in.

"And then the boss will be so proud of us for catching Pikachu," The Meowth says. I jump and point at it.

"Y-You talked?" I ask, astonished.

"Yeah, deal with it," The Meowth retorts. I cross my arms and reply with,

"Whatever." We enter the hotel room, where Team Rocket handles writing the note and I look around a little. I notice a picture of the girl who is being kidnapped and a boy that I've seen my sister hanging out with before. 'What would they want with one of Lillie's friends?' I think to myself. Jessie and James finish the letter and we leave the hotel. We carry the girl to the ferry terminal where she is placed on a boat beside us. Then, we sail to Ula'ula Island and set course for Po Town.

After a while of traveling, we arrive at the gates of Po Town and some Team Skull members let us in. We walk into the Shady House to find Guzma. He is sitting on his 'throne' and talking to another grunt. He looks our way and frowns. Pointing to me, he speaks,

"You, get out of here. You're not welcome in my mansion cuz' you're not an official member of Team Skull." I scowl and walk out of the room. I make my way out of the Shady House and then exit Po Town also. Deciding to tell Lillie about her friend's issue, I hop onto the boat that we brought to get here and ride back to Melemele Island. Once there, I head for my old house, where Lillie and I used to live with our mother. Now Lillie just lives with our butler and our maid. I go up to the front door and ring the doorbell. When it doesn't immediately get opened, I turn the handle, only to find it unlocked. Then, I make my way to Lillie's room and knock on the door. She tells me to come in, so I do. Lillie and three of her friends are sitting on the floor.

"Gladion?" She asks me. I nod shyly and notice that the boy with the Pikachu is there too.

"I need to talk to you, Lillie," I say, "And him." I point to the boy. He stands up and she looks at me.

"You need to talk to Ash and I?" She questions. I nod and they follow me outside to the hallway.

"Are you Lillie's brother?" Ash asks me. I nod and reply,

"Yes, and I'm sorry to stop in like this, but it's really important." I pause for a moment, "Your girlfriend is in danger," I tell Ash. Fear fills his eyes.

"W-What do you mean? Where is she?" He asks fearfully. I look down.

"She's been kidnapped by Team Skull and a team that calls themselves Team Rocket," I tell him.

"Team Rocket?" He asks, "As in two people and a Meowth?" I nod.

"How do you know them?" I question.

"They tried to steal Pikachu all the time in Kanto and the other islands that I've been to as well," He tells me.

"I can tell you where she is because I was with Team Skull at the time. I sometimes do work for them, but I never would've come on the mission with them if I knew what they were doing," I explain. Lillie gasps.

"You've been working for Team Skull?!?" She exclaims. I put my hands out in front of me innocently.

"Look I didn't know what to do and I had to make money somehow. I'm sorry," I tell her. She nods slowly.

"I'll forgive you, but come back and live with us again, okay?" She asks.

"I guess that wouldn't hurt. Okay, I'll come live here again," I tell her. She smiles and gives me a big hug. I smile slightly before turning back to Ash.

"Let's go," I tell him. He nods and runs into Lillie's room, grabbing his backpack. Then, he turns to a boy I recognize as Kahuna Hala's grandson.

"Come on, Hau," Ash tells him. Hau nods and stands up.

"I'm coming too," Lillie says. We look at each other.

"Sorry, Lillie, but you can't come," Hau tells her. She crosses her arms, but we all begin to leave. Hau kisses her on the forehead and follows us.

"Wait are you two dating?" I ask Lillie. She nods and blushes. Hau smiles and pushes me along behind Ash. I turn and follow them out of the house. Then, I lead them to the ferry terminal and we hop onto the boat to Ula'ula Island. Once we're there, we make our way to a hotel nearby.

"Let's wait until it's dark so that we'll be able to sneak in easier," I say. They nod. "There are two grunts at the door, but I think they never reject a challenge for a battle. They will let us past once we beat them." I finish. Hau and Ash sit down on the couch in the room and I sit down on the bed. Hau pulls out two Malasadas and scarfs them down. Ash taps the arm on the couch nervously.

"I won't leave until I've rescued Serena," Ash says sternly.

"At least you don't have to do it alone," Hau tells him.

"Yeah, we'll be there with you too," I assure him. Ash smiles and thanks us. Pikachu rubs against Ash affectionately and Ash pets him on the head.

"Don't worry buddy," Ash tells him, "We'll get Serena back, I promise."

"Pikachu!" He cries out. I smile at the two of them and their relationship with one another, thinking of Type:Null. 'I'm going to have a stronger relationship with Type:Null' I think to myself. Then, my phone goes off and I look at the message.

"Lille says good luck," I tell the other two. Hau jumps up and down.

"I'm super psyched now that I know Lillie's rooting for us," He says. Ash and I laugh. I then think about the upcoming mission to get Serena back. 'Hopefully everything will go smoothly.' I think to myself.

A/N- I know this chapter isn't very good, but I'll try and make the next one better. Vote and/or comment if you liked it and let me know if you have ideas for upcoming chapters. Thanks for reading and I'll update soon. Bye!


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