Chapter 45

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Gosh, it's kinda late for an update, but I'm not feeling tired yet and I haven't updated yet this weekend. Yesterday, I had a tennis tournament and then I went and saw Infinity War. If you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it! It's so good! Anyway, this chapter will take place about a week or so after the last one when Valt left the house for Ula'Ula Island.

Daigo's POV

I knock on the door to Valt's room quietly before entering. Shu is lying on the bed and staring off into space.

"Shu? You okay, man?" I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper. He nods slightly and brings his knees to his chest. "We'll find him, I promise," I say to him before walking out of the room and then going back to the others in the living room.

"Okay, so we've checked basically all of Melemele Island. I'm going to the harbor to ask about anyone buying a ticket last week on the night that Valt disappeared," I say to them. Lana stands up off of the couch.

"I'm coming too," she announces. I nod and take her hand as we leave the house. Once outside, we begin walking towards the harbor.

"Why would Valt just leave?" I ask quietly.

"I'm sure that he had a good reason to," Lana points out to me. I nod and we finish the walk to the harbor in silence. I run inside, with Lana behind me, and go to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady says with a warm smile.

"Is there any way that I can see if a ticket was bought a week ago?" I ask desperately.

"Sure, let me get out the list. Is everything alright?" She questions.

"My friend ran away. We're trying to find him, so this may be our only chance," I reply. The woman places a binder in front of me. I flip back to the day that Valt went missing. There's a purchase for a ticket to Ula'ula Island. The ticket was bought at 5:32 a.m, just around the time that Valt left from the house.  I turn to Lana.

"This had to be him. Let's get going to Ula'ula Island," I tell her.

"We need to tell the others first," she replies. I wait as she calls Mallow and transmits the message about where Valt may have gone and then she hangs up.

"Let's go. They're gonna meet us there, right?" I ask. Lana nods and leads me to the dock, where she calls out Lapras. We mount Lapras and ride across the ocean quickly to try and find Valt.

"I guess that we're off to the harbor there, huh? Do you think that he's still on this island?" I nod and stare at the horizon, seeing a small bit of land. The land grows larger and larger as we come closer to the island. Lapras lets us onto the docks and then Lana returns her precious water Pokemon.

I run into the ferry terminal on the island and ask about any recent purchases. There's only been three in the last week due to so many people renting Lapras and Charizard instead. Two of the tickets are to Poni Island and the other is out of the Alola Region. When I see it, my heart stops. Lana speaks up,

"You don't think. . ." she trails off.

"That must have been him," I answer without hesitation. I thank the young man at the counter and we run outside of the stand, only to find everyone else waiting for us.

"Good news. We think that we kno-" I am interrupted by a phone ringing. All eyes turn to Shu as he pulls out his phone and answers it.

"Hello?" He asks skeptically. Then, a smile works its way onto Shu's face. He puts the phone on speaker for all of us. "Why don't you repeat what you just said for the others?" I hear thunderous laughter coming from the other side of the phone.

"Xander?" I ask in disbelief. He laughs again.

"Yep, it's me. I wanted to let you guys know that Valt is here at the dojo right now. He showed up a few days ago, but we've only now been able to get ahold of you," Xander says, "Now Shu, can you turn it off of speaker? Valt wants to speak to you and only you." Shu pleads with his eyes and we all agree. Therefore, Shu presses a button and begins walking away while talking on the phone with Valt.

"So Valt went back home, huh? How weird," I say. Lana giggles and grabs my hand in hers.

"At least now we know that he is safe," she replies. I smile and kiss her on the forehead.

Shu comes walking back after a few minutes. We all wait patiently to hear about the update from Valt.

"Valt isn't ready to come back yet, but he said that he might be ready soon. I believe that we should respect his decisions and let him stay there as long as he wants. After all, he'll still be safe and all. What do you all think?" Shu states. We all look at each other, everyone waiting for another to speak.

"I agree with you fully," I reply with a smile. Shu returns the smile and begins to walk towards me. He stops about two feet away from me.

"You really like Valt, don't you?" I question.

"Of course. He's a great friend."

"I'm sure that he's more than just a friend to you. You two were sleeping together the night that he disappeared," I retort. Shu scoffs,

"It sounds weird if you say it that way. I was only sleeping in his bed because he was having nightmares and I was trying to calm him down. That's all."

"Okay good. Because there was this girl who-"

"There was a girl? Who was it?" Shu demands. I smirk, clearly victorious in my goal.

"See, you do have a crush on him," I tease. Shu blushes a deep red color.

"So what? Maybe I do have a tiny crush on him," he replies. I smile at him and he avoids my gaze.

"Don't worry," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder, "He'll be back soon. I'm sure of it." Shu shakes his head.

"I'm not so sure about that," he tells me.

"Why? Did he say something about staying there?" I question.

"No, but he told me to take care of Valtryek for him. I don't think that he's planning on coming back anytime soon. Lucky for me, he said that we could talk on the phone every day though," Shu pauses for a moment, "I do wish that he would hurry back though. I miss him so much already." I smile weakly at Shu before going back to Lana and the others.

'Valt's not coming back soon, huh? What will we do without him?' I wonder to myself.

A/N- Sorry about this chapter being kinda bad. I was rushing a little because I just wanted ti get a chapter posted. I'll try and make the next one better, okay? That's all for this chapter, so like and/or comment if you liked this. And let me know if you have future ideas for this story. Thanks so much for reading!


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