Chapter 23

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I know that I just updated this story two days ago, but I'm on fall break and I'm bored, so why not? I meant to update this earlier today, but I've been watching Naruto and reading Naruto Fanfic, so it didn't happen. Also, wow! I haven't written from Rantaro's POV since the third chapter. I'll fix that with this chapter.

Rantaro's POV

I make my way to my girlfriend's desk after class ends. She smiles at me and grabs my hand. I blush lightly and she giggles at me. We begin to walk out of the classroom when Acerola runs up to us.

"Where are you two going?" She asks us.

"Umm, to the Malasada shop," I reply.

"Great. Do you, um, mind if I come along? I won't get in your way and I'm fine with third-wheeling. I just need to, uh, get away from Ken and Wakiya for a little bit," she explains. Mallow and I laugh at the purple-haired girl.

"Sure, you can come. Must be awful having two guys fight over you," Mallow says the last part sarcastically.

"Hey, it is!" Acerola pouts, "Wakiya won't stop flirting with me and Ken is just being too nice. They won't let me do anything by myself!" I laugh at her as we begin our walk to the Malasada shop. Once we arrive, I buy three Malasadas, one for each of us. Acerola insisted on paying for her own, but I wouldn't let her. We pick a seat in the corner of the shop and wait.

"So do you know who you're going to choose between Ken and Wakiya?" Mallow suddenly asks Acerola. Her face goes red.

"Um, not yet. Ken is so caring, but Wakiya makes me feel really special. I-I don't know what to do," She replies, "What do you think I should do?" Mallow ponders.

"I can't tell you who to choose. You need to listen to your heart. But if I were in your situation, I'd go for Wakiya. He's hotter than Ken by far, in my opinion," Mallow tells her. I flare up when Mallow talks about Wakiya being hot.

"Oh really?" Acerola asks.

"Yeah, but Lillie and Lana are totally on team Ken instead. They say that he's super sweet and he acts so comfortable around you, using his real voice and all," Mallow replies thoughtfully. Acerola turns to me.

"Honcho? What do you think?" She questions. I answer without hesitation.

"I can't stand Wakiya, so I'm on team Mittens," I tell her. She looks confused.

"Why do you guys fight so much anyway?" She asks.

"He's such a jerk sometimes. And insulting Roktavor and my friends is not something to take lightly, in my eyes," I reply seriously. She nods in understanding.

"Thanks for the input, you two," Acerola tells us. The waitress brings us our Malasadas. I grab my spicy Malasada as the others take their sweet ones. I take a bite of mine.

"So good," I sigh. Mallow grabs mine and takes a bite of it.

"Too spicy!" She exclaims. I laugh at her and take a bite of her sweet Malasada.

"That one's really good too," I say. Mallow giggles and finishes her Malasada as I do the same. We stand up after Acerola finishes eating her Malasada.

"Where are you guys going now?" Acerola asks.

"My house," I answer, "The guys and I are having a Beyblade Tournament again. You're welcome to come. I know that you were avoiding Ken and Wakiya, but it'd mean a lot to them if you came to watch them, I bet." She nods.

"I'll follow you guys then," She tells us. We take off in the direction of my house. Once there, we walk around back and enter through the back gate. The others are waiting for me.

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