Chapter 15

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First of all, thank you so much for over 500 views on this story! I never imagined that this many people would read this story! Anyway, here's another chapter!

Ken's POV

I hear a knock at the door. After opening it, I discover that it is Acerola and her Mimikyu, which is so adorable. I smile at Acerola and then look at her Mimikyu. Acerola giggles.

"You can play with Mimikyu while I watch Wakiya train if you want," She tells me. I beam.

"Thank you so much," I say to her, without my puppets. She smiles.

"Awww Ken, you talked without your puppets again. You should do it more often, your voice is so adorable!" I smile at her. Acerola is my best friend in the Alola region. She understands me really well and we have a lot of the same interests.

"Wakiya's already out back," I tell Acerola. She nods.

"Thank you. Oh, and by the way, I'm throwing you a party for your birthday tomorrow." I open my mouth to respond, but she shakes her head. "And no complaining because I'll throw the party anyway and just drag you there myself," She finishes.

"I was going to say thank you. Anyways, go spend some time with your boyfriend. Mimikyu and I are going to the Malasada shop," I tell her. She smiles.

"Okay, have fun!" She exclaims before running out the back door. I laugh and pick up Mimikyu. Then, we start walking to the Malasada shop. Once we get there, I order a Malasada for Mimikyu and me to share. We find a seat in the back of the shop and I notice Hau crying nearby.

"What's wrong, Hau?" I have Besu ask him.

"I ran out of money, so I can only eat eight Malasadas today," He replies sadly.

"Wow, that sounds like a huge problem," Keru says sarcastically.

"I know! I'm so upset!" He cries. I laugh and watch as Hau slowly gets up and exits the Malasada shop after waving to me. A few moments later, our Malasada is done and I let Mimikyu have half.

"Mimik!" It cries out happily. I smile and stroke his tail. Once we are done with our meal, Mimikyu and I leave the shop. We hear yelling coming from a nearby alley.

"Yo, you better give us that Pokemon or else," A voice says.

"Yeah, the boss wants tons of strong Pokemon, yo," Another voice says.

"Please, just take my money instead, not my Tentacool," A third voice pleads. Laughter follows. Mimikyu and I rush into the alley and draw the grunts' attention to us.

"Mimikyu, use Shadow Ball!" I yell. Mimikyu throws a sphere of dark matter at the grunts. They get hit and fall to the ground. I run over to the man with the Tentacool and help him out of the alley. He thanks me before he leaves. I turn to the Team Skull grunts.

"We'll remember this!" The boy yells before running off, the girl not far behind. I chuckle and pick up Mimikyu, hugging him.

"Thank you for battling with me," I tell him.

"Mim!" He replies happily. We make our way back to the house before joining the others in the backyard. At this point, Wakiya is battling against Daigo. Daigo manages to get a ring-out finish and get one point. But during the next round, Wakiya bursts Doomscizor and wins. Acerola notices me standing there and runs over to me.

"Alola, Ken! How was your evening with Mimikyu?" She asks. I tell her about the battle with the Team Skull grunts and her jaw drops.

"You two battled against Team Skull?!? Wow! That's so cool!!!" She exclaims.

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