Chapter 9

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Ash's POV

I am standing at the harbor with a red rose in my hand when Serena gets off of the ferry.

"Ash!" She yells as she runs towards me. I open up my arms and give her a huge hug when she reaches me.

"I missed you," I tell her before kissing her quickly on the lips. She smiles.

"I missed you too," She says, "It's been so long since I've seen you in person." I nod and grab her suitcase from her. Then, we walk to the hotel that she's staying at for the week that she's here. We check her in and I help her unpack her stuff. She leaves for a few minutes and comes back with a small vase filled with water. I hand her the rose and she places it inside of the vase. She walks closer to me and I pull her in for a kiss. While we're kissing, the door opens and Professor Kukui comes in. We quickly pull away from each other.

"Alola!" He exclaims. We both start blushing. "You must be Serena," He says, shaking her hand.

"Yes. And you are?" She asks.

"Oh! My name is Professor Kukui and I'm a Pokemon researcher who hands out starter Pokemon. Speaking of which, I've brought them with me. I'll give you one if you'd like," He tells her. She smiles.

"I'd love one!" She exclaims, "I've heard all about these starter Pokemon. No need to pull them all out, I'll take Litten please." The Professor laughs as he hands her a Pokemon.

"Good choice, cousin!" He says. She releases Litten and gives it a big hug. Litten cries out happily. The Professor leaves and she puts Litten back into its Pokeball. Then, she kisses me again. I stand up and grab her hand.

"Come on," I say, pulling her out the door, "I have something to show you." She giggles and follows behind me. We walk to Mallow's restaurant and I notice that everyone is outside sitting at the tables. Serena and I walk onto the porch and everyone looks our way.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Serena," I announce. Mallow jumps up from her seat and shakes her hand.

Serena's POV

A girl with green pig tails and a denim romper runs up to me and shakes my hand.

"It's so nice to meet you! My name is Mallow," She says. I smile. Ash points to a girl with short, blue hair.

"That's my friend Lana, who trains water-type Pokemon," He says. She waves at me and smiles shyly.

"I'm Kiawe," Says a boy with darker skin and hair that resembles flames.

"My name is Lillie and this is my boyfriend Hau," A beautiful girl with blonde hair says. Her boyfriend is a boy with brown hair with a huge smile on his face. He jumps up and down.

"It's nice to meet you!" Hau tells me. I smile at him because he's so energetic.

"My name is Acerola," A younger girl with purple hair tells me, "And this is Wakiya." She points to a boy with spiky blond hair. He nods at me. Then, a boy with blue hair stands up.

"My name is Valt," He says happily.

"I'm Shu," Says a boy with white hair. I smile and wave at him. A tall boy with blond hair and a lollipop in his mouth comes over to me.

"My name is Rantaro, but you can call me Honcho," He says to me. I nod at him. A boy with two puppets on his hands goes next.

"His name is Ken, I'm Keru, and and the other puppet is Besu," The blue dog puppet says. Lastly, a boy with black, spiky hair introduces himself.

"My name is Daigo," He tells me.

"It's so nice to meet all of you!" I exclaim, giving them all a big smile.

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