Chapter 7

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Shu's POV 

I open my eyes and sit up in my bed. After looking at the clock and seeing that it's around four o'clock in the morning, I decide to get out of bed and get dressed as usual. Then, I walk out of my room and quietly make my way to the back door. Once I make it outside and close the door behind me, I walk to the Beyblade Stadium and pull out Storm Spryzen. 

"3, 2, 1, let it rip!" I launch Spryzen and watch as it spins around the stadium and then stops in the middle. After it stops, I prepare for the next launch.

*     *     *     *     *

The sun rises and I decide that's enough training for the day. I walk inside and into my room to get clothes to wear. Then, I go into the bathroom where I get into the shower. When I'm finished, I get out and get dressed. I walk back to my bedroom where I pick up my Pokeball and open it, releasing Machop. 

"Chop!" He cries out. 

"Will you go and wake up the others?" I ask him. He cries out again happily and leaves my room. A few minutes later, he returns and I thank him. Then, I place him back into his Pokeball and walk into the kitchen. I decide to make pancakes and eggs as the others get ready for the day. Ken is the first one to come out, followed by Daigo, Rantaro, Wakiya, and finally Valt. I get out six plates and prepare breakfast for everyone. I carry the plates over to the table and pour glasses of milk for everyone. Then, I sit down at the table and eat with all of the others. 

"Shu, this is awesome!" Valt exclaims. I smile at him as he devours the food. Him and Rantaro stand up at the same time and race to see who can put their dishes away first. 'At least they put their dishes away today' I think to myself. Daigo stands up and thanks me for the meal. Ken smiles at me as he puts his dishes away. Wakiya just stands up and walks past me. When I'm done eating, I place my dishes into the dishwasher and walk to the front door to wait for the others to come. Once they do, we leave the house and begin the walk to school. 

*     *     *     *     *

We walk into the classroom and Rantaro immediately goes over to talk to Mallow. I can tell that he has a crush on her, but I'm waiting for him to tell us before I say anything to him. I walk to my desk and sit down. Hau runs into the room with a Malasada in each hand and makes his way over to Lillie, handing her one. She thanks him and blushes. Her Vulpix begs for some of the Malasada and she happily gives her some. Professor Kukui comes into the room and we all go quiet as he begins to talk. He gives us an assignment in groups of three where we have to do a presentation on different Alolan forms of Pokemon. The four groups are Lillie, Hau, and I, Valt, Rantaro, and Mallow, Lana, Daigo, and Ken, and finally, Wakiya, Ash, and Acerola. My group has to present on Exeggutor, Valt's group is presenting on Vulpix, Daigo's group has Raichu, and Wakiya's group has Meowth. My group decides that we'll go to Lillie's house to work on the project. 

Once school ends, Hau and I follow Lillie to her house, which is a huge mansion. Hau and I stare at it in awe. 

"You actually live here Lillie?!?" Hau exclaims. She shyly nods and leads us inside. We walk through her house and up to her bedroom. She puts Vulpix on the ground and Vulpix jumps up onto her Pokemon bed. I look around and notice a picture on her nightstand. It shows a young Lillie with a  blond boy who seems to be a bit older than her and a woman who resembles Lillie. 

"Is that your brother and your mom?" I ask. She nods

"Yes, but they don't live here anymore. Mother is the president at Aether Paradise and my brother, Gladion moves around a lot, staying at hotels and such. But every once in a while, he sends letters here saying that he's okay," She explains to me. Hau speaks up,

"So you live here by yourself?" She shakes her head. 

"No, I have a butler and a maid who also stay here with me," She replies, "Anyway, enough about me. Let's get started on the project." Hau sets down the trifold poster board and a box of markers. 

"I've seen an Alolan Exeggutor, but what do the other ones look like?" I ask Lillie. She walks over to her laptop and types something. 

"They have really short necks," She tells me, showing me a picture of one. Then, she prints that picture out along with a picture of an Alolan Exeggutor. While she and Hau glue the pictures on and write the title on the board, I look up facts about each type of Exeggutor and type them on a separate tab so that we can print them off. After they print, I grab a pair of decorative edge scissors from Lillie's desk and cut the facts out with those, so that they don't look so boring and plain. I hand the facts off to Lillie and Hau, who glue them down on our poster. By the time we are finished, it's dark outside and we stand up, ready to leave. 

"Do you two want to stay for a late dinner?" She asks. 

"No thank you," I reply, "The others are probably starving at home because I haven't made anything, so I'd better be going. But thank you so much for the offer." She smiles and turns to Hau. 

"I'll stay and eat. I'm always hungry. Do you happen to have any Malasadas?" We both roll our eyes, but she then giggles. 

"Of course we have Malasadas," She tells Hau. He jumps up and down and cheers. I say goodbye and navigate my way around the house until I reach the front door. There, I see a Lillie's butler, who opens the door for me. I thank him as he closes the door behind me and he nods. After I'm on the porch, I walk back to my house and open the front door. 

"Shu!" Valt yells, "Mallow brought us some dinner and we saved some for you!" 

"Thanks," I reply, walking into the kitchen and sitting down in front of a bowl of fruit salad. I eat it quickly and then head to the backyard, where Daigo and Wakiya are battling. 

"I win again!" Wakiya yells. Daigo slowly picks up his bey and ignores Wakiya. 

"Nice Shield Crash," he says before walking past me and into the house. 

"Hey, Shu, wanna battle?" Wakiya asks. I reach for my bey, but he shakes his head. 

"A Pokemon battle?" I ask. He nods and brings Rockruff out of his Pokeball. I do the same to Machop. He smirks and yells, 

"Rockruff, use Bite!"

"Dodge and use Low Sweep!" I yell. Rockruff takes a little damage, but nothing too bad. 

"Now use Rock Throw!" Wakiya tells him. Machop is hit and receives some damage. 

"Now use Seismic Toss!" I yell. Machop throws Rockruff really high and it hits the ground hard. Rockruff, tries to stand up, but he can't. 

"Rockruff, return!" Wakiya puts Rockruff back into its Pokeball so it can rest. I follow suit so that Machop can rest as well. 

"Good battle," I say, "Rockruff has definitely gotten stronger." He smirks. 

"Well, I have been training with Acerola," He replies. I smile. 

"Are you sure training is the only thing you do?" I joke. He blushes. 

"Shut up. I don't like her," He says. I laugh at him. 

"Then why are you blushing?" He covers his face and I laugh at him some more. 

"I'm going back inside," He declares, "Are you coming?" I shake my head. 

"Nah, I'll be in there in a sec," I say. I see a flash of yellow and orange in the night sky. "What was that?" I ask rhetorically. I shrug and walk inside, locking the back door behind me.       

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