Chapter 16

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Daigo's POV

I groggily walk into the bathroom and take a shower. Then, I fix my hair, put my bandana on, and brush my teeth. I grab my two Pokeballs and Doomscizor before going into the living room to talk to the others. Since it's Saturday, everyone except Shu and Ken is still sleeping. I tell them that I'm going to meet Lana at Brooklet Hill. 

"Have fun with Lana!" Ken tells me. 

"Yeah, but not too much fun," Shu jokes. I blush and exit the house. 

After walking to the docks, I rent a Lapras and ride over to Akala Island. When we reach the land, I thank Lapras for the ride and begin walking towards Lana's house. I knock on the door and wait for it to be opened. The door opens and two young girls are standing there. They look like they might be twins and they are obviously the sisters Lana keeps talking about because they bare a strong resemblance to her. 

"Are you big sister's boyfriend?" One of them asks. 

"Yes, that's me," I reply to her. She smiles and the other one yells,

"Big sis! You're boyfriend's here!" 

"Coming!" I hear Lana say. She walks over to the door and smiles at me before walking outside and closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Lana," I say.

"How are you, Daigo? Has everything been going all right?" She asks me. 

"Yeah, with me anyway. Wakiya won't stop fighting with Honcho and he and Ken aren't even talking to each other anymore," I explain to her. She frowns.

"That's awful! We should go check in on Acerola. I'm sure she's upset too," Lana replies. I nod and we walk, hand in hand, to the docks. Surprisingly, the Lapras that I rode over is still here, so we ride it to Ula'ula Island. Lana leads me to the Aether House, where Acerola lives apparently. We enter the building and see two kids running around with a Yungoos. 

"Are you looking for Acerola?" The girl asks Lana. She nods and the little boy replies,

"She's in there," He points to a room on the right side of the front desk. We thank him and Lana knocks on Acerola's door softly. She doesn't say anything so we just walk in. I immediately regret that because as soon as we walk in, we see Acerola and Ken kissing on the lips. Lana squeals, scaring the two. 

"Wh-What are you guys doing here?" Acerola asks. 

"That's embarrassing," Besu states. 

"Yeah, maybe you should've knocked first," Keru says. We laugh at how red Ken's face is.

"We actually did knock," I tell him. He blushes even harder than before. 

"So are you two a thing now?" Lana asks. 

"Yep, Ken asked me out about a week after I broke up with Wakiya," Acerola states happily. 

"I'm glad you're happy, Acerola," I tell her. She smiles warmly and grabs Ken's arm. He blushes. 

"Have you told Wakiya yet?" Lana asks them. 

", not yet," Acerola tells us.

"Of course not!" Keru yells.

"Yeah, he doesn't have to know right away," Beus says.

"Still, I think that you should tell him," I say. They look at each other. 

"Fine, let's go," Acerola says. She pulls Ken along behind her. We make our way to the docks and board Lapras, who gives us a ride all the way back to Melemele Island. When we arrive, we walk to our house and go inside. Shu walks over when he hears the door open. He notices Acerola holding Ken's hand. 

"Are you dating Ken now?" He asks. Acerola beams.

"Yep, isn't he amazing?" She replies. Ken blushes. 

"You two are dating?" A voice says sadly. We turn to see Wakiya standing behind Shu. He has tears in his eyes as he looks at their hands. He then turns and runs out the back door. 

"Wakiya. . ." Acerola whispers. 

"I'll go and talk to him," I say. Lana nods at me as I let go of her hand and run after him. I see him exiting the gate. I hear him crying. I walk over to him and we sit in the grass. 

"Are you here to make fun of me running off like that?" He asks.

"Of course not. You're my best friend and I wanted to make sure that you're okay," I reply. Tears roll down his cheeks. 

"If I never would've been so mean to Acerola, maybe we'd still be dating. But I blew it. And now it's too late because she's with Ken," He cries. I pat him on the back. 

"It's okay, Wakiya. I'm sure there's someone out there for you," I tell him. He looks up at me and smiles. 

"Thanks, Daigo," He says. I nod and smile back. I stay there for about an hour comforting Wakiya until he finally stops crying. 

"C'mon, let's go inside," I say to him. He nods and we stand up. We then make our way inside and into the living room. Wakiya's eyes are red, so it's obvious that he was crying. Wakiya takes a deep breath and walks over to Acerola and Ken. 

"I'm really sorry about all of the mean things that I said. I hope that we can still be friends," He says.   

"It's okay, Wakiya. I forgive you," Acerola replies. 

"Yeah, you were kinda mean," Keru starts.

"But you're forgiven," Besu finishes. Wakiya smiles. 

"Thank you so very much," He replies happily. I grab Lana's hand and we walk into the backyard. 

"I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend much time together today," I tell her.

"Are you joking? I was so happy to see Ken and Acerola and Wakiya make up and become friends again," She says. I smile and pull her in for a kiss. It lasts about 30 seconds before rain begins to come down. Within another 30 seconds, it's pouring. We run to the house while laughing. 

"C'mon, you can spend the night because of the storm," I urge her. She nods and texts her family to tell them. After they agree, I lead her to my room where I give her an oversized T-shirt. 

"You can stay in here and I'll go sleep on the couch," I tell her. She smiles and thanks me before I exit the room and head to the couch. I notice Ken sleeping on the floor since Acerola is staying in his bed. I slowly and quietly make my way over Ken and onto the couch before closing my eyes and going to sleep. 

A/N- I'm sorry that this chapter was bad, but I didn't know what to write about. Since this chapter was really short, I'll try to make the next one longer. Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and comment if you have ideas for future chapters. Thanks so much for reading! 


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