Chapter 58

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"Let's battle," Red Eye demands, "Legend Spryzen and I will destroy you." Lui pulls his Beyblade out of his pocket and walks up to the stadium.

"Meet Nightmare Luinor," Lui says, smirking.

They both take their places.

"3...2...1...Let it rip!"

Valt's POV

Spryzen circles around the stadium, a little bit away from the center. Lui smirks as Luinor begins spinning around Spryzen. 

"Don't hold back, Luinor! Attack!" Lui yells, placing an arm out in front of him. Red Eye yells out and his eyes glow,

"Spryzen!" The two beys collide and seem to be at even strength. Then, Spryzen pushes harder and Luinor is sent flying. Lui catches it in his hand with a frown. He glares at Red Eye, who grabs Spryzen and places it into his launcher. Lui laughs evilly and says,

"Gotta hand it to you. That was a good round for you. But now it's time to get serious." Lui places Luinor in his launcher and then the countdown begins. Lui makes a circle with his hand and says, "Nightmare Boost."

"Let it rip!" The two bladers exclaim in unison. Spryzen zooms around the stadium, but Lui laughs. 

"You can't escape Luinor!" Lui yells while Luinor heads towards Spryzen. "Dragon Crash!"

"Spryzen! Ultra Counter Break!" Shu yells back. The beys once again collide and seem to be even. Then, they break apart and spin once around the stadium before heading towards each other again. 

"Luinor!" Lui yells. Luinor rushes at Spryzen and hits it hard. A huge gust of wind comes from the impact. Spryzen is sent flying and Red Eye's mask breaks in half. Spryzen bursts and the two halves of the mask fall onto the ground. Lui laughs again as he picks up Luinor and walks back over to us. I look over at Shu and see a tear run down his face. 

"I'm still not strong enough," Shu says. I take a step towards him and he looks up at me as I continue to approach him. I stop about two feet away from him.

"Shu?" I ask. He stands up and looks down at me. 

"I told you before. He's gone," he tells me. I shake my head, seeing Shu's eyes and not the cold eyes that belonged to Red Eye. 

"You've been a part of Red Eye this whole time. You were hiding your feelings, giving up everything that you were in order to become a better Pokemon trainer and a better blader. But Red Eye wasn't the real you. This is you, Shu. You're Shu Kurenai, an amazing blader and an even better friend. And you're the love of my life. This is who you really are," I tell him. Tears begin to stream down his face. I stand up as tall as I can and kiss Shu on the lips. Seconds later, he begins to kiss back. We pull apart, tears on my face now as well. Shu hugs me and I hold him tight, not wanting to let go. After a few minutes, he lets go of me and stands up, facing Faba.

"I'm battling you. If I win, you'll give back their Pokemon, including Type: Null. And then we're leaving this place," Shu says confidently. Faba chuckles.

"You know, you were better when you were working with us. Now you're just a little brat. You think that you can defeat me? You're just a child," Faba says, "But, I'll take on this little bet of yours. There's no way that you can win." Faba presses the same button that Red Eye did before and the Beyblade stadium disappears, replaced by the floor that was there before. Shu pulls out a Masterball and Faba sends out his Hypno. 

"I'm saving my friends and their Pokemon," Shu says, releasing his Pokemon. Gasps can be heard all around because of the black, white, yellow, and orange Pokemon. 

"Tapu Koko?! Are you kidding me?!" Faba exclaims. Shu smirks as he commands Tapu Koko to use a move. The ground around them becomes covered in electricity. 

"That's Electric Terrain," Mallow says from beside me. I turn my attention back to the battle. By using electric-type moves over and over again, Shu manages to defeat four of the five Pokemon that Faba has. Faba grabs his last Pokeball from his lab coat and he sends it out. Tapu Koko had taken some damage and needed to be taken care of. Shu pulls out a hyper potion and uses it on Tapu Koko. Faba curses under his breath and frantically commands his Slowbro to use a move. However, Tapu Koko ends the battle with a few more electric-type moves. 

After Faba has to call back his last Pokemon, he scoffs and Tapu Koko flies over to him and grabs the bag of Pokeballs from behind him. Tapu Koko brings the bag back over to Shu before Shu thanks him and puts Tapu Koko back into its Pokeball. Faba frowns while calling off his Aether Foundation employees. While they all leave, Shu releases all of the Pokemon and hands us their Pokeballs. Yungoos and Brionne run towards me and tackle me to the ground. I laugh and pet them before placing them back into their Pokeballs and putting those back onto my belt. I then walk over to Shu and grab his hand in mine. 

"Are you alright?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"I was terrible to everyone. I was terrible to you, Valt. And I can't ask you or the others to ever forgive me for this," he replies, tears streaking down his face. 

"Hey, it's okay. You've just gotta apologize. You need to tell them how sorry you are about all of this. They'll understand, Shu." I tell him, planting a quick kiss on his lips. He smiles at me and looks over at the others nervously. 

"Guys, I have something to say," Shu announces to everyone. They turn around and give Shu all of their attention. 

"Go on," I say, squeezing his hand lightly. He nods and takes a deep breath before saying,

"I can't even begin to apologize for everything I said and did to all of you. I'm so sorry for the was that I was acting. I let myself be blinded by both my loss against Gladion and me wanting to get better." Shu pauses and looks at me for reassurance. I nod at him and he smiles before continuing, "Thank you guys so much for bringing the real me back. All of you tried so hard to get me back and I appreciate the fact that you did all that you did for me." He looks over at Lui and says, "Even you, the person who gave me this scar and is always against me. You came here from back home and you showed me that shutting people out and pushing my feelings away didn't make me as strong as I thought it did. Thank you. Thank you all so much." Tears are once again streaming down Shu's face. I pull him into a hug. 

"Shu, you were mean when you were Red Eye," Honcho starts, "But of course you're forgiven." Everyone agrees with Honcho and forgives Shu. 

"You know, Kurenai. When I was told about the trouble that you were in, somehow I couldn't bring myself to leave you that way. After all, no one is better to face off against than you," Lui says. Shu chuckles at Lui and thanks him again. 

"I know that this is an important moment, but we should get Type: Null and then go help Ash. Who knows if Lusamine called in a bunch of employees for backup," Kiawe says. We all agree, so we head towards the lab to take back Type: Null. 

A/n- I don't know if this was very good at all, but there's a new chapter. Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter. I love hearing from you guys and I love reading your comments. Thanks for reading!


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