Chapter 55

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First of all, I'm so sorry that it took over a month for me to update. School and tennis had been pretty hectic and I didn't have any time to write. I really want to formally apologize, so I'm sorry. This week is my fall break, so there's time for another chapter. Here we go.

Rantaro's POV

We arrive back at our house and Wakiya opens the door for all of us. I walk past him slowly, not wanting to go inside. After he shuts the door after us, he grabs my arm. 

"Honcho, I know that it's gonna be hard, but you have to tell him," Wakiya tells me. I nod solemnly and walk over to Valt's room. After knocking softly, I go inside and see Valt lying on his bed with Ken sitting next to him. Valt jumps up and grabs my wrist before talking,

"Please tell me that you brought him back." I avoid eye contact with Valt and instead meet Ken's eyes. Ken frowns and leaves the room so that I can talk to Valt. I think that he knows what I'm going to say. 

"Valt, I'm so sorry," I say, tears in my eyes. His eyes widen and fill with tears as well. 

"You mean, you didn't bring him back?" Valt asks quietly. I open my mouth to answer, but Valt yells, "You didn't bring him back! I told you that I should have come! Maybe I could have gotten through to him!"

"Valt," I say sadly, "We're almost certain that Shu is Red Eye though. They have the same Pokemon, the same hair, the same eyes." Valt looks up at me as a tear runs down his face,

"Is there any possibility that we'll get him back?" He asks me nervously. I think back to what Red Eye said, 'Shu Kurenai as you knew him is dead'. There's no way that I can tell that to Valt. 

"Of course there is, buddy. Shu's strong, he'll come back," I reply. I feel awful for not telling him the full truth, but I can't tell him about what Red Eye said to us. 

"Thank you guys for trying. And I'm sorry that I yelled at you, Honcho," Valt answers. I nod at him and hug him quickly before leaving the room. I sigh, staring at the closed door. 

"Rantaro, I need to talk to everyone for a minute," Gladion says to me, interrupting my thoughts. I follow him into the living room, where everyone else is either sitting on the couch or on the floor. I take a seat on the floor next to Ken. We all look up at Gladion and wait for him to start talking. 

"What's this about? Hurry it up already," Wakiya says, annoyed.

"Fine," Gladion starts, "A few days before Red Eye began challenging trainers, Lillie and I received a letter in the mail. It was from Faba, the man who kidnapped Valt and then kidnapped me soon after. The letter said that life in the Alola Region was about to change for the better. Could Red Eye be who he was referring to? Are the two of them connected?"

"You mean, working together?" Acerola questions. 

"Possibly. I mean, Faba has always wanted strength. That's why they created Type: Null and why Aether Foundation does so much research on Ultra Beasts and such," Gladion answers. 

"What the heck is an Ultra Beast?" Wakiya asks. 

"Not relevant right now," Acerola replies. Wakiya frowns but doesn't argue with her.

"Well, it wouldn't be completely up to Faba, right? He's just the branch manager of Aether Foundation. If anything, it would be the president who was involved with Red Eye somehow," I say. Gladion crosses his arms,

"That would be just like her. If she had the opportunity to control someone with so much strength and come after me all at once, she'd be all over it."

"She's your mom. Can't you talk to her?" Wakiya asks.

"Are you forgetting the part where I ran away with Type: Null? I mean, the only reason that I am even at the mansion with Lillie is that Mother doesn't even sleep there anymore. She's at Aether Paradise all of the time. She never comes home," Gladion answers, a hint of anger in his voice. Wakiya crosses his arms and scoffs. 

"Listen, I think that you may be onto something here," Daigo starts, "But we need to figure out some way to get actual proof." There is silence for a minute as we all try to think of an idea. 

"Well, getting us to Aether Paradise is no big deal, it's just what comes after that. First of all, there are so many employees and researchers around that it won't be easy to get inside unnoticed. Also, there's no way that we could bring Gladion unless he finds someone to take care of Type: Null," Acerola speaks up. 

"Don't worry. I'm not letting them take Type: Null," Gladion replies sternly. 

"I really hope that this hunch of yours is wrong, but we do need to look into this," I say. Gladion nods at me. 

"What about Valt? Do we let him come with us?" Daigo asks. I glance in the direction of his room. 

"I'll go and check on him. Maybe calm him down before we mention any of this stuff to him," Ken speaks up. I smile at him as he stands up and disappears into Valt's room. Seconds later, Ken runs back out to all of us. 

"What's wrong?" Acerola asks. 

"He's gone," Ken replies, worry in his voice. I jump up immediately. 

"What? He's just gone?" I question. Ken nods and says,

"His window in his room is open. He must have climbed out of it." Gladion takes a step towards us.

"Do you think that he heard what we were saying? If he did, then we know where he'll be headed," Gladion tells us. 

"Oh no. He's going to Aether Paradise," Acerola replies, "We have to catch him before he can get there." We all agree and leave the house, looking around for Valt as we make our way to the harbor. I clench my hand into a fist. 'If only I would have told Valt the truth and we would have included him in the conversation' I think to myself. There's no way that Valt would make such a reckless decision if he heard about the risk involved. Then again, this is Shu that we're talking about. If Valt were to make a reckless decision involving anyone, then it would be him. 

Finally, we make it to the harbor and begin looking around for Valt. 

"Looking for someone?" A voice beside us asks. I follow the voice and see Faba. Next to him, Red Eye is holding onto Valt by the hood on his sweatshirt. I look behind us and see at least a dozen Aether Foundation employees. I take a deep breath and turn back to Faba. 

"You kids will be accompanying us back to Aether Paradise. Sound good?" Faba says with a grin on his face. The employees surrounding us each grab onto one of us and push us onto a boat with the Aether Foundation logo on it. Red Eye pushes Valt into the arms of one of the employees as well. 

"Don't worry, this will be lots of fun," Faba says before laughing. I feel the boat begin to move and I begin to prep myself for what will happen next. 

There you go, another chapter. I meant to publish it earlier, but I just now got the chance. I hope that you all enjoyed it. I've gotten pretty good at leaving off on cliffhangers, lol. Anyway, please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and let me know if you want to see anything in future chapters. Thank you all so much for reading!


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