Chapter 40

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Hey everyone, I have exciting news! Due to people commenting and me not wanting to stop writing, this book is going to keep going! This will not be the last chapter like I said it might. Thanks to everyone who commented to continue this story. It means a lot to me that you all read and enjoy my stories. I love you guys. With that, let's begin.

Rantaro's POV

"No, no, no, no, no! I'm late!" I yell as I grab my normal clothes and quickly put them on. I then grab my shoes and put them on as I leave my bedroom. My foot slips and I faceplant. "Oww," I complain as I stand up slowly and continue on my way. Once I reach the bathroom, I fix my hair and then bolt out of the door. After pulling out my phone, I call Mallow as I continue to run towards her dad's restaurant. She picks up after about three rings,

"Honcho? Where are you?" She asks me.

"I'm so sorry. And I wish that I had a great excuse, but I just overslept. Please forgive me," I tell her quickly, hoping that she doesn't get mad. I expect her to scold me, but I hear giggling on the other side of the line. 

"You're fine, Honcho. It's really no big deal at all," she replies while laughing lightly. I sigh with relief. 

"Aw, Marshmallow, you truly are the best girlfriend," I say. 

"What's with you and that nickname?" Mallow asks, giggling. I smile and finally stop running. Mallow is standing outside the restaurant, waiting for me. She ends the phone call and I run over to her, enveloping her in a hug. She pulls away and says,

"That's all I get for you being late?" Mallow places her hands on her hips.

"You're right, I'm sorry. How's this?" I cup Mallow's face in my hands and kiss her deeply. She blushes but kisses back just the same. After we pull apart, Mallow laughs softly,

"Much better," she replies. I smile and she laces her fingers into mine. Then, we begin walking towards Lillie's house. Lillie invited everyone over to her house to hang out today. I was supposed to go and pick up Mallow early so that we could take our time walking together, but then I slept in too late and we have to walk a bit quicker than originally expected. Still, I get to spend time with her, so it all worked out in the end anyway. 

We arrive at the front door and Mallow rings the doorbell. The door opens almost immediately. 

"Alola!" Lillie greets us. We return the phrase to her and then follow her to the lounge area in the basement of the house. I am surprised to see Gladion there, talking to Kiawe and Ken. I figure that Lillie had something to do with the fact that he's here with us. Lillie and the rest of the girls head to the next room over to play truth or dare, leaving us guys. Gladion motions to the two televisions in the basement. 

"You guys wanna play Pokemon Battle Royale 2?" He asks us. We all agree and grab controllers. Shu decides to sit this one out. After playing for a while and getting destroyed by Gladion and Wakiya, I hand my controller to Shu. 

"Hey, Shu. Take over for me while I go to the bathroom, okay?" I ask him. Shu nods and takes my controller from me. I then walk to the bathroom and happen to overhear the girls. I place my ear against the door to hear better. I know this is eavesdropping, but I'm curious as to what they're talking about.

"Your turn, Mallow," Lana says. 

"Who would you want to date if you weren't dating Rantaro?" Acerola asks. I tense up at the question and concentrate on what they're saying. 

"Well, if Rantaro was out of the picture, then probably. . ." I wait in suspense for her answer.

"Shu," she states. I form fists with my hands and take a deep breath. 'Shu' I say to myself angrily. I turn and walk into the other room to tell the others that I am leaving. Gladion tells me goodbye and Valt asks if I'm okay.

"I'm fine, Valt," I say calmly to him. Shu goes to place a hand on my shoulder and I move out of the way quickly. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Shu asks me. I grit my teeth and reply,

"Just leave me alone." After that, I make my way up the stairs and exit the mansion. Then, I walk home, thinking about Mallow and Shu. Would Mallow be happier with Shu than she is with me? I groan and form fists with my hands again. 

As soon as I make it home, I head to my room and lie down on my bed. My phone goes off and I see that it's Mallow. Sighing, I open the text.

Mallow <3: You alright?

I place my hands over my eyes and decide not to reply. My phone goes off several more times, but I don't even bother checking the messages. I then mute the text tones on my phone, not feeling like talking to anyone. 

Minutes later, the doorbell rings several times in a row. After about seven rings, I hear the door being opened. And then, as expected, the door to my room is opened and I see Mallow standing in the doorway.

"Honcho, what the heck are you thinking not texting me back?!? I was so worried about you," Mallow tells me. I can hear the pain in her voice, but I try to ignore it.

"Why don't you go and worry about someone else? Shu maybe," I tell her with anger in my voice. 

"What are you talking about?" She questions. 

"I heard you when you and the other girls were playing truth or dare," I reply accusingly. 

"You're joking, right? That was a game. And I think you're forgetting about the end of the question. You know, the part that said, if I wasn't dating you. I love you and I don't have any feelings for Shu in that way," she defends. I stare at her silently. 

"You can't be serious. Are you actually mad at me?" she asks. I stay silent and she shakes her head. "Fine. If you don't trust me, maybe we should break up." I don't even miss a beat,

"Maybe we should," I say coldly. I look into Mallow's eyes and see tears building up in them. She turns and storms out of my room. Then, I hear the front door slam shut.

A/N- I feel bad for writing this. Anyways, that's all for this chapter. Vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and let me know if you have anything that you'd like to see in this story in the future. Thanks for reading!


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