Chapter 33-Christmas Special

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I decided to do a Christmas special since Christmas is in two days. I'm super excited for Christmas and excited to write this chapter because I love Christmas so much! Here we go.

Hau's POV

I jump out of bed and run to my grandpa's room.

"Grandpa! It's Christmas!" I yell. He opens his eyes and squints at me in the dark.

"Hau?" He asks.

"C'mon and get up already. It's Christmas!" I exclaim. He chuckles and gets out of bed. After putting on his slippers, he follows me to the kitchen. I make some Malasadas for us and grab some fresh fruit to go along with them. After eating breakfast, we begin to open presents. I pick up my present to him and hand it to him eagerly. He laughs and gives me a present from him. I beam and rip off the wrapping paper, eager to get the gift open. I take the lid off of the box and smile.

"Do you like it?" Grandpa Hala asks me. I pull my new backpack out of the box and place it on my back.

"I love it!" I exclaim. After opening all of the presents, I look at the clock.

"Go ahead. Go to your girlfriend's house already," Grandpa tells me. I smile and run to my room. After placing all of my stuff, including Lillie's gift, into my backpack, I run out of the front door. I then begin the walk to Lillie's house. Once I get there, I knock on the front door and then wait patiently for someone to open it for me. The door opens to reveal Lillie standing there. She is wearing a dress similar to her normal one, but the dress is covered with snowflakes. Her Vulpix is standing behind her.

"Come on in," Lillie tells me with a smile. I look at her dress.

"You look beautiful," I say. Lille's face turns red.

"T-Thanks," she replies. I look down at my Christmas sweater.

"Am I underdressed?" I ask her. She giggles.

"No. I'm sure that the others won't be too dressed up, so you're fine. Anyway, do you want to help me finish setting up for the party?" Lillie replies. I nod and follow her into the living room, where we'll be having the party with all of our friends. She hands me some decorations and tells me to hang them around the room while she goes and checks on the food. I hang the different decorations on the walls and then wait for her to come back. When she returns, she looks around the room and smiles.

"Did I do okay?" I ask nervously.

"You did a great job, Hau!" She exclaims. I smile and help her carry the food into the dining room and onto the table. The doorbell rings and Lillie and I rush to go and answer it. Kiawe, Lana, and Mallow are waiting outside.

"Merry Christmas, you two," Mallow greets. Lillie invites them inside and then leads them to the living room so that we can wait for the others. A few minutes later, someone else rings the doorbell. I open it to see Valt, Shu, Ken, Daigo, Rantaro, Wakiya, and Acerola.

"Alola!" I exclaim. Valt follows suit, being almost as enthusiastic as I was. I smile at him and show all of them to the living room. Lillie jumps up and hugs Acerola. She then says to everyone,

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone chimes in saying it back to her and then she leads us into the dining room, where we all sit down at the table. I notice Lillie looking at the one empty chair at the table, where Gladion would sit. I squeeze her hand underneath of the table and she smiles at me. All of us begin eating the food. Valt, Rantaro, and I eat a lot of it on our own. After eating, I turn to Lillie and thank her for the food.

"It was so good!" Mallow exclaims.

"Thank you. My maid prepared it for us," Lillie replies. She gets up and leaves the room. Then, she returns with a platter full of Malasadas. I stare at the platter as she places it on the table.

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